Princess Against the World

Chapter 7872 I can help you-12

In short, Lu Ming and Madam Lian’s meaning is very clear.

——This mural suddenly appeared within three months!

"Three months?" Feng Chenglin looked at the mural again and frowned: "Judging from the color and mottled marks, it has been more than thirty years. How can it only be three months?"

Theoretically, it is impossible for murals to lie.

The traces of its time are here.

But considering the current situation of Lu Ming and Mrs. Lian, there is no need to lie to them.

"I know it's hard to believe, but it's true. I was here three months ago. The mural at that time was still a hunting picture. As for when it became such a picture, I'm not sure, but it can For sure, he will definitely change within three months!”

Lu Ming looked serious when he spoke, his eyes were firm, and he didn't look like he was lying at all.

Mrs. Lian was also talking on the side: "It's because I find it incredible that I brought you here to see what's going on, because we both have an intuition..."

As he said that, the two people looked at each other and looked at the mural again.

"We all feel that the characters mentioned in the mural are you!"

It was a strange feeling, and they couldn't explain why.

It might be intuition, or it might be destiny.

"Miss Ling, I saw your expressions just now. You were also very shocked when you saw this painting, but you have never seen its original painting, so what is shocking is not its changes, but this painting. The content itself…”

And this was the reason why they invited Ling Luoyu and others to visit.

"Mr. Mo, now that things have come to this, we sincerely hope that you can be honest with us..."

Mo Xuanchen's eyes turned cold: "What kind of honesty do you want?"

"We just want to know if the characters on this mural are related to you?"

"What's relevant? What's not relevant?"


A simple rhetorical question seemed to give Lu Ming a lot of affirmation.

He quickly walked to the end of the mural and pointed hard at the killed girl.

"If it is related to you, then this mural has a certain meaning. The girl in the meaning will die, but we don't know whose hands she will die in. For now, we don't know who this girl is..."

That's what he said, but his eyes were focused on Ling Luoyu.

Obviously, he also guessed...this girl is Ling Luoyu.

Feng Chenglin looked at Mo Xuanchen and Ling Luoyu quietly without saying a word.

Mo Xuanchen smiled lightly, still calm and calm: "What if this person...accurately speaking, the content of this painting, the story of the entire mural, is about us?"


Neither Lu Ming nor Madam Lian expected that they would simply acquiesce.

They were all stunned and stunned for a moment.

Ling Luoyu smiled brightly: "What do you mean by showing us this painting? Does it mean that I will... die like the metaphor of this painting?"

"Could it be that you..." Mrs. Lian took a breath and seemed to understand something. She was so shocked that she didn't even know what to say next.

Lu Ming was also extremely shocked, staring at them with his eyes wide open.

"You, you, do you... do you all know this painting and its... content?"

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