The enemy aimed the gun at Qiao Xu, "Say, where's the man?"

Qiao Xu was also confused. He and the farmers dug out this secret passage by himself. There was only one passage, and that was the place where he just came out. Apart from that, there was no other passage at all.

But there is no one in the secret passage, can it still evaporate? What a hell.

Qiao Xu waved his hand, "I don't know either,"

The enemy was about to deal with him on the spot, and the muzzle was aimed at his temple. Qiao Xu closed his eyes tightly, "It's over, I really screwed myself in this time."

However, to his surprise, the sound of gunshots did not come. There was only the sound of a group of people closing their guns. Qiao Xu opened his eyes and took a look, and his heart sank instantly.

Good guy, it's better to be dealt with with a shot. Standing in front of him is Chu Yi's assistant housekeeper. Qiao Xu thought of facing Chu Yi's neuropathy, and immediately felt his eyes smeared.

An hour later, Qiao Xu was brought to Chu Yi,

This is the first time Qiao Xu has seen Chu Yi head-on, and aware of the ambitious and restrained aura in this man's eyes, Qiao Xu sucked in a breath of cold air.

He used to know that Feng Wuyou was courageous, but he didn't expect her to be so courageous that she would dare to provoke such a man.

Chu Yi narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Qiao Xu quietly. He could feel it. Although Qiao Xu had never seen him, he was very familiar with him.

"You did the surgery for Feng Wuyou?" Chu Yi said suddenly, stunned Qiao Xu for a moment,

"Who is Feng Wuyou?" Qiao Xu asked suspiciously, with a blank look in his eyes, "What surgery? I do many surgeries every day, you have to be more specific."

Looking at Qiao Xu's innocent face, Chu Yi didn't talk nonsense to him, and called the housekeeper over, "lock this person with Su Yao, and cut off Su Yao's medicine and doctor."


Qiao Xu was dragged out, he lowered his head and rolled his eyes, what a pervert!

After Qiao Xu left, Chu Yi summoned the people sent out, "Have you found it?"

Everyone shook their heads, "We have found that tunnel, and there is nothing in it. Could it be that the wrong person was really caught?"

Chu Yi pondered for a moment, "Pay attention to the movement over Jun Shiling."


However, at this time, Jun Shiling was also in a predicament.

According to the news from the front, the clues about Xia Jin were cut off tonight. Not only Chu Yi could not find the person who disappeared out of thin air, but also the people sent by Jun Shiling.

Jun Shiling quietly counted the people who might take Xia Jin away, but no matter how he counted it, it didn't feel right.

Just when he was thinking, the door was suddenly pushed open, and Xiaobao walked in with big eyes, "Dad, my brother is awake, and my brother is looking for you."

Jun Shiling turned off the computer and walked to the next room, Xiao Jiajin babbled at Jun Shiling and called out "Dad" indistinctly.

There was warmth in Jun Shiling's eyes, and he hugged Xiao Jiajin. Xiao Jiajin is usually naughty, but when she is in Jun Shiling's arms, she is very well-behaved.

Jun Shiling patted his back lightly, and waited until he fell asleep before returning to the study.

On the computer at this time, two emails have just been sent.

The first one is about Yu Ding. According to global data, the remaining two jade Dings, one is in the Blue family and the other is in the hands of Chu Yi.

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