Princess Against the World

Chapter 7588 Cannibal Temple-7

Zhao Xi immediately added in a low voice: "Not a man!"

Li Dong glanced at him: "Is there any difference between not being a man and not being alive?"

"Of course there is a difference... You are not a man, aren't you talking about the beautiful girl in it? I am talking about the macro experience, knowledge, vision... You are too narrow-minded!"

"Hey, I have never realized that your kid's life pattern is so big..."

"That's your frog in the well..."

"If you don't do it, then why are you standing here like me now? You should have experienced life by yourself earlier..."

"What the hell are you..."

Seeing that the two people were about to fight again, Feng Chenglin clapped his hands.

"I'm telling you, brothers, since you said it's my treat, you can order whatever you like. You can go wherever you want. It's just a restaurant for dinner. There's no need for us to have such a quarrel, right? "

"A quarrel hurts the peace. Even if you wait a while and drink, I'm afraid it won't warm your heart. Why bother?"

"We are all brothers, and harmony is the most important thing!"


He thought to himself while holding the two of them towards the Qin family castle.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he reached the door, he was stopped by two doormen.

"Walk around, don't look at anything, don't look at yourself, can you enter here?"

"You don't have any eyes, is this a place to beg for food?"

"Go away, hurry up and get out, don't force me to do it!"

"If you don't get out, your teeth may be knocked out!"


The three of them, Feng Chenglin, were all dressed in sloppy beggar attire. At a quick glance, they were three beggars. How could they have the status to enter the Qin family's castle? !

Feng Chenglin was speechless for a moment: ...I wore it too well and was expelled from the Great God Temple.

He was dressed too badly and was driven away again! !

Did he go out without reading the almanac today? ?

Why did you get into all this trouble! ?

Just when I was about to get mad, I suddenly heard someone chuckle: "Hey, isn't this Master Feng? Why are you standing here?"

While talking, a man in a gorgeous robe walked out of the Qin family's castle leisurely. He was covered in gold and jade jewelry, and in his right hand he was turning two agate stones as big as eggs, which were as big as one of hers. It's almost impossible to hold it with your hands.

"Brother Ling, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect to see you here. It's a pleasure to meet you..." Feng Chenglin laughed exaggeratedly and opened his arms to greet Ling Luoyu warmly.

Ling Luoyu also cooperated and shook hands with him without any objection. He was extremely cordial and chatted and laughed happily.

The two janitors couldn't help but look at each other, their eyes full of strange colors.

Who would have thought that a beggar could meet such a wealthy and powerful boss.

For a moment, he didn't dare to neglect Feng Chenglin and walked over with a smile on his face.

"You two... know each other?"

"Of course we know each other, my good brother, the kind of life and death!" Feng Chenglin salivated and smiled: "Brother Ling, do you think so?"

"That's for sure. We met today, so we have to have a good drink. Come on, I'll treat you. Invite me upstairs!"

With that said, Ling Luoyu was about to pull Feng Chenglin upstairs.

"Two, two, this..." The two boys stopped him quickly.

The mission of the two of them is to prevent these people who affect appetite from entering the restaurant.

But with Ling Luoyu's status, he seemed to be rich or noble, and he was very wealthy. They didn't dare to offend him, so they could only be careful to laugh with him.

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