Princess Against the World

Chapter 7892 If we want to live, we must join forces-12

"It turns out that was during that time..."

Lu Ming suddenly laughed sourly, his eyes filled with jealousy.

"Let me tell you, why are you so favored all of a sudden? I thought it was because God wanted... to prolong his heirs, so he was with you, but I didn't expect that you two are in love with each other!"

Mrs. Lian ignored his sour taste, "We each get what we need. I won't compete for favors in front of him, I won't be jealous, I am self-aware, and I can keep his secrets when he is most important! That's why I know Biyou More secrets from us!”

"What happened next?" Gu Lan suddenly interrupted her and mentioned the most critical topic: "When did the thing you mentioned happen? The disappearance of the Lord of much do you know? ?”

Everyone knows that the Lord God has a substitute.

But no one knows when this substitute took up the job? !

And this secret is probably only known to those closest to him.

Lu Ming didn't even know.

So their only hope was Mrs. Lian.

It's a pity that the answer given by Mrs. Lian is also very disappointing.

"The Lord of God has been missing for a long time. In fact, I don't know the details very well. But one day when I was having dinner, I poured him a glass of wine. After pouring it, I discovered that it was a glass of realgar wine..."

Ever since what happened to the Divine Master, Madam Lian has always been very hands-on in taking care of this matter.

But it happened that that day, her son was not feeling well, so she asked the maids around her to serve the god.

"There is so much wine in the wine cellar. I thought that even if it were a coincidence, it would not be a coincidence to move out the realgar wine... because since the Lord God's accident, I have sealed that wine and hid it in the wine cellar. The innermost place can’t be taken out easily!”

But I don’t know what the maid was thinking.

There are so many delicious wines outside and don’t move them.

You have to go to the corner to get the realgar wine.

"While serving dinner, the Lord of God had already eaten half of his meal when I came back, so I replaced the maid and continued to serve him. But when I was pouring the wine, I realized something was wrong..."

The God Lord has refined the soul of a snake-type beast, so he cannot drink realgar wine at any time.

And once he drinks this kind of wine, his true nature will explode.

"But the Lord of God had already drank many glasses of wine, and after I poured out the glass of wine, he naturally picked up the glass and drank it..."

At that time, Mrs. Lian looked at the Lord God as if she had seen a ghost.

After the god drank the wine, he seemed to realize that there was something wrong with the wine.

But he just frowned, smacked his lips, and after tasting the wine, he looked at her suspiciously.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with the wine?"


After hesitating for a while, Mrs. Lian wanted to tell the truth.

After all, he is the Lord of God!

She will still be counting on this man for the rest of her life.

If something really happened to him, then all hope for himself and his son would be gone.

So after just a moment's hesitation, she tentatively picked up the wine glass.

"Master God, this wine... has been a long time coming. I'm afraid it's bad for your health if you drink it. How about it? Do you feel any discomfort now?"

"Wine... doesn't it mean that the older the wine is, the purer it tastes to you? If you have a sealed jar of wine that can last for hundreds of years, that would be the ultimate happiness on earth!"

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