Princess Against the World

Chapter 7935 What should she do-15

The child was familiar with the road and led the way: "I chased the little rabbit into here, otherwise I wouldn't dare to come..."

"You're still saying you don't dare? It's already wild enough!" Niuwu followed closely behind and pulled out a torch.

The child's eyes widened in surprise: "Brother, where did you get the job?"

When they came in, he obviously had nothing in his hands.

How come in the blink of an eye, there was an extra torch.

Before he finished speaking, Ling Luoyu had a torch in his hand.

The child saw it clearly this time: they were completely conjuring the thing out of thin air.

Just when he was filled with envy, Ling Luoyu conjured up another torch: "Do you want it?"

The child nodded excitedly.

Ling Luoyu smiled, handed him the torch, and touched his head: "Stay between the two of us. Don't run around. If there is any movement, shout for help."

"I don't need to shout for help, I can protect myself!" The child's little self-esteem got the better of him. He held his head high stubbornly and walked to the front with a torch to lead them.

"The last time I came in here, it was dark and there were no torches, but I wasn't afraid at all. I kept running inside until I could catch the little rabbit."

It was when he caught the rabbit that he saw the strange thing.

Wuwu seemed to feel something, and suddenly stopped: "Master!"

Ling Luoyu also sensed something unusual about him: "What's wrong?"

"There is something!" Xianwu's face changed slightly: "I don't know when this thing appeared."

Although Ling Luoyu is the master of Chaos Netherland, this is his territory and everything is decided by him.

Even Ling Luoyu's understanding of the world is not as complete as his.

"Master, I can guarantee that this thing has never appeared before, absolutely never! This is the first time I have sensed this is too abnormal, too powerful!"

Saying that, Wuwu took two quick steps and entered a bottomless space.

Under the light of the fire, a dark thing appeared in front of them.

"Sacred Stone Space?"


The child also ran to that thing and said, "That's it, that's the thing. I went in and climbed out..."

Ling Luoyu and Xuwu both stood there in disbelief, staring dumbfounded at the twisted divine stone space.

"Nothingness, are you sure you haven't seen it before?"

"No, absolutely not!" Niwu looked at the scene in front of him in shock: "I can swear with my soul and body that this is definitely the first time I have seen..."

Thinking of something, his pupils shrank and he looked at Ling Luoyu in shock.

"No, this thing definitely didn't just appear. It must have been here for a long, long time. Why don't I feel anything?"

This is unscientific and makes no sense!

He is the actual controller of this world.

The emergence of everything is within his plan.

He can feel every flower, every plant, every tree in the world, and he can clearly know every change in them.

Only this weird divine stone space.

"I just felt its existence, and it was only at such a close distance that I felt its existence..."

This is so wrong! !

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