Princess Against the World

Chapter 7597 The Man-eating Temple-16

He pulled out a piece of grass and approached it carefully.

As soon as you get close to the iron tree, these white plush hairs immediately appear on the tree, like small hooks, instantly hooking the grass.

He got into the grass, got into the grass, and came out from the back.

The green grass broke with a "snap" under the adsorption of the plush hair, and after the plush little claws passed through the adsorbed grass, it withered, became smaller, and disappeared.

"...Fat man!?" Ling Luoyu's face turned ugly: "These trees...are alive!"

Feng Chenglin finally realized the seriousness of the matter: "Are these little claws, these furry little claws... eating these things? Damn it!?"

He immediately looked at his hands, and his whole body became horrified.

"Then what the hell do I mean now? A delicious dish?"

What’s more, it’s delicious food delivered to your door! !

"Don't worry..." Ling Luoyu said as he walked towards Feng Chenglin, trying to think of a solution.

"Yeah, don't worry, there's always a way!" Li Dong said as he came over.

Suddenly, he yelled "Ouch", seemed to have tripped over something, and slammed into Ling Luoyu.

The unprepared Ling Luoyu instinctively and conditionedly supported the nearest iron tree.

The next second, her hand was also stuck.

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Li Dong's expression changed drastically: "Oh, me, my God, I didn't mean it. I wanted to come up to help, but I didn't expect that my foot slipped and I hit him!"

Zhao Xi also became more and more anxious: "Why are you so careless? Isn't this? Isn't this asking for trouble? What should we do now? What should we do now?"

He was running around in circles anxiously, and Li Dong almost cried: "What else can I do? I don't know what to do? I can't, I can't cut off the flesh of the two of them, right?"

Feng Chenglin immediately waved his hand: "No, absolutely not!"

Are you kidding me? !

, those are the crises of a lifetime, they have overcome it, there is no reason for them to fall on this tree and have to hang on to a piece of skin.

"There must be a way, there must be a way. Don't worry, you two. Hey, Third Young Master, why are you still so calm? Hurry up and think of a way. Think about it quickly. Is there any way that can solve our predicament? ?”

The strange thing is that they are all anxious here, but Ling Luoyu is very calm and composed.

"Why are you panicking? As the saying goes, everything in the world is in conflict with each other, and yin and yang are in harmony. If these things are so evil, then there must be something that is in conflict with them within three steps!"

"Things that conflict with each other?"

Li Dong and Zhao Xi couldn't help but glance at each other.

"What conflicting thing?"

"Morning, go find it and find everything within three steps of it!" Feng Chenglin stamped his feet anxiously: "If there is nothing within three steps, then look for it within five steps. If you can’t find five steps, just take eight steps. If you can’t find eight steps, just take ten, fifteen or twenty steps. You can always find it!”

What are these two guys doing here?

If he keeps waiting, he will probably be eaten up by these white trees.

Zhao Xi suddenly patted Li Dong on the shoulder: "Why are you still standing there? Didn't you hear me? Hurry up and find me?"

Li Dong agreed, but... his expression was a bit subtle.

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