Princess Against the World

Chapter 762 The Regent with a Different Surname

After a pause, she suddenly looked at Ling Luoyu in surprise.

"By the way, third young master, how did you get in?! Can you take us out?!"

Ling Luoyu: "..."

It would not be impossible if Shu Xiyan's mother and son were taken out of the Primal Chaos.

But in that way, I'm afraid that there will be some gossip in the future.

They are not fat people, some things, if they know something, they will pretend not to know it.

Ling Luoyu didn't want to get involved in the unknown danger.

"... Ma'am, taking you away requires a long-term plan. I came here this time mainly to check on your location and safety! Seeing that you are all right, I am relieved..."

She turned her head around pretending not to know.

"By the way, why didn't I see brother Haotian? Where is he!?"

"You are one step late! He was called away by the regent!"

"Oh..." Ling Luoyu responded casually, and turned around: "Didn't the regent ascend the throne a few years ago and become emperor? Why is there still a regent?"

"I don't know the origin of this regent... It seems that it only appeared in the last two years! And it is also a regent with a different surname. According to Haotian, this regent is mysterious and doesn't care about things. He just occasionally looks for him Go to play chess, and ask someone to bring us some snacks and gifts..."

Ling Luoyu's thoughts were pulled back: "Prince Regent? What kind of a different surname?!"

The emperor who attacked him is quite interesting!

The brothers, nephews and nephews of my own blood were all bloody massacred, killed and cut, and the six relatives did not recognize them.

Now, a regent king has been appointed in a good manner, and he has a different surname!

Isn't he afraid that the Prince Regent will follow in his footsteps and try to usurp the throne and change the dynasty? !

"That's right, no one knows what the regent's surname is! I heard from the little eunuchs who delivered the food that the regent seems to be away from the palace often, and it's just these days that he came back suddenly... He is criticizing, It’s just a false name, and I don’t care about the affairs of the court! Except for occasionally playing chess with Hao, I just read books, and I heard that I don’t even go out of the palace... Until now, no one knows what he looks like!"

"I don't know what he looks like?!"

"That's right, he wears a golden mask all day long, and looks mysterious. There is only one man serving him, and no one in the palace..."

Ling Luoyu's heart trembled inexplicably: "Golden mask?!"

In this way, it is somewhat similar to Mo Xuanchen.

She got up suddenly, and Shu Xiyan was so shocked that she also got up quickly.

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing... just suddenly thought of something..."

She hastily pressed Shu Xiyan and lowered her voice.

"Remember, everything is business as usual, I will come back to find you! Don't act rashly!"

Before Shu Xiyan could speak, Ling Luoyu had already turned out of the screen.

There was the sound of the door opening, followed by the guards' curses.

"What the hell is going on here? See how much wind is blowing, how did the door open?"


Shide Hall! !

Compared with the side hall where Shu Xiyan was imprisoned, the entire Shide Hall seemed deserted.

If it weren't for the lanterns on both sides that were as bright as day, Ling Luoyu would have really suspected that he had gone to the wrong place.

"Why is there no one? Not even a eunuch who is waiting for you?!"

There are no maids and eunuchs in Shu Xiyan's side hall, but there are guards guarding the gate.

It's good here, there is not even a guard!

The more the door was opened like this, the more careful Ling Luoyu had to be.

She found an eunuch's clothes to put on, took a teacup, and walked in openly.

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