Princess Against the World

Chapter 8032 Our story is coming to an end-2

Ling Luoyu, on the other hand, was unusually calm, laughing and knocking him out of his head.

"You are not a three-year-old child, what naive words are you talking about, can you and I change the gear of fate? Maybe we are fine standing here, but after we go back, we will embark on the road of fate?"

"Ah?" Feng Chenglin was stunned for a moment.


Who can guarantee that Mo Xuanchen will kill her when she is standing here, or after going down, she will go around and be killed by Mo Xuanchen.

Suddenly, he shook his head.

"No matter what it is, we can't just stand here and wait for death, right? We always have to do something... Even if you die, you have to struggle to the death? You can't just stand here and wait for someone to come and stab you?"

"Of course it's impossible to stand here waiting to be killed. Am I the kind of person waiting to die?" Ling Luoyu smiled: "I'm a person who wants to die!"

Now that fate has come to this point, no matter what happens next, we must go to the end.

She wanted to see how she would die in Mo Xuanchen's hands.

"What are you talking about?" Chen Yu stood there in shock and stunned, looking at them dumbfounded: "You two, no, you want to go up, go up?"

"You just talk when you talk, why are you stuttering like this?" Feng Chenglin gave him a blank look.

"Where is that place? The palace in the sky! You actually set your mind on it? Are you desperate?"

Ling Luoyu and Feng Chenglin looked at him at the same time: "Is that thing dangerous?"

"You two are real or fake? Don't you really know what the palace in the sky is?" Chen Yu didn't believe it when he said it at first.

But seeing the eyes of the two of them, he knew that he was thinking too much.

The two of them really don't know.

Otherwise, such a stupid idea would not have been born.

"There is a fairy living in the palace of the sky. No one knows whether the fairy is male or female, but they know that this person is very murderous. All living things that break into the palace of the sky, regardless of whether it is a human or a beast, even a bird. Or flies and mosquitoes, they will surely die.”

Over the years, people only know about the palace in the sky, but they don't know what kind of thing lives in it?

"Listen to my advice, don't go there, that place is not for ordinary people like can go there, if you go there, you will definitely die!"


Neither Ling Luoyu nor Feng Chenglin spoke.

Yue Yue didn't seem to know what happened, blinked his big eyes, looked at them leisurely, and sat there shaking.

Suddenly, there was a thunder and lightning in the sky.

Clouds like Huoshaoyun appeared in the distant sky, but they were more fierce and more intense than Huoshaoyun.

"It's going to rain, we have to hide," Chen Yu became nervous: "The blood rain falls on us, it will peel off our skin."

The cloud of blood swept across quickly, quickly rolling towards this side.

Ling Luoyu had an ominous premonition: "This cloud seems to know us, and it's coming towards us!"

Feng Chenglin quickly observed the surroundings: "Is it coming for us? Let's talk about it later. Do we need to find a hiding place now?"

After so many things had passed, he finally understood a little bit.

Listen to people's advice to eat enough.

Sometimes it is necessary to plan ahead.

Especially in this ghostly place, if you listen to Chen Yu, you won't make a big mistake!

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