Princess Against the World

Chapter 7728 Going Home-8

"There's nothing special to deal with, it's just..."

Mo Shiyu smiled and waved, signaling Mo Xing to come over.

"The clothes have a secret mission, which I have to leave to you!"

Mo Xing immediately stood up and bowed his hands respectfully: "Let my adoptive father make the decision in everything. Whatever my adoptive father orders, A Xing will definitely complete it with all his strength!"

"This matter is a bit difficult and arduous, but my adoptive father believes in you and you will do well!"

As soon as Mo Shiyu opened his mouth, he put a high hat on Mo Xing's head, which gave him an ominous premonition.

But now that the matter has come to this, he has no way out, he can only smile meekly and obediently: "Don't worry, foster father, no matter how difficult the task is, even if it costs my life, I will try my best to complete it!"

"You kid, what are you talking about? What is the mission compared to your life? My adoptive father asked you to carry out the mission, not to risk your life!"

"Axing, please remember!"

"Remember, no matter what happens, you have to come back alive!"

Mo Shiyu took out a long and narrow wooden box from under the desk and placed it gently on the table.

"Open it and take a look!"

Mo Xing glanced at him suspiciously and opened the wooden box.

In the middle of the wooden box, there was a bright dagger shining with green light.

"Adoptive father?"

"My foster father wants you to kill someone!"

"...Father, who do you want to kill?"

"A person who may hinder Xiaobai's rise to power!"


Mo Xing frowned and broke out in a cold sweat subconsciously: ...Could it be that the person his adoptive father wants to himself! ?

In the current public opinion of the Mo family, his reputation as Mo Xing is several degrees higher than that of Mo Xiaobai.

With his adoptive father's villainous character, he would definitely not tolerate such a thing happening.

But Mo Shiyu took action to kill him now to avoid future troubles, which was beyond his expectation.

——The adoptive father was too impatient to kill people at this time! !

——This is not like his style!

Thinking of this, Mo Xing felt a little more at ease.

He calmed down and said calmly, "I wonder who the person who looks like he wants to kill is?"

"You have seen this person!"

"...Have I seen it?" Mo Xing was a little confused at first, but suddenly, he thought of a person, and his expression changed instantly, "Father, is the person you are talking about the one who... hurt you before?!"

A few months ago, a person suddenly appeared in the Mo family.

This man's name is Mo Xuanchen, and he claims to be a descendant of the Mo family.

But no one knows where he was born, who his ancestors were, who he studied under, and where he lived?

As soon as he opened his mouth, he stated that he was the legitimate heir to the Mo family.

At the same time, he declared war on the head of the family, Mo Shiyu, in a high-profile manner.

Facing this sudden person, although Mo Shiyu was disdainful, he did not underestimate the enemy because he wanted to use this battle to once again refresh his status as the head of the Mo family.

After everything was ready, he accepted Mo Xuanchen's challenge.

But who would have thought that Mo Shiyu, who was fully prepared, would be completely defeated in the hands of Mo Xuanchen.

Moreover, he was completely defeated and seriously injured.

Now after several months of recuperation, his injuries had just improved, and Mo Xuanchen unexpectedly appeared again.

And the most critical question is...

He, Mo Shiyu, the head of the Mo family, the highest cultivation person in the Mo family, was completely defeated and an unkillable man.

Actually, let him... a pawn of the Mo family, go and assassinate! ?

This is not to ask him to assassinate Mo Xuanchen, but to get rid of Mo Xuanchen! !

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