Princess Against the World

Chapter 7545 He is indeed a handsome man-4

"Misunderstanding?" Feng Chenglin was unhappy: "I'm like this... I've lost weight due to hunger. Mr. Lu, you just said it's a misunderstanding?"

Ling Luoyu: "..."

Almost done!

Even if you don't eat or drink for three days, you won't lose any fat.

Lu Ming was very cooperative and said decisively: "Don't worry, you two, I will get to the bottom of this matter and I will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation!"

Feng Chenglin chuckled disdainfully: "An explanation? A satisfactory explanation... What you call a satisfactory explanation is just to grab two people and chop their heads off with two clicks. What else can you do?" "

After all, he is the scapegoat.

The culprit of the whole thing will never be punished in the slightest.

"There's no need to do it as a formality. Anyway, I've already suffered the loss. Even killing them will not help. Why don't we talk about something practical..."

He gestured and raised his eyebrows.

"Young Master Lu should understand this compensation, right?"

Lu Ming: "..."

Even a fool can understand this universal "asking for money" gesture.

But for him now, it doesn't matter if he doesn't have money to solve it.

Then he snapped his fingers and ordered someone to bring a box of gold and silver jewelry.

"Is this it possible?"

Feng Chenglin pulled it briefly and roughly, curled his lips, and said with disdain: "Just force it!"

However, that dark and refreshing look did not escape Ling Luoyu's eyes.

She said with bright eyes: "...You guys have always regarded money as dirt. Why are you so philistine today?"

Feng Chenglin said seriously: "During the period of being locked up in the dungeon, I thought carefully about it. Our affairs are about to be over. By then, we will each go back to our homes and find our respective mothers... I, a grown man, No matter what, you have to return home in fine clothes, right?"

Ling Luoyu's face looked a little ugly: "... Fatty, what do you mean? Do you think I will still lack the business jewelry you need to return home in glory?"

Feng Chenglin's movements paused.

in silence.

Lu Ming keenly caught the turmoil in his eyes, but pretended not to know anything and just looked at them quietly with a look in his eyes.

Finally, Feng Chenglin put down the gold and silver jewelry in his hands and closed the lid of the box.

When he turned his head, there was a smile on his face, as if the turmoil just now had never happened at all.

"Third Young Master, look at what you said. How bad is it to make the friendship between us two brothers so public?"

Ling Luoyu bit his lip: "Am I seeing someone else? Feng Chenglin, it seems that the person who slapped me in the face is you, right?"

Feng Chenglin immediately licked his lips and his eyes became a little unhappy: "Third Young Master, when did I slap you in the face?"

Ling Luoyu pointed to the box: "What do you mean by asking for these things in front of me? Are you saying that I lack these things from you on weekdays?"

Feng Chenglin looked at Lu Ming quietly.

The expression on his face was obviously unbearable.

"Third Young Master, although we have always said that what is yours is mine, and what is mine is yours, but... there is an old saying that it is better to own something than anyone else, especially treasures such as gold, silver and jewelry. If you put some in your pocket, wouldn’t that give you confidence?”

He rubbed his nose, looked away, half-smiling.

"Besides, after all, I am also a big man. It is not a problem to always ask for money from a girl like you. So, if there is a chance to make some extra money, why not Take advantage of it?"

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