After hanging up the phone with Ryan, Xia Wanyuan sent a message to Shen Qian, asking him to send a reliable person to pick up Ryan.

"Mr. Xia, do we need to expand Continent M's business?" Shen Qian was puzzled. Since Xia Wanyuan had already given up the inheritance rights of the Blue family, why did he continue to intervene in the affairs there.

"No." Xia Wanyuan pursed her lips, "The world is very closely connected now, it seems that China and foreign countries are clearly separated, but one day there will be a junction, although I will not inherit, but I can't let Blue The family slides into opposites."

The Feng family was brought down by Chu Yi. It can be said to be the spoils of the Chu family. Now that Lin Man and Li Na can touch the spoils of the Chu family, it means that Lin Man has been privately connected with the Chu family.

Judging from the current situation, Chu Yi and K are inextricably linked. If the Chu family is allowed to include the Blu family, the entire M continent will be the Chu family's world.

In this way, for her and Jun Shiling, the situation will be quite passive.

"Okay, Mr. Xia, I'll ask someone to arrange it right away."

After hanging up Shen Qian's call, Xia Wanyuan sat back on the sofa again, Luli was replaying the TV series, watching Xuan Sheng's appearance in the play, Luli's eyes were bright,

Xia Wanyuan looked a little funny, "Do you still like Xuan Sheng?"

Hearing Xia Wanyuan's question, Luli bit her lip embarrassedly, "It's okay, now I think President Xuan is pretty handsome."

Xuan Sheng likes Xia Wanyuan. In Luli's opinion, it may be something that will never change in her life. Now she has figured it out,

For Xuan Sheng, perhaps liking Xia Wanyuan is a very happy thing, and there is no need for her to break Xuan Sheng's happiness.

Chen Yun and Lu Li watched the TV series while calculating the income brought by the premiere, and they laughed so hard they couldn't see.

Xia Wanyuan carried her bag out of the studio and went straight to the National Academy of Culture.

Seeing Xia Wanyuan coming again, the dean felt a little helpless, "Professor Xia, it's not that I don't welcome you, it's mainly that Mr. Fu has always been reluctant to see you."

"I came here to ask him this." Xia Wanyuan handed a piece of paper to the dean, "Please give this to him and see if he wants to see me again?"

"Okay." The dean took the paper and turned to go to the yard where Mr. Fu lived.

Ten minutes later, the dean left and returned, "Professor Xia, please come in."

Stepping into the silent yard again, Mr. Fu was waiting for Xia Wanyuan at the door with a piece of paper.

"Mr. Fu." Xia Wanyuan greeted Mr. Fu.

"How do you know the Yuanyuan Clan?? And how do you know that this totem is their symbol?"

Listening to Mr. Fu's series of questions, Xia Wanyuan smiled, "Let's go in and talk in detail?"

"it is good."

Entering the living room, Mr. Fu made a cup of tea for Xia Wanyuan, "Did you dug these things out of the ancient tomb?"

Xia Wanyuan nodded, "Yes, Mr. Fu, do you really think that all your teachers and friends died from poisonous miasma in the ancient tomb? Are you still willing to find out the truth for them?"

Mr. Fu's hand trembled, and he trembled, "What do you mean?"

"I want to know, what do you know about the Yuanyuan Clan?"

Mr. Fu quietly looked at the paper with the totem in his hand, "Actually, before I went to explore the ancient tomb with my tutor, I didn't know anything about it. As you said, I doubted the cause of their death. That incident happened that year. After that, I searched everywhere, and I have been looking for relevant clues.”

The room was very quiet, only Mr. Fu's voice was speaking slowly. He put the things he had collected over the years in front of Xia Wanyuan,

"These are some records I collected about the Split Yuan Clan when I visited various places." While showing Xia Wanyuan, Mr. Fu told her about this strange clan.

Just like the news from Jun Shiling, this strange family is particularly mysterious because of its legendary ability to transform time and space.

It rarely appears in front of people, and for its legendary ability to transform time and space, no one has ever seen this family show it.

Most of what Mr. Fu said overlapped with what Jun Shiling said. There was only one place, which made Xia Wanyuan feel very strange.

"What is this?" Xia Wanyuan pointed to an already vague pattern on the ancient book,

"Saint Artifact, according to records, the split Yuan clan needs some kind of medium to communicate the power of heaven and earth, and this kind of sacred artifact created by their clan can communicate with heaven and earth."

Xia Wanyuan stared at the blurry pattern on the paper, why did she feel that this thing looked more and more like the jade tripod of their Great Xia Dynasty? ?

How could it be, Xia Wanyuan frowned, maybe she was wrong, it was just the same.

"I'll give you all these." Mr. Fu pushed the whole box in front of Xia Wanyuan, "I had no hope at all, but I didn't expect you to be so persistent and come over again and again, I hope you really can solve the mystery in my heart."

After speaking, Mr. Fu was extremely tired and waved at Xia Wanyuan, motioning her to leave.

Xia Wanyuan walked out slowly with the things in her hand, all the pictures in her mind were circling in the ancient book just now.

How could it be such a coincidence? It would be nice if the pattern on the ancient book could be a little clearer. She wanted to know what was the connection between the jade cauldron handed down from their Xia family and the sacred artifact of the Split Yuan clan.

Xia Wanyuan was worried about the split of the Yuan clan, and the audience of "Under the Sky" were worried about the long wait.

[My dear, I haven't tried the experience of waiting for the TV series to update for so many years. It's so hard to wait. When will it be night? ? 】

[Episodes 1 and 2 are really amazing, I hope the plot and special effects will not disappoint me. 】

[Why are you so leisurely, the TV series "Under the Sky" has been reported and taken off the shelves on the Internet, how can you still sit and live? Why don't you hurry up and support your brothers? ? 】

Seeing these comments, netizens were a little confused: What can be reported in TV series? If you don't like watching it, why don't you just watch it?

When netizens took a look at the Internet, they knew why "Under the Sky" was reported.

because of plagiarism.

Or because of cultural barriers, although many people in China have a better understanding of Olympus, Greek mythology and so on abroad,

But to foreigners who only know that China is a very ancient country, the mythical world of China, the magical world of demons, is completely unfamiliar.

Therefore, when some netizens took screenshots of the scenes of "Under the Sky" on the Internet, it caused a lot of heated discussions. Everyone thought that this was obviously a plagiarized "Ice".

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