Princess Against the World

Chapter 7797 If you want it, I won’t give it to you-17

Feng Chenglin didn't defend himself and walked towards Zhuge Dali with a smile.

"Master Zhuge, I'm sorry, what we are going to do next may be a bit unkind... You must bear with me!"

I don't know if Zhuge Dali understood it, but he stood there stiffly.

Feng Chenglin was also unequivocal, covering his mouth and nose with his left hand, and preparing a fire attack with his right hand.

Unable to breathe through his mouth and nose, Zhuge Dali quickly began to roll his eyes and his whole body was shaking like a convulsion.

Suddenly, a tiny red thread, almost invisible to the naked eye, came out of his ear and rushed towards Feng Chenglin with lightning speed.

This red thread is really too small.

So small that if you don't look carefully, you can't even notice it.

Feng Chenglin seemed not to notice it at all and allowed it to rush in front of him.

Just when the red thread was about to penetrate the back of his hand, Feng Chenglin's hand also moved.


Huozhezi jumped out into a cluster of flames.

The fireworks jumped up at that moment, and Lao Gao quickly burned the red thread on the back of his hand.

The red thread was about to penetrate into Feng Chenglin's skin. Suddenly, there was a hot temperature behind it. He seemed to sense it and went back with a "whoosh".

"Sure enough, this guy is really afraid of death!"

Feng Chenglin became interested and covered Zhuge Dali's facial features more and more, sealing all his seven orifices, leaving no escape route.

Hongsi also needs to survive.

Whether as a parasite or a symbiotic one, they all need to be alive.

If there is a dangerous situation, it will naturally have the instinct to survive, and it will try its best to find a way to survive.

Therefore, when he saw that Zhuge Dali might die, he would definitely want to escape from this dying body.

Sure enough, not long after Feng Chenglin took action, Zhuge Dali's body began to twitch crazily, and the twitching movements became more and more frequent.

Slowly, his body began to stoop, curling up into a giant shrimp.

During this period, Feng Chenglin never let go of his hand and always covered Zhuge Dali's mouth and nose.

Hongsi also struggled to come out several times, but every time she was burned back by his Huozhezi.

Gradually, Zhuge Dali seemed to have exhausted all his strength and slowly gave up the struggle. His whole body was no longer hard and turned into a puddle of mud.

Feng Chenglin noticed something was wrong, looked at Ling Luoyu, and at her instruction, he let go of his hand, took two steps back, and frowned at Zhuge Dali.

"...This guy is not dead, is he?"

He seems to be taking in less air and outgoing more air, and is close to death.

Ling Luoyu shook his head: "Don't worry, that thing can survive in the body of a stranger, and can quickly find a way to symbiosis, which shows that its vitality is extremely tenacious and its adaptability is also very strong..."

Such creatures are a miracle in the history of evolution.

It only temporarily sealed Zhuge Dali's mouth and nose, and it would definitely not be able to kill them for a while.

"Then why is he motionless?" Feng Chenglin kicked Zhuge Dali and called out twice tentatively.

Zhuge Dali seemed to be dead, without any reaction at all.

Feng Chenglin couldn't help but frowned: "You won't really be killed by us, right?"

As he spoke, he involuntarily stretched out his right hand and waved it in front of Zhuge Dali.

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