Princess Against the World

Chapter 7737 Going Home-17

Fortunately, a little beauty ran away, but he couldn't say it. Zhuge Dali was so angry in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it, so he could only swallow it.

After settling the three people with a smiling face, they didn't dare to hang around in front of Feng Chenglin anymore.

He had already lost his wife and lost his troops, and he was afraid that he would find another reason to torture him. If he paid for it with some money, it would not be worth it anymore.

But after all, I couldn't swallow the breath in my heart.

After returning to his room, he closed the door and yelled at the concubine.

The servants only heard him shouting in the room, and the concubine was crying on the side, and they didn't dare to come near.

Zhuge Dali was full of evil and had no place to vent his evil fire. Suddenly he heard a servant coming to report that the master was here.

He got angry at that time: "Why is the master here again? Where does the master come from? Are everyone in the world my master?"

He thought it was Feng Chenglin who was trying to make things difficult again, so he just cursed a few words and vented his anger.

No idea...

"Zhuge Dali, this young master doesn't know when you will have another master!"

Sarcastic laughter suddenly came, and Zhuge Dali laughed and became furious instantly.

"Who is it? Who the hell calls himself Young Master in front of me?!"

If he has two masters in one day, his life will not be over.

Furious, he grabbed the sword on the table and rushed to the door.

But when the figure walking in from the door fell into his eyes, he froze instantly.

Then, he knelt heavily on the ground.

"Young Master, I, I didn't know it was really you, I thought it was..."

The person who came in turned out to be Mo Xiaobai, the young head of the Mo family! !

Unless he was participating in sacrifices during the New Year or festivals, or hunting during the solar terms, he rarely came to Zhuangzi.

This time, Mo Xiaobai suddenly appeared, and Zhuge Dali was inexplicably panicked.

He quickly ran through the recent events in his mind, trying to determine if he had done anything wrong, which was why he provoked the superiors to send the young master to come forward.

But after thinking about it carefully, all the things were not worth the young master's intervention.

At the moment, even carefully accompany the smiling face.

"I don't know that the young master is coming here, but do you have anything important to explain? If there is anything, just send someone over to say it. Why bother the young master to come in person?"

"Now that I'm here, the matter is of course urgent. If the letter can explain it, will this young master come in person?"

Mo Xiaobai sat down in the chair, lazily and as he pleased.

"You said just now that the master is here again, what's the matter? Do you have any masters here often lately?"

Zhuge Dali hesitated for a moment and quickly considered the weight of Mo Xuanchen and Mo Shiyu in his mind.

Now it seems that these two people can only choose one side to show their loyalty. If they choose not well, their lives may be lost.

Carefully, with a smile on your face.

"What I said just now were all nonsense. They are all those bastards. They always come to bother me every day no matter what happens. I couldn't get angry, so I scolded them. I didn't mean to be disrespectful to the young master!"

"What you just said, young master, was about... did you have any strange people here, or did you recognize a new master?" Mo Xing interrupted him impatiently: "Master Zhuge, we It’s not like we’ve been dealing with each other for a day and a half. If you have anything to say, it’s okay to say it. Our young master is not the kind of person who has no grace!”

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