Princess Against the World

Chapter 7883 If we want to survive, we must join forces -3

Gu Lan raised his hand again and pointed at the sacred stone space: "Just tell me, what is the thing here?"


"Hey, listen to me first. You can talk after I've finished speaking!" Gu Lan interrupted them impatiently, "Don't use the same trick that fooled them to fool me again. I'm not as good as them. I don’t have the good temper to accompany you guys to play this kind of stupid game that lowers your IQ!”

"You are such a smart person, how could we fool you?" Mrs. Lian looked at Lu Ming: "Do you want to tell him?"

Lu Ming: "..."

Aren't you talking nonsense?

You ask me this, how should I answer?

Can I still say not to tell him?

Wouldn’t that put all the hostility on me alone?

Only a fool would do such an offending thing!

Therefore, after just a moment of surprise, he smiled calmly.

"Mrs. Lian, actually you have already made a decision in your mind, why do you need to ask me again? Just tell him your answer!"

With a few simple words, he pointed the finger at Madam Lian again.

The meaning is very obvious: ...Whether you say it or not is your idea, it has nothing to do with me.

You have done this yourself by offending others.

After two simple sentences, the two people secretly fought a few moves.

How could such a little trick be hidden from Gu Lan's eyes? He clapped his hands and interrupted the two of them with a smile.

"Since you said so, I will assume that you are not sincere. If this is the case, it is useless to talk more. Staying here will only embarrass us all! Okay, let's go back to our homes and find ways to survive!"

Too lazy to talk any more nonsense, he turned around and left.

"Wait a minute, we just talked casually, and we didn't say we wouldn't tell you..."


Gu Lan kept walking and continued walking forward.

Madam Lian had no choice but to bite the bullet and shout out: "I know that the power the Lord God possesses comes from there!"


Gu Lan still didn't answer, but this time he stood still.

"Are you sure?" He slowly turned his head and looked at the two people with a half-smile: "Or are you coming up with some new tricks to deal with me this time?"

"Everything I said is true. I heard the Lord God say it with my own ears!"

After all, Mrs. Lian was the one who gave birth to a child for him, and the Lord was not a carefree god.

He also has troubles.

And his worries are secrets that he can't tell and no one can talk to.

This caused him to feel very depressed.

Sometimes when I’m in a bad mood, I resort to drinking to drown my sorrows.

When you are drunk, you will act like a drunkard and talk nonsense.

And the secrets that Mrs. Lian knew, those things that were hidden from the light, were most likely obtained in this state.

But in this case, he didn't care at the beginning.

After all, the Divine Lord was in a bad state at that time, and what he said was unbelievable and unbelievable, so it sounded more like drunken words.

But when she talked and listened to this conversation too much, she naturally had an article in her mind.

One day, when she had nothing to do, she inadvertently thought of these words.

At that moment, she seemed to have opened up the two channels of Ren and Du, and suddenly understood everything.

"It was also from that time on that I began to pay attention to every word he said, even if it was vague drunken words..."

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