Ling Luoyu rolled her eyes and said, "Then you just kneel down!"

Tong Tong: "..."

He didn't expect Ling Luoyu to throw such a sentence in front of everyone.

Evil spirit suddenly rises.

"Okay! I'll kneel down and show you!"

Ling Luoyu didn't even turn her head, she just waved her hands and walked away.

If this kid has the perseverance to kneel for three days and three nights, she can really consider giving him advice.

Behind her, Jin Wen walked up to Li Tong with a ghostly look on his face, and looked at him carefully.

"Senior Brother Tong... have you run into a ghost?!"

He looked at his nose and heart with his eyes, lowered his eyes and said nothing.

Jin Wen couldn't help but raised his hand to pull him: "Senior Brother..."

"Do not touch me!"


Just as Jin Wen was about to shout, he suddenly heard crowds of people outside, and shouted suddenly.

"Something went's not good, something big happened..."

Jin Wen took the opportunity to pull up Tang Dong: "Go!"

Ling Luoyu walked out with the crowd, so she had no choice but to go out.

As soon as he left the gate of the dining hall, he heard a whole body shouting in his ears.

"Go back!"

It's Mr. Kim!

He and another man seemed to be guarding this side of the cafeteria, and when they saw the disciples from the outer sect swarming forward, they immediately turned cold and drank.

"Come here, stop all of them in the dining hall, and if anyone oversteps, they will be killed without mercy!!"

Fuck! ! !

Ling Luoyu was a little confused.

Although Mr. Jin is cold and ruthless, he is still reasonable!

Now why do you want to kill Wushe for a disagreement? !


Amidst the shouts and shouts, hundreds of inner disciples flew over and stopped all the outer disciples, staring at each other aggressively.

"I'm your ancestor, what's going on?! What law did we break? We should be treated like this?!" In the crowd, some unruly people roared and complained.

With that sound, it immediately attracted everyone's eyes of idiots.

This guy looks like a newcomer!

Anyone who has been in Qi Yunzong dare not have such a petty temper.

In Qi Yunzong, outer disciples are nothing.

Isn't it courting death to blatantly clamor for Mr. Jin? !


A cold light flew from Mr. Jin's hand, and then entered the disciple's neck, bringing a bloody light flying.


Blood splatter! !

The people around shrank back instantly, allowing his body to fall down.

Mr. Jin looked at him coldly: "Now, who else has objections?!"

Who dares to make a difference after killing again? !

There was someone whispering beside Ling Luoyu, and she immediately listened intently.

"...that looks terrible!"

"I heard that many people died!"

"I've also heard that seventy or eighty people died and more than fifty were injured, not counting the missing ones!"

She pushed past calmly.

"Brothers, what happened?"

Several people looked her up, as if they had discovered something.

" are the new one!?"

"Ah?? That's right!!"

"Is your brother Feng Chenglin's name, the Emperor Xuan's?!"


"That's it!" The man Dunsi said regretfully: "You don't know yet, do you? Something happened to your brother!"

Ling Luoyu's heart trembled inexplicably: "What happened?!"

"I don't know the specifics. I just heard that they were attacked by something... At that time, more than 70 people died and 50 or 60 were injured..."

"Here they come!!" Someone in front suddenly shouted loudly.

Ling Luoyu's eyes trembled, her breathing was slightly steep: "Fatty Feng!"

She suddenly separated from the person in front and stepped forward quickly.

Seeing that her movements were wrong, an inner disciple immediately yelled.

"What are you doing? Stop for me!!"

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