Princess Against the World

Chapter 7790 I want it, but I won’t give it -10

Feng Chenglin squatted on the ground, frowned and lit a torch: "Third Young Master..."

If the things on the floor were placed normally, no one would probably care.

Because it is just an extremely ordinary black pimple.

"This thing looks like it's made of iron. It didn't feel heavy to the touch just now. It could also be made of stone..."

He raised his head and frowned.

"Are you sure this thing is dangerous?"



"I've said it all, this is an intuition!" Ling Luoyu couldn't explain it himself, it was just a feeling in his heart.

Her eyebrows were raised slightly and she glanced at Feng Chenglin.

"How about you try?"

Feng Chenglin immediately retreated and retreated far away: "You said this thing is dangerous, and I have always trusted you... Of course it is dangerous!"

Immediately, as if he remembered something, he stopped immediately and frowned.

"Hey, Third Young Master, tell me, are those people from the Mo family here for this stone?"

"Who knows this?" Ling Luoyu put the stone into the Chaos Realm: "Unless we have evidence to prove that this thing belongs to the old grandmother, no one knows who the owner of this stone is!"

"It can't be that guy Zhong Er, right?!"

"It's really hard to say this!"

"Tch, how is that possible?" Feng Chenglin curled his lips: "If that thing belongs to Zhong Er, I will eat it!"

It’s impossible even if you think about it!

How could that guy Zhong Er have such a weird thing! ?

While carrying the pole, the two people searched Zhong Er's house and yard again. They found nothing wrong and returned to their residence.

Soon, Mo Xuanchen received the news from Ling Luoyu and stepped out.

"How is it? But what did you find?"

"I just found a stone, and I don't know what it is made of!" Feng Chenglin sat down in a chair and poured a large pot of tea: "Your mother-in-law said, that thing is unlucky!"

"Not...auspicious?" Mo Xuanchen looked at Ling Luoyu doubtfully.

What is this word?

Ling Luoyu released the stone: "This is an intuition. I just feel that this thing is unusual..."

Who knows, Mo Xuanchen's expression changed slightly as soon as he saw the stone.

"You guys, where did this come from?"

"What's wrong?" Ling Luoyu noticed something unusual about him: "You don't... know what this is, do you?"

"This is the Mo family's sacrificial stone!!"

"... from the Mo family? Sacrificial stone?" Feng Chenglin became interested: "What the hell is that?"

"In the Mo family's ancestral hall, there is a dark stone. It looks like this kind of stone, but I don't know exactly whether it is. I have to find someone who understands to ask!"

After a pause, Mo Xuanchen took a breath and thought of something.

"Could it be that grandma... happened because of this thing?"

"It's just a stone, isn't it?" Feng Chenglin smacked his tongue: "Look at how your old grandmother looks like. Without hundreds of years of deep hatred, she wouldn't be able to do such a thing! Just for... this broken stone, just do that. Something about?"

Ling Luoyu thought of something: "If this stone is's naturally possible!"

He stood up slightly and looked at the stone thoughtfully.

"Xuanchen, tell me, there is such a stone in the Mo family's ancestral hall. That stone...should be a little special, right? Otherwise, you won't have such a deep memory!"

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