Princess Against the World

Chapter 7932 What should she do-12

Xingwu Sansan: "Then he is like this now..."

"It's not because he was playful again and somehow offended the gods, so he became like this!"

"...God?" Xu Wuxin said, isn't this nonsense?

I'm a fucking god.

How come I didn't know there was such a thing! ?

He coughed and pretended to be nonchalant: "There are some gods who are playful, but it's just too much. How could a good child become like this... By the way, where does that god live? Can you still find it?"

The class leader sighed: "Even if we know it, what will happen if we find it? For people like us, the gods can't hear our pleas!"

"Hey, no, you can't say that. There are some things, you still have to do your best. Maybe, in this world, miracles that you didn't expect will really happen..."

"You guys?" The class leader's wife looked at Xu Wu and Ling Luoyu, thoughtfully: "You two, why are you asking about this matter?"

"Of course it's to help you," Niwu replied angrily: "Otherwise, what else could it be for? It can't be to plot your property, right?"

"Shut up, don't talk nonsense," the class leader became a little angry when he saw Wu Wu, and quickly scolded his mother-in-law: "Don't mind, you two, she is like this, as long as someone talks about the child, she will always quarrel with them... In fact, she had no other intention, she just wanted to protect her children."

As a mother, the boss lady naturally knows what kind of consequences will happen if such a thing happens to her son?

Everything she did was just out of a mother's instinct to protect her son as much as possible and prevent him from being discriminated against and ridiculed too much.

Just as Xu Wu was about to explain, Ling Luoyu couldn't stand it anymore and came over and dragged him aside.

"I'm just asking you to ask questions. Why are there so many things? It makes people misunderstand us..."

Turn around and get straight to the point.

"Since we are asking you, it is naturally because we know what happened to your son. Did he enter a place and become what he is now after coming back from there?!"

"Indeed, it's just you..."

"Since I know why he became like this, I naturally have a way to cure him. This is a treatment that needs to go through, and it requires your cooperation!"

"Cooperate, we will cooperate, we will cooperate absolutely unconditionally!" Both the class leaders were impressed by her temperament and agreed repeatedly.

Xingwu still cooperated and came over: "Actually, what you have to do is very simple, that is, tell us everything about your son, without missing any details!"

The class leader and his wife looked at each other with embarrassment on their faces: "This, this..."

"What, don't you want to say it?" Xuwu's face darkened.

Aren't these two couples a bit too self-aware?

They had all the nice things to say and kept their attitude to the lowest level. Even though everything was done for them, they actually began to hesitate.

Ling Luoyu stared into the eyes of the landlady and understood something: "Do you have something to hide, or are you afraid of something?"

"It's not that I'm afraid, and it can't be said that I can't hide it, it's just..." the class leader looked at his son and sighed sadly: "To be honest, we all collapsed after seeing the child's condition!"

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