Princess Against the World

Chapter 7699 The God Lord is fake-19

"It hurts very, very much. It hurts so much that you are dying, and it hurts so much that you feel that death is a kind of relief..." The Lord of God smiled darkly and miserably: "Even if you think about that kind of pain many years later, you will still feel that life is worse than death!"

"So, your face is really fake?" Feng Chenglin still found it difficult to accept this fact.

How could there be such craftsmanship in the world?

What kind of ingenuity does it take to make two people's faces look exactly the same?

Suddenly, he thought of another very gossipy thing.

"So, what did you... look like before?"

"How do I know?" The Divine Lord smiled bitterly: "Didn't I tell you? I have been the Divine Lord since I was born. The faces I see are all the Divine Lord's faces. All our children look exactly the same. Maybe, I am also like them."

It's a feeling that's hard to describe.

He lives among a group of people every day.

It's a group of people, everyone's face looks exactly like their own.

Looking at them is like seeing yourself, no need for a mirror at all.

"What about the other people?" Feng Chenglin thought of a key question again: "You are here, where are the other people? Are they dead or alive?"

"I don't know, I'm like a puppet. Every day, no matter what I eat, what I drink, or even what kind of actions I do, someone is watching me. If I make the slightest mistake, I will be punished very, very severely. , this punishment may kill you!"

Recalling those days, the Lord God suddenly had a strange look.

"In such a situation, all we think about is to save our own lives. Who has the heart to care about others?"


Looking back now, he suddenly felt very sad.

"We all look exactly the same. Looking at each other is like looking at ourselves. Logically speaking, we should care about each other like brothers, but each of our hearts, we think of ourselves!"

At this moment, he realized how selfish he was back then! !

But there is no way!

He wants to live! !

In such an environment, either he dies or someone else dies.

Any little bit of emotional investment may become your own destiny in the future.

Therefore, no one dares to show affection to others.

This creates a vicious cycle.

——If you have no feelings for others, others will naturally have no feelings for you!

"Then you are really pathetic!!" Feng Chenglin sighed and shook his head.

Lu Ming suddenly spoke: "He is pitiful? If he is pitiful, what about me? Who am I? Am I not more pitiable than him?"

Having been played by a false god for so many years.

What did you get in the end? !

"You, you're pitiful too," Feng Chenglin said, the more he felt speechless: "No, what are we doing here? Comparing ourselves with each other?"

"Isn't this the topic you brought up?" Ling Luoyu gave him a look.

"I was... forget it, forget it, let's not talk about it. You and I should continue the topic just now, talk about the Lord of God, continue to talk about the Lord of God!"

Feng Chenglin adjusted his mentality and snapped his fingers at the Lord God.

"Even if you look exactly the same, you always call each other something, right? For example, eldest brother, second brother, third or fourth brother..."

"Oh, I have this. They all call me 591..."

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