Princess is Glamorous in Modern Day

Chapter 93 (Really) Same Bed

Jun Shiling gave Xia Wanyuan a deep look, his eyes were so deep that people couldn't see what he was thinking.

Xia Wanyuan's face was pale, and her brows, which were always indifferent in the past, frowned slightly at this moment, as if something disturbed her in her dream.

In the dream, Xia Wanyuan was walking alone in a darkness with no end. In her ears, there were the shouts of countless soldiers, the warnings of young friends, and the overwhelming cries of her younger brothers and sisters after she left.

Xia Wanyuan was walking on this road alone, only to feel that between heaven and earth, there was only a shadow of himself walking alone.

Suddenly, she felt that there seemed to be sunlight shining through the darkness in front of her. It was warm. Xia Wanyuan walked towards the place where the sunlight was hazy. She stretched out her hand and touched the warmth, as if through this warmth, it could dispel the heat. She was cold and dark inside.

Relying on this warmth, Xia Wanyuan fell asleep completely at ease, and there was no more darkness in her dream.

On the edge of the sofa, Jun Shiling looked at Xia Wanyuan who was holding his arm tightly.

He just wanted to cover Xia Wanyuan with a quilt, but when he reached out, Xia Wanyuan hugged his arm, and when he moved a little, Xia Wanyuan frowned.

After the second bedroom was cleaned up, Xia Wanyuan felt unwell and could not sleep with Jun Yin.

Xia Wanyuan slept soundly, Jun Shiling carried her all the way to the bedroom, Xia Wanyuan's breathing was very gentle.

Put Xia Wanyuan on the bed carefully, Jun Shiling was about to leave, but Xia Wanyuan seemed to be extremely dependent on him, and kept pulling his arm, if he didn't wake Xia Wanyuan, there was no way to leave.

After trying for a while, he couldn't break free. Seeing that Xia Wanyuan was much weaker than before after being ill, he hugged his arm as if he was holding something very dependent, and Jun Shiling's heart softened.

Taking off his shoes, socks and jacket, Jun Shiling lay down beside Xia Wanyuan.

Sensing the approach of the source of warmth in his sleep, Xia Wanyuan completely drilled into Jun Shiling's arms.

Jun Shiling's body froze, the fragrance in his arms was fragrant, and there was a little milky fragrance from Xiaobao's body. Xia Wanyuan's hair was scattered a little by Jun Shiling's hand, soft and smooth.

In the past, when he slept with Xiaobao, Xia Wanyuan habitually hugged Jun Shiling like Xiaobao, and the two were almost inseparable.

Jun Shiling pushed back the hair on Xia Wanyuan's face, revealing her upturned nose and long eyelashes like two small fans.

Jun Shiling felt that his empty world seemed to be filled by Xia Wanyuan.

Jun Shiling lay quietly for a while, then carefully circled his left hand from behind Xia Wanyuan, and then gently moved in his direction, Xia Wanyuan was completely in his arms.

Jun Shiling turned over, facing Xia Wanyuan, put his right hand on Xia Wanyuan's back, and patted it lightly, Xia Wanyuan's slightly raised eyebrows slowly became peaceful during this gentle soothing.

Jun Shiling placed his chin lightly on top of Xia Wanyuan's head, then closed his eyes and fell asleep.

When Xiaobao woke up, he was still the same as usual. He didn't find his parents. He thought that Jun Shiling and Xia Wanyuan had already woken up early and were eating downstairs.

Who would have thought that after going downstairs for a long time, Xia Wanyuan was still not found.

Xiaobao ran up and down anxiously, but couldn't find Mommy.

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