Princess Against the World

Chapter 993 It's okay to think about it

The suzerain opened his mouth, Mr. Jin has no reason to say no!

It should be right now, take Ling Luoyu out.

Watching the two leave, Mr. Ji was confused and asked cautiously.

"Sect Master... this Ling Luoyu is just an outer disciple, why does the Sect Master treat her so highly?!"

The suzerain squinted his eyes, and his voice was light and cold.

"You still care about her affairs? How are your affairs going?"

"Back to the suzerain, everything is fine!!"

"That's fine..." The suzerain walked away, and the voice came from afar: "Mr. Ji, when everything is settled, send a document to Mr. Ling and let her go with you!"

Mr. Ji's eyes trembled, and he finally replied: "Yes!"


Along the way, Mr. Jin was silent.

It wasn't until he was approaching the gate of Qi Yun Zong's mansion that he leisurely stopped, turned around and looked at Ling Luo Yu aggressively.

Ling Luoyu looked a little furious: "Mr. Jin, why are you looking at me like that? Is something wrong?!"

"I was thinking, since the suzerain thinks highly of you, I still need to explain to you something about the Qiyun sect!"

"Please tell me, Mr. Jin!"

"What was your identity before, I don't ask! Now I only ask you, how much do you know about Qi Yunzong!?"

"Uh... not too many, I know there is an auction here, and some valuable treasures will be sold! The reputation in Jianghu is very good! Uh... there are many people..."

A different smile appeared on Mr. Jin's face, he turned around and walked slowly.

"The Qiyunzong you see is just the tip of the iceberg of Qiyunzong! Our main mountain gate is not here! This is just one of our halls, which is specially in charge of auctions! It's just because the business has grown in recent years So much so that everyone in the Xuantian Continent thought this was the head hall of the Qiyun Sect!"

Ling Luoyu's pupils shrank involuntarily.

See you soon! !

If it wasn't for Mr. Jin's words, Ling Luoyu really didn't know that Qi Yunzong had a secret.

"The Qiyun Sect is divided into four entrances, and this is one of the entrances!"

"Tangkou?!" Ling Luoyu was dumbfounded: "Shouldn't there be a hall master or something?!"

"The old hall master retired due to injury, and the position of hall master has been vacant all the time! I preside over all the things at the entrance of the branch hall, and Mr. Ji presides over the outside! Because of the strange treasure conference, the hall master has been temporarily absent for a while. Stay here and preside over the overall situation!"

A smile suddenly faded from the corner of Ling Luoyu's lips: "Mr. Jin, our branch we want to choose between you and Mr. Ji?!"

Mr. Jin's pupils shrank obviously: "This is the suzerain's business, how dare we figure out what the suzerain means?!"

"What dare you?!" Ling Luoyu smiled slyly: "Napoleon said that if you don't want to be a general's soldier, you are not a good soldier! Thinking about it is always possible!"

Mr. Jin frowned: "Who is this guy with the broken wheel?!"

Ling Luoyu: "..."

If Napoleon heard such a title, he would probably be able to jump out of the coffin.

Suppressing a smile at the moment: "It's nothing...just an idler from my hometown!"

Mr. Jin gave her a strange look, then shook his head speechlessly.

She can talk to an insignificant idler even if she is talking properly.

"About the branch entrance, only elite disciples are qualified to know about it! So, you have to keep your mouth shut and don't reveal too many secrets! By the way! You can't tell your brother Feng Chenglin to him either. !"

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