Princess Against the World

Chapter 7571 Everyone is a distinguished guest-10

Ling Luoyu was right!

When Lu Ming proposed to reward those girls, he was planning a retreat.

In his heart, he definitely didn't want to feel sorry for Hao Qingyou, but he couldn't refuse openly.

Because Merlin was sitting there.

If he refuses, he will definitely be criticized by this guy again, making fun of himself for not being a man and making fun of him for not being able to do it.

So, rather than being caught by the opponent, it is better to break up and let no one play!

Although this trick is a bit underhanded, it is still impossible.

Mo Lin remained silent, but it could be seen from his expression that he was very unhappy.

Feng Chenglin seemed to see what he was thinking, and raised his eyebrows thoughtfully: "Of course, the words I just said just represent my personal meaning, and do not mean that this young master of the Mo family If you have a favorite dancer, feel free to..."

Lu Ming immediately looked at Mo Lin: "Brother Mo?"

Mo Lin's expression was wonderful: ...What can he say now?

What can I say now! ?

Feng Chenglin has given up on such a charming dancer. If he calls her a dancer now, wouldn't he tell others that he is a vulgar man obsessed with lust?

In fact, in front of Feng Chenglin, he must not lose his face. He smiled coldly and sat there with his head held high, very arrogant.

"Master Lu, let's talk about everything slowly now. After we have discussed the overall situation, we can talk about the love between sons and daughters!"

"Yes, this is a man!" Feng Chenglin laughed and clapped his hands: "For us powerful men, women will only affect the speed of drawing our swords!"

Mo Lin: "..."

Lu Ming: "..."

Feng Chenglin pretended to be cool and shook his hair: "Look at me, I won't waste my energy on those things! A good man has his ambitions in all directions, and he focuses on his career. Okay, where do we start now? How about starting?"

Lu Ming coughed and was about to speak when Mo Lin said coldly: "Things have priorities. We have to solve the most important thing now!"

Feng Chenglin was very good-tempered: "You say it!"

Mo Lin glanced at Lu Ming: "I think the top priority is the Divine Lord... He has been missing for too long, and there is no news at all. Although the world is dominated by him in name, it is actually in chaos. A pot of porridge, if no one comes out to take charge of the overall situation, I'm afraid it will be even more turbulent!"

Feng Chenglin stopped joking and straightened his posture: "Although I don't like you very much, what you said is exactly what I think. Now, we should really find a leader. Come and take charge of the overall situation..."

Lu Ming lowered his head thoughtfully, raised an arc, and said with a hint of a smile: "Then, who do you think is the most suitable person to preside over this overall situation?"

Before Feng Chenglin could speak, Mo Lin immediately stood up: "Of course it's our Mo family!"

Lu Ming was silent and didn't answer, but he didn't look at him either.

Judging from his appearance, he seemed to have some objections to his words.

Feng Chenglin said calmly: "The Mo family... indeed has some talents!!"

His answer seemed to be something Mo Lin had not expected, and he looked at him in surprise.

"You, do you think so too?"


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