Princess Against the World

Chapter 7965 People are divided into ranks-5

Chen Yu volunteered: "I'll keep an eye on them, you two have a rest, if there is any change, I'll call you!"

"No, let's take turns to stare at it. To be honest, we can't trust your cultivation!" Feng Chenglin said very implicitly.

To put it bluntly, the two of them only trust each other.

After all, Chen Yu was just a stranger.

If it is said that he is pulling him to fight monsters together, he can be trusted.

However, it would be absolutely impossible to hand over his wealth and life to him.

Chen Yu understood the reason, and just happened to be free, so he agreed.

"Then trouble you two, if you need it, you can call me at any time."

Ling Luoyu's eyes lightened: "Fatty, if you're sleepy, go to sleep for a while, let's talk, chat, and I'll change you later!"

With that said, she took out tea and melon seeds.

"Come a little?"

Chen Yu looked at the tea and melon seeds, his face full of surprise: "I, am I hallucinating?"

There's not even enough food in this damn place, how can she still take out melon seeds?

Ling Luoyu grabbed a handful of melon seeds and gave him: "Then continue hallucinating!"

The melon seeds are delicious in the mouth, and the water is also very thirst-quenching.

"It's not a hallucination! Oh my god, Miss Ling, how did you do it?"

Ling Luoyu pretended not to understand his doubts, and answered very seriously.

"Of course it is to prepare in advance. Put something in your pocket and take it out when you want to eat. Is it possible that I am a god, just grab a handful and get what I want?"

Chen Yu twitched.

It's good to say so, and he understands the truth, but things are not like this, okay?

Melon seeds are understandable, after all, they can still be carried in the pocket, but this water? And it's still tea, how do you keep it in your pocket?

Seeing his puzzled eyes, hesitant to speak, Ling Luoyu picked up the teacup.

"Drink tea, if you wait any longer, the tea will be cold!"

Chen Yu stopped talking, and sat there quietly, eating sunflower seeds and drinking tea, quietly watching the man in white fall down.

Finally, as the vortex closed, no one fell down.

And the voices below came up loudly.

Ling Luoyu woke up Feng Chenglin: "Fatty, get up and work!"

"Huh? Has the shift changed? It's so fast, I seem to have just fallen asleep!"

"What shift? We're going down."

"Go down?" Feng Chenglin came to his senses and sat up abruptly: "The dumplings are finished."

Looking down, you can see a fire under the cliff.

It was the torch lit by the men in white.

Under the clear light, they can be seen walking back and forth, some are healing, some are yelling, and some are observing the surrounding terrain.

"Miss Ling, do we want to go down?" Chen Yu hesitated: "After all, we and they are not from the same world, and they are in a strange place now, and they have experienced changes, so I'm afraid they won't be friendly when they see us. "

Feng Chenglin didn't take it seriously: "No matter how unfriendly, there's nothing you can do, because they are human after all! When people are together, there is a little dependence after all, which is better than the three of us messing around with that monster in this space, right? "

Ling Luoyu's sly eyes: "That's right, there are so many people sharing the firepower with us, even if that demon tree does some tricks or tricks, it won't just target the three of us!"

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