Princess Against the World

Chapter 7558 He is indeed a handsome man-17

His smile suddenly faded, he turned around and looked at the man with cold eyes: "This is..."

Mr. Tang sat down at the table: "He is the son of an acquaintance of mine, his name is An Yi..."

Before he could finish speaking, An Yi immediately stood up and bowed respectfully to Ling Luoyu.

"I've met Miss Ling."

Ling Luoyu raised her eyebrows slightly: "Do you know who I am?"

An Yi smiled brightly: "Of course I know. Speaking of which, I'm going to call you sister-in-law!"

Ling Luoyu looked at Mr. Tang.

Mr. Tang frowned: "Speak carefully!"

An Yi looked serious: "I know that you have never recognized me as your disciple, but in my heart, you are already the master. Since you are my master, then Mo Xuanchen is my senior brother and his wife, isn't it? Is she my sister-in-law?!"

Mr. Tang gritted his teeth, a little helpless and a little impatient: "I have told you a long time ago, I will not accept you as my apprentice!"

An Yi continued to laugh: "Master, whether you accept me as your disciple or not is your business, but whether you accept you as my master or not is my business. I like to call you master, you are happy Just promise when you’re happy, and don’t talk to me when you’re unhappy!”

Ling Luoyu looked at An Yi with more playful eyes: ...This guy has a very high emotional intelligence.

If it had been anyone else, and he had been pestering Mr. Tang so shamelessly, he would have slapped him so hard that he would have been slapped into the ground, unable to dig it out.

But this kid can still be leisurely and content, sitting here and talking nonsense, which shows that Mr. Tang doesn't dislike him from the bottom of his heart.

But since you don't exclude him, why not accept him as a disciple?

Mr. Tang rubbed his brows with a look of helplessness on his face: "You go out first, I have something to tell Miss Ling. Stay at the door and don't let anyone in!"

An Yi stood up immediately and said respectfully: "Master, don't worry, I will be guarding the door and I will make sure not a single mosquito is let in!"

He turned to leave, but Mr. Tang solemnly warned from behind: "Remember, you are not allowed to eavesdrop!"

An Yi made a gesture: "Master, don't worry, my apprentice has taken note of your words!"

Smiling at Ling Luoyu, he exited the door.

Ling Luoyu's bright eyes said: "This guy is quite interesting and he looks smart. He is a very suitable disciple. Why should Mr. Tang refuse?"

Mr. Tang looked meaningfully in the direction of the door: "This is a long-lasting fierce battle. Whether we can survive is still unknown. My old bones don't matter, but why drag a young life to follow me?" Come to the funeral?"

Ling Luoyu fell silent for a moment.

Mr. Tang sighed: "Now that things have developed to this point, we are ready to take action. As for those who have not entered the bureau, let them settle down on their own!"

Ling Luoyu narrowed his eyes: "Are we all going to die?"

Mr. Tang shook his head: "I don't know, maybe..."

Ling Luoyu became even more sad: "With your strength, Mr. Tang, you are still unable to protect yourself, so how can we people live in peace and contentment? Wouldn't it be more likely that we will die without a burial place?"

Mr. Tang sighed heavily again, feeling very sad: "So, while you are still alive and can enjoy it, you should seize the time to enjoy it!"

Ling Luoyu glanced sideways: "Sir... seems to be a little regretful now?! Could it be that he regrets getting involved in our muddy waters?"

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