Princess Against the World

Chapter 756 Disturbing the two of you

At that moment, Ling Yunfeng's heart seemed to be stabbed by a knife, and he trembled from the pain, and suddenly squeezed her throat tightly.

"Where is that head?!"

"Ahem..." Qian Yingluo coughed from being pinched, her face turning purple.

Ling Yunfeng just realized that he was using too much force, he suddenly withdrew his hand and let her go.

"As long as you cooperate well and be obedient, I won't hurt you!"

Qian Yingluo raised her eyes slightly, her eyes slightly resentful.

"Marshal Ling, you have saved my life, I will not harm you!!"


For Ling Luoyu, sneaking into the Imperial Temple was a piece of cake.

However, it is somewhat difficult to find an appropriate target.

Now she is a man.

With her stunning beauty, not to mention hooking up with a girl, even if she is hooking up with a group, it is definitely not a problem.

But the key question is, who among these girls would know where Mao Zhi's head is? !

Ask them where they sell rouge gouache and it's almost the same!

Just as her egg was hurting, she suddenly felt a familiar coercion, awe-inspiring in the air.

Ling Luoyu turned her head in horror: "Father!?"

Damn it! !

This is really nowhere to be found, and it takes no effort to get it!

Father Ling Yunfeng was actually attacking her, and he was still very close to her.

Ling Luoyu was suddenly elated, and hurriedly followed the coercion to find it.

On the side of the rockery, she released her consciousness and swept deep into the gap.

Sure enough, Ling Yunfeng's figure was definitely in sight.

But in this cave, there is another girl.

From the point of view of spirituality, the two seem to be quite close, standing opposite each other quite ambiguously.

"Ahem..." She coughed suddenly.

Ling Yunfeng tensed all over, dodging to one side.

Qian Yingluo raised her hand suddenly, signaling him not to move.


Ling Luoyu suppressed a smile: "Well... I want to disturb you two..."

She doesn't want to disturb the conscience of heaven and earth.

But after finally finding her father, she can't let go, right? !

Mo Xuanchen managed to deliver his news to her, if she lost it again, it would not be worth the loss.

When Ling Yunfeng heard Ling Luoyu's voice, his breathing suddenly trembled.


Qian Yingluo's eyes flashed: "You guys know each other!?"

Ling Yunfeng didn't speak, but looked up.

At the entrance of the cave, Ling Luoyu was as bright as a peach blossom, smiling leisurely.


father! ?

Qian Yingluo gasped, and something in her heart shattered instantly.

"Yu'er?!" Ling Yunfeng's face turned pale and pale: "Why are you here?!"

Ling Luoyu took a cautious look around and made sure that there was no one there, so she dodged and squeezed in.

"Of course I'm looking for you..."

She sneaked in, and looked at Qian Yingluo with evil eyes.

"That... didn't bother you, did it?!"

Qian Yingluo's cheeks turned pink in an instant, and she lowered her eyes silently, "No...that, you guys talk, I'll go out..."


Ling Yunfeng's wrist sank, and a long sword was thrown out instantly, blocking Qian Yingluo's way.

"You can't go anywhere! You must stay with me until we leave safely!"

Qian Yingluo's pink cheeks were even redder, she stood there coyly, even her eyes were smiling.

The corners of Ling Luoyu's mouth twitched, and he looked at the indifferent father.

"Father, your really good!!"

It is estimated that other than his own father, any fool can see that this girl actually wants to be with her father more.

"That...Father, are you here for the matter of Qiu Entang?!"

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