Princess Against the World

Chapter 7725 Go Home-5

"Oh," Feng Chenglin drawled out and smiled horribly: "You think it's a waste if we treat you to dinner, right?"

"...Yes, yes!" Zhuge Dali replied with his heart trembling.

I always feel that there is something in this guy's words and there is a deep meaning in his words.


"It doesn't matter. If you treat us to dinner, won't it be wasted?"

"...Huh?!" Zhuge Dali's expression became even worse: "I, I treat you to dinner?!"

What the hell is this?

He originally came here to make a fortune, but he didn't expect that he didn't get a penny from oil and water. Instead, he ended up having to treat the other party to dinner.

But the other party looks so fierce and does not want to invite him to dinner. It seems that he will not be kind today.

But if you treat me to a meal, am I spending my money unfairly? !

Just when he was struggling with how to refuse, Feng Chenglin's eyes revealed a fierce light.

"What's the matter, why are you so embarrassed? It looks like you don't want us to eat?"

Zhuge Dali first asked, "Aren't you farting?" !

Only a fool wants to treat you to dinner?

I cursed in my heart, but I didn't dare to be bold with my mouth.

"No, no, I, I think you just ate it, didn't you? Eating it again... is a waste. Why don't we just say goodbye. Next time, if I have a chance next time, I will definitely treat you to a good meal. Feast……"

"Next time?" Feng Chenglin tightened his fingers and smiled sinisterly, "Do you have a next time?"

"Yes, of course there is. The mountains are high and the rivers are long. There will always be a chance for us to meet again, right?"

Zhuge tried his best to stay with Smile and wanted to leave, but Feng Chenglin's fingers held him tightly, unable to move at all.

"Zhuge Dali, you are deliberately pretending to be confused with me, aren't you?"

"No, yes, you guys misunderstood and misunderstood what I meant..."

"Misunderstanding? Did you misunderstand what we meant?"

"...Huh? This..."

"What I mean is that you can't leave today!" Feng Chenglin came closer, his mouth was close to Zhuge Dali's ear, and he lowered his voice: "Now, do you understand what we mean?"

Zhuge Dali trembled.

How could anyone not understand such an obvious threat?

Who dares not understand?

But he has to pretend to be confused! !

"No, no, gentlemen, you, you guys, what do you mean by this? If you want to, want to eat, that's no problem, I can just treat you..."

He laughed and wanted to change the topic, but Feng Chenglin didn't give him such a chance.

The fingers suddenly exerted force and almost lifted him up: "What I mean is that you, today, don't even think about leaving alive!!"


Zhuge Dali's expression changed instantly.

With such a naked threat, if he keeps pretending to be crazy and acting stupid, he will really die.

The next second, he started to cry: "No, brother, you guys and ladies, please bid farewell... We are all from the Mo family. We have broken bones and even tendons. After all, we are a family. Why do we have to deal with each other?" Massacre?!"

Feng Chenglin laughed angrily at him: "What's the matter? Now we are starting to say that we are a family. Didn't you pick it clean just now?"

"We are a family. We are all members of the Mo family. Don't hurt the harmony. Really, don't hurt the harmony..."

Zhuge Dali could be a small village owner in the Mohist family, and he still had the ability to adapt to the changing circumstances.

"Well, you guys, don't you just want to eat? What's the fun of eating in this place? Why don't we go... No, we should go home. Let's go home and eat. That would be cordial..."

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