Ling Yunfeng stood there in a daze, waited until Ling Luoyu's figure disappeared, and then looked at the clothes in his hand.

"This kid... what are you talking about!?"

Outside the gap, Qian Yingluo stood there awkwardly, stirring the corners of her clothes with her hands.

Ling Luoyu stood beside her leisurely, quite angry.

"Girl, may I ask how old is Fang?!"

Qian Yingluo didn't have a good impression of her, but because of Ling Yunfeng's blood, she could only give her a disgusted look.

"Young master, please respect yourself!"

"Oh..." The smirk on Ling Luoyu's lips became heavier, and he thought he was very chic and shook his head: "This young master is not self-respecting!"

Qian Yingluo rolled her eyes, she didn't bother to pay attention to her, and stared at the gap.

In the gap, Ling Yunfeng wore a crescent-white long gown, and his messy hair came out.

The long hair covered his face, making the beard on his face more masculine.

Qian Yingluo glanced away, she seemed to be in a bad mood, her breath was short of breath, her cheeks were pink, she stood shyly sideways, she wanted to look but didn't dare to take a sneak peek.

However, Ling Yunfeng didn't notice anything wrong with her, but straightened his clothes rather awkwardly.

"Yu'er, where did you get the clothes? At my age, won't it be too eye-catching to wear such a color?!"

For the convenience of easy packing, clothes of different sizes and styles are stored in Chaos and Quiet.

While turning her fingertips, Ling Luoyu had an extra black jade hairpin in her hand.

"Father, this is a blind date meeting for the royal family. If you dress sloppily, how can we mess around?! Come, sit down, and I will help you tie your hair!"

Ling Yunfeng thought about it too, and immediately found a place to sit down.

"By the way, how do you know I'm here?"

Ling Luoyu couldn't help but pause for a while with her hair tied up: "It's Xuan Chen who left me a message!"

"He's here too?!"

Ling Luoyu was surprised in his heart: "Father, you don't know?"

Ling Yunfeng was even more confused: "How would I know? I came here after I said goodbye to you. I thought I was looking for the whereabouts of Xiyan's mother and son, but there was no trace... Later, I thought about it. Once you’re here, you can’t return empty-handed, so you want to take Mao Xi’s head back so that he can truly return to his roots!”

He seemed to remember something, and frowned.

"Xuanchen, where is he? Why isn't he with you?!"

"I want to know where he is too!"

Ling Luoyu tied her hair in a bun, and put the hairpin on.

"But I don't know what's going on. He seems to avoid me. It's your news, and he gave it to me through someone else..."

Ling Yunfeng heard the disappointment in Ling Luoyu's words, and immediately grabbed her hand, and put it gently in his palm.

"Yu'er, Daddy absolutely believes in Xuan Chen's character! He will never empathize with someone else!! He is avoiding you now, there must be a reason! I think, he may have his own pressure. It’s a last resort, so I can’t come to see you in person..."

"Father, where are you thinking? I also absolutely trust him! It's just that I'm a little angry that he doesn't tell me anything!"

Ling Yunfeng smiled meaningfully and shook his head: "Yu'er, you haven't set foot in Mo Xuanchen's world yet. When you set foot in his world, you will find that no matter how powerful he is, so powerful that he can cover the sky with one hand, there will still be Too much helplessness!"

Ling Luoyu squatted down in front of him, staring up at him with burning eyes, looking into his eyes.

"Father... do you know something about Xuanchen?!"

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