Princess is Glamorous in Modern Day

Chapter 1396 The premiere of the TV series is amazing

Xia Wanyuan is now the most popular actress in China and has countless fans. Although everyone is worried that the quality of "Under the Sky" is not satisfactory, as her idol's directorial debut, most fans are looking forward to it.

But in foreign countries, Xia Wanyuan's fans are relatively few, and more are the black fans who hate her.

Because she is now a representative figure of China, and she has broken the shackles of Chinese culture by herself, for foreigners who hope that China will decline, they naturally hate Xia Wanyuan.

Seeing that the TV series is about to be released, a lot of criticism is coming towards "Under the Sky", and there are even relevant votes on many forums.

"Come, come, take a look, guess what kind of ratings Xia Wanyuan's Virgo can achieve, and can break the dominance of "Ice""

[As a senior movie fan, I can only say that I very much hope that the quality of Chinese movies and TV series can match the international level, but to be honest, the quality of our literary and artistic works will not be able to keep up with other people’s foreign countries after 30 years of production. ok? 】

[Actually, I think according to Xia Wanyuan's previous level, the quality of this TV series can still be assured, and the ratings are not expected to be bad, but if you want to surpass "Ice", it is a bit of a fantasy. 】

[People's "Ice" is a work that has accumulated for five years and has a huge influence in the world. Can there be a movie in Huaguo that foreigners are familiar with? Still thinking of surpassing. . . . . If I can reach half the level of others, I would like to give Xia Wanyuan a thumbs up. 】

At the premiere ceremony of "Under the Sky" at this time, Xia Wanyuan was sitting in the middle of the podium with the director.

Now is the part of the questioning from the media. After the reporters asked a lot of questions about the plot of the TV series, someone finally stood up uncontrollably.

"I have a question for Director Xia. You should have seen the debate about this TV series online, right? I wonder what you think of the two works "Ice" and "Under the Sky"? You Do you think your TV series can surpass the classics?"

As soon as this sharp question was asked, the on-site staff immediately stood up and prepared to help Xia Wanyuan to block this question.

However, Xia Wanyuan gently waved her hand and signaled the staff to step back, she turned on the microphone, "I do pay attention to this issue, everyone has different views on the work, not beyond the classics, as long as If it can make the audience like it, then why not classic parallel?"

The reporter caught a glimpse of the controversial point from Xia Wanyuan's question, "Classic parallel? You mean, do you think your work can become a classic?"

Xia Wanyuan smiled, "I said it doesn't count, the audience has to say it."

Media reporters are best at dance, writing, and brushwork in Spring and Autumn.

Originally, the remarks that were quite normal at the interview meeting, after the fermentation of the media, the remarks about Xia Wanyuan that spread to the whole network are,

"Xia Wanyuan said that 'Ice' and 'Under the Sky' are classics in parallel."

Seeing this news, domestic netizens still feel too arrogant, not to mention the Internet with the most fans of "Ice\

,"Countless foreign netizens regard "Ice" as the first masterpiece in their hearts. Now a little-known director actually says that his work is as classic as "Ice"?

Netizens on the Internet gave up, and they started the topic of "Who is "Under the Sky" to ridicule the TV series "Under the Sky".

[I’m dying of laughter, I’ve watched “Ice” for five years, may I ask where this “Sky” came out to touch the porcelain? ? 】

[I have to watch "Under the Sky" today, but I want to see it, which TV series is so shameless, and even our "Ice" will be hot. 】

[You are all scolding Xia Wanyuan, I just want to say something silently, don't you think Xia Wanyuan is a very amazing person? Do you really think she's not good at making TV shows? ? I vaguely remember the previous Moon Bay project, and you scolded her the same way. 】

The occasional positive comments were overwhelmed by the huge army of ridicule, and in the various disputes among netizens, the time gradually reached 8 o'clock in the evening.

This time happened to be the time when "Ice" was played, and it was also the time when "Under the Sky" premiered in China.

In view of the fact that there are too many topics about these two TV series during this time, this night, whether they like watching TV or not, they all gathered in front of the screen, wanting to see how the two TV series will win out.

Just as everyone was eagerly looking forward to it, the TV series started.

"Ice" continues its consistent epic style, which is familiar to the audience.

"Under the Sky" has an obvious oriental cultural style, with scattered ink and smog, Yaotai Xianshan, and the magnificent Jiutian Palace, which immediately captured the audience's attention.

There are quite a lot of Xianxia TV series in Huaguo, so the audience is already familiar with scenes such as Tiangong. However, when they saw the set of "Under the Sky", the audience's first reaction was,

Damn, this money is burning, it burns 10 million rhythm in one second? ? ! !

In the past TV dramas, in order to save costs, the crew basically chose a simple perspective, and then used special effects to build a close-up scene. Although today's technology can almost be faked, it still lacks some connotation.

However, "Under the Sky" is different. Xia Wanyuan wanted to complete a work without any cost. In addition, the special effects company of this TV series is owned by Xiafeng Group, so there is no problem of cutting corners in order to save costs.

The phoenix roared and dragged the flames across the majestic palace. The Nine Heavens Palace was endless. The camera swept over. In such a vast scene, no detail was treated perfunctorily. A tree, a flower, all As if it appeared alive in front of everyone's eyes.

[I'm going, this special effect, I'm shocked, is this really a special effect that our Chinese TV series can have? ? ? I just finished my admiration next door. I thought that the next door was awesome enough. Now it seems that this TV series in our country is even more powerful? 】

[As expected of the TV series made by the richest man's wife, my dear, this is directly from the money, right? ? ? What's the use of good-looking special effects? The plot is not good-looking as all-match, the flashy TV series, or the good-looking next door. 】

[I don't understand, how can you be so arrogant? Now that the TV series has only started for three minutes, you are saying that the plot is not good? ? Can you figure it out? Then why don't you count when you were beaten with this broken mouth? 】

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