Princess Against the World

Chapter 973 Something Happened

Ling Luoyu raised her eyebrows and looked, with a smile on her lips.

This little girl is the first woman who doesn't pay for her beauty!

Her thoughts seemed to be on that fat man Feng Chenglin.

"Little Sister Jinwen, not every man like Fatty Feng loves to practice so much!"

When Feng Chenglin was mentioned, Jin Wen's eyes lit up.

"Junior Brother he easy to learn!?"

Ling Luoyu suppressed a smile: "Easy to learn! In our hometown, Fatty Feng is very famous! You don't know, there are girls around him in groups, and every one who makes noise wants to marry him!"

Jin Wen took a deep breath and gritted his silver teeth lightly.

After a long time, I carefully asked: "Then...then is he married...?!"

Ling Luoyu threw a small jar of sauce to Lan Dong.

"Brother, put this in the porridge, let's make meat porridge tonight!"

She completely ignored Jinwen's question, and corrected Nanako's way of applying the sauce, and the two of them chattered head to head.

Jinwen didn't hear the answer, and felt even more unhappy.

"Junior Brother Ling?!"

Ling Luoyu didn't raise her head: "What?!"

"Junior Brother Feng..."

Before Jin Wen finished asking, she seemed impatient to reply.

"It's done! It's done!! Senior Sister Jinwen, think about it, he is such an excellent man, so many girls are staring at him, he is already married!"

Except for Ling Luoyu, everyone's eyes were on Jinwen.

They could all tell that Jin Wen liked Feng Chenglin.

It is estimated that except for Feng Chenglin who is still stupid and doesn't know, everyone knows it well, but no one has exposed it.

Jinwen's tears welled up in his eyes, and it took him a long time before he forced a smile.

"Yeah, Junior Brother Feng is very good... naturally he wants to get married! Get married!"

Tears fell, she stood up suddenly, weeping silently and walked towards the grove behind her.

Several other girls in the team hurriedly followed, comforting in a low voice.

Nanako poked Ling Luoyu: "Third Young Master, you are really cruel! You know that she likes Feng Chenglin, but you still say such things!"

"I'm doing this for her own good!" Ling Luoyu was a little sad: "Fatty Feng is already married, and Jin Wen and him will have no results... A long-term pain is worse than a short-term pain, and it is better to let the little flame of love die now than to be heartbroken in the future." Squeeze it out for her! So that you won’t be in so much pain in the future!!”

Nanako suddenly let out a long sigh: "You have never loved anyone! This person... Once you fall in love, it is impossible to extinguish the little flame!"

"Nanako, from what you mean, it seems like you have loved too?!"

"Nonsense!" Nanako immediately rolled her eyes in displeasure: "I, Nanako, am also a romantic and handsome man! There are many girls like me..."


A sharp female scream pierced the night sky.

Everyone looked down.

problem occurs! !

Ling Luoyu's figure rose up first, and rushed towards the place where Jin Wen and the others were.

There was the sound of weapons colliding ahead, and sparks shot out.

Jin Wen and the other girls were surrounded by a group of men in black.

When the swords collided, the girls were already at a disadvantage.

Ling Luoyu stopped her steps abruptly, and her trend was slow.

These few people are only at the level of Xuanba, and they are more than enough to deal with them, so why use her.

Amidst the shouts and shouts, more than a dozen people including Li Tong and Nanako flew to join the fighting group, instantly turning the situation around and gradually gaining the upper hand.

"call out!"

A high-pitched whistle came from the lips of a man in black.

Tong Tong's face changed slightly: "They are calling for reinforcements!"

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