Princess Against the World

Chapter 7763 You two are dishonest-3

"Now, I have a question to ask you. If you answer it well, it will be easier for all of us. If you answer it poorly, then you may not be able to keep these broken bones in your body!!"

Feng Chenglin threatened the two of them and squeezed their bones vigorously without hesitation.

The broken bones pierced into the flesh, and the two men roared in pain.

But no matter how they roared, Feng Chenglin had no intention of letting go.

"How about it? Do you two accept my suggestion or not?"

Now, what qualifications do the two of us have that we don't accept?

If you don't accept it anymore, the bones in your body will probably be broken into pieces.

At that moment, Mo Xing screamed and nodded desperately.

"You say, you ask, you can ask whatever you want..."

"There's no rush..." Feng Chenglin chuckled.

He's really not in a hurry.

Now that things have come to this, what else is there to be anxious about?

He was not in a hurry, but Mo Xing and Mo Xiaobai were extremely anxious.

Broken bones crushed flesh and blood, dripping with blood.

This kind of heartbreaking pain is unbearable, but it doesn't reach the point of fainting, which is the most torture.

Feng Chenglin wanted to crush the last hope of the two of them to pieces.

In this way, when they are questioned later, the two of them will cooperate obediently, and there will be no more messy things.

Sure enough, Mo Xiaobai couldn't stand the pain anymore, and he roared.

"What do you want to ask? Just ask... Why do you still need to torture us like this?"

"That's because your behavior just now was so bad and completely damaged your image in my heart!"

Feng Chenglin was really not in a hurry, he smiled slowly and unhurriedly.

"To put it bluntly, I don't trust you. Who knows if you two will lie in front of me again!"

"...We, how could we..."

"Instead of being angry then, it's better to deal with you all now," Feng Chenglin's hand suddenly became stronger again: "Are you right?"

At this time, the two people had completely lost their previous thoughts and were just thinking about how to save their lives from Feng Chenglin's hands.

——This man is truly a heart-rending pervert!

If they continue to be entangled like this, the two of them will probably be tortured to death before they can formally ask questions.

"We swear on our property, our lives, and our family members that anything that makes you unhappy will never happen again..."

Mo Xing knew the current affairs very well and issued the most vicious oath.

Sure enough, after Feng Chenglin heard this, his smile widened a lot, and he released his left hand and threw him to the ground.

"You are well-behaved, so I will give you a chance!"

He raised his eyelids and looked sideways at Mo Xiaobai.

"And you?"

At this moment, Mo Xiaobai's wealth and life are in other people's hands. Does he still have the right to speak?

Just nod.

"Me? He and I are naturally the same..."

"That'll be easy!"

Feng Chenglin instantly stopped smiling, raised his hand and threw him to the ground, slowly raised his head and chin, and looked at them arrogantly.

"Are you two telling me together or one by one... You helped me get it and set up a trap. What do you want from me?"

Before the two of them could speak, he suddenly raised the fingers of his right hand and shook them slowly, seriously.

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