Princess Against the World

Chapter 7745 Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers-5

Thinking back to the beginning, among the three giants, the Demon Lord was dormant and recuperating, the Human Emperor was dead, and now even the God Lord has fled to another dimension.

Then, in this world, whose cultivation level can suppress Mo Xuanchen? !

"Have you forgotten Gu Lan?" Ling Luoyu looked at him lightly: "He has been following us like a ghost!"

Mo Xuanchen also shook his head meaningfully: "You two are still too young!

"This world is not as mediocre as you think. In addition to the three of them, God Lord, there are many people with cultivation like us!"

"...Huh?" Feng Chenglin was startled: "You said there are masters, I admit it, but people of your level..."

How many can there be?

Mo Xuanchen indeed waved his hand again: "You don't know them, it's just because they focus more on themselves, think about cultivation, and think about how to get to the next level!"

For those who can reach this level, they have basically seen through life, old age, illness, death, glory, wealth and honor.

For them, gold, silver and jewelry are already things they have owned for a long time, and they don't bother to participate anymore.

Ling Luoyu understood what he meant: "For this kind of people, unless there is a greater benefit that can make them pay for it, they will not get involved in these messy things."

"But even so, we must be careful!"

Just because these people don't interfere doesn't mean they are dead.

Once there is something related to interests, they will definitely jump out.

Feng Chenglin nodded with sudden realization: "I understand what you two mean, let's take the person who hurt the Mo family's grandma for example..."

The expressions of Mo Xuanchen and Ling Luoyu were at the same time.

He didn't realize it, and still said to himself: "That person's cultivation level may be higher than the two of you. No matter how bad it is, we can still fight to a tie. Maybe, you two can't even fight with each other. Otherwise, Grandma Mo will not be so afraid..."

At this point, I noticed something was wrong with their expressions.

He smiled innocently.

"No, Third Young Master, I, I didn't mean that... I didn't mean to mention this, um, what, do you want to eat something? I'm hungry, I'm going to find some midnight snacks, you guys can come too a little?"

Without waiting for the two people to answer, he hurriedly looked for something to eat.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he went out, he bumped into two people walking this way. When he looked carefully, they were two teenagers, and he couldn't help but frown.

"Is there something wrong with Master Zhuge in the middle of the night?"

He didn't know that these two people were Mo Xiaobai and Mo Xing.

Just treat them as two little servants who came to spread the word.

Mo Xiaobai and Mo Xing did not reveal anything. They laughed and handed over a post.

"This is an invitation letter for our Mo family's sacrifice. I would like to invite three people to participate in our sacrifice ceremony."

"Hey, you Mo family still know how to play. Just make sacrifices. Why do you need an invitation letter?"

Feng Chenglin took the invitation without even looking at it. He casually put it in his arms and waved his hand.

"Okay, we will accept this letter, and we will definitely go and support it when the time comes!"

Mo Xiaobai and Mo Xin were still uneasy, so they reminded the time and place several times and invited the three of them to go.

Feng Cheng was a little impatient: "I will go if I say I will go. What are you two talking about..."

Seeing that they were about to leave, he immediately called them back.

"Do you have a place for late-night snacks here?"


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