Princess Against the World

Chapter 7569 Everyone is a distinguished guest-8

Lu Ming's expression changed slightly: "Brother Mo Lin..."

It's one thing to quarrel and one thing to fight, but it's another thing to fight where you have to sign a life and death certificate.

Once a life and death certificate is signed, both parties are destined to live and die, and wealth is in the sky.

Whether they live or die, it all depends on their own ability and luck.

"You two, things haven't reached that point yet, right? We are all our own people after all?! The most important thing now is to be consistent with the outside world. Why do we, our own people, need to fight among ourselves and sign a life and death certificate?"

Feng Chenglin still said the same thing: "Whatever move he makes, I will take it. If I don't take it, am I still a man?"

Look at what this means. He completely put the blame on Mo Lin - he was the one who wanted to be beaten, not me. I was just forced to defend myself. I couldn't allow others to hit me. I still stuck my head out to let others go. let's hit? Is that still a man?

Lu Ming looked at Mo Lin helplessly and shook his head calmly: "The overall situation is the most important thing, the overall situation is the most important thing!"

Mo Lin is now chasing ducks on the shelf, but not on the way up, and coming down is even more difficult.

He also wants a step to go down, but who will give him this step?

His balls hurt, he gritted his teeth, and his facial features became ferocious: "Master Lu Ming, I also know that the overall situation should be the most important thing at this time, but..."

"Don't be but, don't be but, we haven't reached that time yet..." Lu Ming clapped his hands quickly: "Let's sit down and have a good chat. There is really no need to fight!"

Mo Lin remained silent and didn't speak, just glanced at Feng Chenglin.

Just as Feng Chenglin was about to continue lowering the bar, Ling Luoyu's voice came to his ears: "Damn Fatty, it's almost over. These guys are definitely going to have a good fight, but not now!"

Feng Chenglin took the opportunity to hit him and laughed: "I told you, I am not the kind of person who is afraid of trouble, but I will not take the initiative to stir up trouble. If someone doesn't hit me, I will sit down with him and we will drink and chat. , if you have something to say!"

"Yes, yes, it would be great to sit down, drink, chat, and discuss matters!"

Lu Ming took the opportunity to clapped his hands and signaled the dancers who were ready to come up and perform songs and dances.

"Both of you, you are so angry. We have to get rid of this evil fire. You see, I have many beautiful little beauties here. Each one of them is carefully trained by me. Not only are they superb in dancing, they are also waiting for you. On the human side, I have even more unique insights..."

He showed a man's unique smile and raised his eyebrows at Feng Chenglin and Mo Lin.

"You two both like each other and like it, so feel free to take it back..."

Feng Chenglin rolled his eyes and took a sip of wine: "With such beauty, can you call it stunning? Mr. Lu, didn't I tell you, don't you have anyone who is a little prettier here?"

Before Lu Ming could speak, Mo Lin sneered: "The frog in the well!"

"What did you say?" Feng Chenglin slammed the table and jumped up: "Who do you think is the frog in the well?"

Mo Linli didn't pay attention to it. He was still drinking by himself: "Who am I talking about? Who knows it well? There are so many beautiful girls, but they still say that they don't like one. I don't know because they have never seen the world and are timid." Well, let’s just say... If you have more ambition but less strength, you are not good enough!"

Men, what they fear most is being laughed at.

Feng Chenglin kicked the table over: "You guys, have you not studied for a few days? Is this how frogs in the well are used?"

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