Princess Against the World

Chapter 7915 Kill him and end it all -15

Turning his head, he burst into a smile.

"Then, Mr. Tang, you can also cut to the chase and tell us... What exactly is that thing?"

One sing and one harmony has always been their style of acting.

Mr. Tang had expected it for a long time, but he was still a little unhappy when it happened to him.

"You two... are you trying to trick me on purpose?"


"How dare you?"

"We just want to know what that thing is, so we can get it for you?"


The two started a cooperative game again.

Mr. Tang was obviously accustomed to such a pattern for a long time, and he was a little helpless, and some looked at the two people dotingly.

"Are you sure you can get it for me? I personally came forward, and I didn't get that thing from Mo Xuanchen's hands..."

Eyes widened, he looked at Ling Luoyu.

"Trust me, if it's you, I'm afraid I won't get it!"

"Mr. Tang, if you say that, then I'll be even more curious," Feng Chenglin laughed, a little condescending: "What kind of treasure is it that can make the two of you rob like this, it's almost Enemies?!"

Mr. Tang flipped his thumb and pointed to the divine stone space behind him.

"It's it!"

Feng Chenglin's smile froze on his face: "What do you mean? You two... wouldn't you want to grab this thing?"

Mr. Tang shook his head silently and looked at Ling Luoyu again.

Although, waiting for her answer,

Ling Luoyu didn't disappoint him either: "Could it be that that the...key that can enter the consciousness space?"

"If you understand that, you can say the same!"

"Isn't this thing coming in casually?" Feng Chenglin felt like he heard it wrong: "We just saw it with our own eyes, anyone can enter!"

Mr. Tang was not in a hurry: "Then, of the people you saw who went in, did anyone come out alive?"

"That's not true. It doesn't mean that this thing will come and go, but everyone has to go in..."

Taking a deep breath, Feng Chenglin opened his mouth in horror and looked at Mr. Tang in disbelief.

"You mean..."

He immediately covered his mouth again, looked around nervously, and made sure no one was eavesdropping, so he carefully suppressed his voice.

"Mr. Tang, tell me the truth, can the thing you said allow people to enter... and come back alive?"

"Or else? What do you think I'm thinking?" Mr. Tang sighed helplessly: "But no matter what I think, if he doesn't give it to me, I can't help it!"

"Why didn't he give it to you? It's a good thing?"

After a pause, Feng Chenglin understood after a while.

"Mo Xuanchen wants to... go in by himself?"

"That's what he meant. He said that he would do anything. With him, Mo Xishu would not be in danger. He made me feel at ease, but how can I feel at ease..."

"Wait a minute, wait a moment, I'm a little confused!" Feng Chenglin hurriedly interrupted him, and then he remembered the most crucial question: "No! What do you want that thing for? Also, the grandmother of the Mo family... No With you? Why is she in danger again?"

The old lady just broke her leg a few days ago, and counting the time, she probably hasn't fully recovered yet.

How can you mess up these things while talking?

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