Princess is Glamorous in Modern Day

Chapter 331 Danger is approaching

"Crash accident?"

"Yes, Miss Xia, now the family members are making trouble at the accident site. I can't persuade them. Now the construction has been stopped. What should I do? Shall I give President Shen a call?"

The person in charge glanced at the "Miss Xia" in the mouth of President Shen, who was wearing a mask covering his face but still couldn't stop it, and felt anxious.

At first, Shen Qian said that there was a Miss Xia who came to inspect. He looked at her appearance and thought it was Shen Qian's lover. In the end, Xuan Sheng took care of her in every possible way. Life is coming.

But now that such a big engineering accident happened, he couldn't have the mood to play with Xia Wanyuan, so he would call Shen Qian right now.

"No, take me to see it."

"Miss Xia, this accident is not a trivial matter. I think it's better to report it to President Shen first, in case something goes wrong." The person in charge did not believe Xia Wanyuan.

"Then you can fight." Xia Wanyuan got up and walked towards the door.

As expected, after a while, the person in charge followed, "Miss Xia, Mr. Shen asked me to follow your instructions."

"Come on, lead the way."

Even though the person in charge was full of reluctance, since Shen Qian had already said it, he could only take Xia Wanyuan to the accident scene suspiciously.

"Why did you come here?" Xuan Sheng stood aside, and the people below were communicating with the family.

"Come and see, what's going on?"

"The person was broken by talc, and the injury was not serious, but the family members were very violent. It is estimated that they wanted to touch the porcelain on purpose."

Xuan Sheng also felt strange about this. He was woken up early in the morning. He thought it was going to be a big deal, but he stayed here and listened to the shrew for half an hour, and his head hurt.

"Take the people away first, you're wasting time here." Xia Wanyuan glanced at the chaotic scene. The family brought a bunch of helpers and forced the on-site construction to stop.

"No, Miss Xia, this family brought a group of people here, and we don't want to have a conflict, so many people are watching." The person in charge was a little embarrassed. He was the management who just fell from the top, and this was the first The second time this happened, the family members of the accident personnel were still acting like rogues, and he was even more helpless.

"You should have brought someone here, right?" Xia Wanyuan turned to Xuan Sheng,

"Yes." Xuan Sheng's peach blossom eyes slightly raised, and the gangsters of Shengshi Group wanted to bite him when they got the chance. When he went out on weekdays, there were many people protecting him.

"Lend it to me, and I owe you a favor."

"Okay." Xuan Sheng raised his eyebrows slightly and made a gesture, and a dozen well-trained guards gathered at a glance.

"Don't you want to ask for justice? Go there and ask for it slowly." Xia Wanyuan's voice gradually attracted the attention of the people around him, and even the family members who had been crying all the time stopped and looked suspiciously. With Xia Wanyuan.

Xia Wanyuan stretched out her finger and pointed at the troublemaker who was holding the switch on the ground, "Get them away, I'm responsible for the injury."

Xuan Sheng winked, and the guards stepped forward. The rabble was no match for the professional guards. They were subdued in a few moments. The person in charge directly found a brick-pulling truck at the scene and stuffed them into it. , The mighty dragged to the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

Xuan Sheng didn't know what to think, so he asked someone to find a chair, leaned back lazily on the chair, and watched Xia Wanyuan's wanton smile.

"Let's go, let's go and see that cave." Anyway, Xia Wanyuan simply went in to find out.

"Okay, come with me." The person in charge showed Xia Wanyuan the way in front, and Xuan Sheng followed slowly behind.

Just after entering a mountain with a cold air, Xia Wanyuan suddenly felt something wrong in his heart.

Seeing Xia Wanyuan stop, the person in charge turned back suspiciously, "What's wrong, Miss Xia?"

Xia Wanyuan stood beside the mountain wall, resting her hand on the stone for a few seconds, as if something was shaking and was about to burst out of her body, Xia Wanyuan's eyes were instantly sharp,

"It's dangerous here, go away!"

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