Princess Against the World

Chapter 7865 I can help you-5

He glanced at Mrs. Lian who was standing there and cleared her throat.

"To be honest, I guessed that there was something fishy going on, but I didn't expect that the three of you would be a team! Especially you two..."

As he said that, he glanced at Lu Ming meaningfully.

The relationship between these two people is too delicate.

One is the divine master's male favorite, and the other is the divine master's concubine.

But now, these two people have joined forces to take down the God Lord together.

I wonder how the Lord God will feel in the future if he knows about this.

Mrs. Lian was used to such inquiries and said calmly: "No matter what happened between the two of us or what our previous relationship was like, it doesn't matter anymore. I am just a mother now!"

As a mother, maternal love is natural.

She would do anything to protect her son.

I just hope that my son can live safely.

"But didn't you just say that the Lord God is the father of your son? For your son, you have to have a father..."

"He is not worthy!" Mrs. Lian's voice suddenly dropped, and there was undisguised resentment in her eyes: "It would be better for him to die if he is alive. If he is alive, my son will never be able to succeed!"

Feng Chenglin originally meant it as a joke, but after hearing these words, he seemed to understand something and looked at Ling Luoyu thoughtfully.

Ling Luoyu also understood what Mrs. Lian meant: "What do you mean?"

"I promised her!" Lu Ming interrupted her: "After everything is settled, his son can legitimately ascend to the position of God Lord!"

"You want her son to be the Lord of God?" Feng Chenglin was a big talker and directly expressed his doubts without knowing why: "What about you? I thought you coveted the position of Lord of God!"

Lu Ming smiled: "What if it was you?"


"I said if it were you, and you were standing in my position now, and when you had the opportunity to become the God Lord and the leader of the God Clan, would you be willing to sit in this high position?"


"You shouldn't be able to!" Lu Ming seemed to fully understand Feng Chenglin's thoughts: "For you, the position of the Divine Lord is like a cage, imprisoning you in it..."

"That's not necessarily the case!" Feng Chenglin raised his eyebrows and smiled a little carelessly: "That's the position of the God Lord! Stamping your feet will make the entire God Clan tremble. Why don't I want to have such peak power?"

"Really? If that's really the case, then I, Lu Ming, have made a mistake."

Lu Ming was not angry because of his words, but was a bit joking.

"Actually, you know better than me that the God Lord is not that easy to do! Not to mention the responsibilities that the God Lord has to fulfill, just in the position you hold, I don't know how many people want your life and want to take your place. …”

That's how people are.

Especially the people at the bottom, looking at the high position above, will be envious and want to climb up.

They can only see the scenery from the high position.

Didn't see the darkness behind it.

For that little bit of scenery, everyone worked hard and gave everything they had, even if it cost them the lives of their closest relatives, they had to stand up.

But when they stand up, they will envy the comfort of the people below.

"So, you don't know how..." Lu Ming looked at Feng Chenglin with determination, and then looked at Mo Xuanchen: "You don't know how, and neither do I. Therefore, we can cooperate and each get what we need... "

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