Princess Against the World

Chapter 7591 The Man-eating Temple-10

Ling Luoyu smiled lightly: "What do you want them to say?"

"Of course it's fun, mysterious, interesting, puzzling, and hard to figure out... For example, by the way, you just said that the Great God Temple cannibalizes people... Well, I'm more interested in this topic, how about it? , let them both talk and listen?"

Feng Chenglin calmly brought the topic to the Great God Temple, while Ling Luo Yuyun waved his hand calmly.

"I don't care, as long as you are happy, I just don't know if these two are happy, do you want to tell me?!"

"Happy, happy, we are happy!" Zhao Xi and Li Dong had no right to be unhappy now, so they nodded in agreement.

It's just that they both really don't understand what's there to say about a broken temple.

"Two of you, this theory of cannibalism in the Great Temple is just a random guess made by people when they have nothing to do. To be honest, it may be false. If you two hear it, just take it as a joke and listen to it. Forget it, don’t take it seriously.”

In view of the violent tempers of these two people, Li Dong was very sensible and said the ugly things first.

Otherwise, something weird would happen later and another slap would be slapped on them.

"Whether it's serious or not, we have the final say. You two just talk, and we just listen. As for the authenticity of this matter, it is naturally up to us to decide. What do you two worry about?"

Feng Chenglin threw Li Dong away unhappily, clapped his hands, sat down at the table, crossed his legs, grabbed the fruit plate and tea, and was eager to listen to the show.

"Come on, tell me, what kind of cannibalism does this great temple have?"

Li Dong and Zhao Xi looked at each other, not daring to neglect, and explained the general matter with each other.

"Speaking of cannibalism in this temple, it is really our guess. The root cause is... there were about seven or eight families who came here at the beginning, and each family had their families, about five or six people."

"We are all from the same village. When we beg for food, we naturally help each other out. I heard that the Daishen Temple provides alms and meals, so I temporarily stayed here."

"Everything was fine at the beginning, but then we discovered that some families disappeared while they were eating, and not just one person was missing, but the whole family was missing."

"We thought at the time that they had found a good place to live and had a good place to eat, but they were afraid that we would be a burden, so they dumped us and complained a few times, but didn't take it too seriously."

"After all, people go to higher places and water flows to lower places. If there is a place to eat, who would stay here?"

"But then we discovered something was wrong. Those who disappeared just disappeared in person, and their bedrolls and other things were left behind. We all felt creepy."

"For people like us, all our bedrolls are our entire wealth. No one would abandon their home and disappear alone, unless... this person is dead!"

"But, even if we guess that this place is very weird, in order to have a full meal and survive, we have no other way but to continue to linger here, continue to eat and wait to die!"


As the two people talked, they also discovered that Ling Luoyu and Feng Chenglin's target should be the Great God Temple.

At that moment, I also had the idea of ​​​​licking the dog, and I quickly put a flattering smile on my face.

"Brothers, if you are interested in the Great God Temple, we know a secret passage and can take you in secretly."

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