Princess Against the World

Chapter 7712 That’s a place you can’t reach-12

"What are you doing?" Ling Luoyu rolled his eyes at him: "This means that there are such clues around us, but we missed them because of our negligence. In other words, Mo Xuanchen secretly erased all these clues. , so that we didn’t find anything.”

Cold sweat started to break down Feng Chenglin's spine again: "Third Young Master, what you said is a bit scary. Could it be that the threat is actually already around us, but we didn't notice it?"

"Danger... may have always been around us, but he is here, and he has been helping us and protecting us!"

This is Mo Xuanchen.

A man who silently protected her, silently shouldered everything, but never said anything!

Mo Xuanchen has been sleeping.

Ling Luoyu didn't dare to disturb him, let alone sleep, and stayed by his side silently.

After staring blankly for an unknown amount of time, Ling Luoyu suddenly woke up when she felt someone touching her cheek.


Mo Xuanchen smiled and opened his arms, hugged her tightly, placed his lips on her smooth forehead, and kissed her affectionately.

"Long time no see, you've lost a lot of weight!"

The frail person in his arms was much thinner than he remembered.

She must not have felt much better during the days when he was gone.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Yu'er, you blame me. I didn't expect things to be like this... I made you look for me for so long and worry about me for so long!" His big hand went through the waterfall of long hair and gently stroked her hair. In the back of my head, I whispered apologetically.

"Don't say that, I'm fine, I'm fine," Ling Luoyu's bright eyes were filled with a coquettish smile: "You also know that I am a restless person by nature, even if you put me in a Even in this place, I won’t be quiet and well-behaved!”

"Third Young Master..." Feng Chenglin rushed in with a bowl of porridge, head lowered, "I just...fuck..."

When he looked up, he saw Ling Luoyu still lying on Mo Xuanchen's chest, and immediately turned around and smiled.

"I'm sorry, I forgot...that, you continue, I, I'm leaving first..."

"Stop!" Ling Luoyu quickly stopped him: "Come back!"

"Isn't this bad? As the saying goes, a long separation is better than a new marriage. You two have not changed for so long. I, I am not, it is not appropriate for me to be here..."

Before he finished speaking, Ling Luoyu had already walked up to him.

"What's this?"

Only then did Feng Chenglin remember: "Porridge, make him porridge. Look at my head, it's too hot, so I brought a bowl over..."

He hurriedly put the porridge bowl into Ling Luoyu's hands and hurried out.

"If you don't tell me, I have forgotten that the bowl of porridge is still simmering on the stove... Damn it, it will definitely boil..."

Looking at his hurried back, Mo Xuanchen couldn't help but smile.

"We haven't seen him for so long, why is he still so irritable?"

"He's always been like this, you don't know," Ling Luoyu stirred the hot porridge, blew it to cool it, and fed it into Mo Xuanchen's mouth with gentle mouthfuls.

"I have tested your body's pulse, and you are exhausted and weak. The person who can make you exhausted to this point is not an ordinary person, right? Who is it?"

Mo Xuanchen ate the porridge in silence, frowning slightly and saying nothing.

Ling Luoyu understood: "If there is something unspeakable, just pretend that I didn't say it."

Mo Xuanchen suddenly raised his eyes: "Are you angry?"

"What do you think?" Ling Luoyu narrowed his eyes and stirred the spoon, "Of course not, how could I be angry with you?!"

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