Princess Against the World

Chapter 7701 That’s a place you can’t reach-1

"And this test is not just about our cultivation, but also about our heart and the way we do things!"

God has never known a good person.

He is ruthless, brutal in his actions, has a surly personality, and his behavior is often unexpected.

You can kill people just by talking and laughing.

What would happen if such a person wanted to be his substitute?

"We are receiving training, not only in cultivation, but also in following the Lord to kill people!" The Lord looked down at his hands without any emotion: "These hands have killed too many people, and there are many of them. What you are talking about, the so-called innocent people are human beings... Newborn children, dying old people, young girls in their prime, sunshine boys, I have killed them all..."

"You, you are really..." Feng Chenglin wanted to say something to him, but found that he was really at a loss for words.

Whether it's killing or training, the whole thing is not an option for this impostor.

He just wants to live!

If you want to live as a substitute for the Lord of God, you must live like the Lord of God according to his wishes.

"Killing people, setting fires, committing all kinds of evil, this is the true face of the God Lord. Only in this way can I occupy the high position of the God Lord, and no one dares to question the authenticity of my identity!"

The Lord of God looked at them calmly and calmly, with no look of regret or guilt on his face.

"I know that you all look down on me from the bottom of your heart. It doesn't matter... In fact, fundamentally speaking, we are the same kind of people. Which of the three of you has never killed someone?"

Feng Chenglin instantly felt unhappy: "We have killed people before, but we have never killed innocent people like you!"

"Innocent people, hahaha," the Lord of God suddenly laughed: "Are you talking to me about innocent people? Okay! Then I will talk to you about what innocence means!"

His face turned pale instantly and he gritted his teeth.

"For you, if that person has not hurt you, then he is innocent, but have you ever thought that for someone else, he may be a heinous sinner!!"

Feng Chenglin opened his mouth and was a little speechless: ...That seems to be what he said!

"What does it mean to be innocent? But compared to you, only those who have never done anything sorry to you are called innocent!"

When a person does something that harms his or her personal interests, it is a case of deep hatred.

But to outsiders, he may also be innocent.

This is an irrefutable paradox.

Ling Luoyu pressed Feng Chenglin's shoulders: "We are not saints. Everyone's hands are filled with blood, and the blood is clean. So, no matter whether the people we kill are heinous or so-called innocent, what we do... It’s all sin!”

The Lord of God could not hide the surprise on his face, "What the girl said..."

"What? What I said is wrong?"

"No, no," the Lord of God hesitated, and finally smiled, "So, I like you. You are more transparent than the two of them. There are few girls in the world who have such a big heart as you, and you are also beautiful. Combined with wisdom, really, I like you from the bottom of my heart and admire you! ! "

If others heard what he said just now, they would definitely have to say something, but Ling Luoyu confirmed what he meant.

Yes, anyone with blood on their hands is a sinner.

Don’t say whoever kills the good guy is the bad guy.

It's just that person who has touched his own interests.

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