Princess Medical Doctor

: 494 suffocating, how to use it is very important

The goal of Lin Chujiu’s love is too obvious. In order to prevent himself from being stimulated again, after inspiring enough news, Princess Fushou will automatically reveal this topic and take the attitude of the master and invite everyone to sit.

At this time, I had not yet reached the meal. It was not officially opened. Everyone sat around Lin Chujiu. What the Prince wanted to say, but Princess Fushou’s princess squinted and the Prince immediately banned, but his face was unhappy. Sit down on the left side of Lin Chujiu.

Did not do, Lin Chujiu gave up the main position, even if the Prince is not a treasure, he does not dare to call Lin Chujiu, who is called Lin Chujiu is Xiao Prince, is his emperor, even if he is younger, can be a senior He is there, he just has to go on his face.

Among the group, the lowest-identity nature is Mrs. Lin and Lin Yuting. The identity of Mrs. Zuo Xiang and Miss Yan is absolutely enough to be seen in the capital. It is really nothing in front of a group of emperors and princesses.

However, Princess Fushou did not arrange them at the end, but let Lin Yuting sit next to the Prince. He also said: "Everyone is sitting alone, they are all family members. You don't have to pay attention to these vagrants here."

Xiao Zi'an originally planned to get up and give the position of Lin Chujiu's right side to Princess Fushou. When he heard this, he sat down spontaneously and then added tea to Lin Chujiu. "Huangfu, please..."

Lin Chujiu picked up the cup and didn't have time to thank him. He heard the complaint of Princess Fu Shouchang's pretending taste: "Zi'an is really good for the first nine, and my aunt and I are thirsty."

This is how... I heard it all!

Everyone turned their eyes and looked at Xiao Zi'an and looked at Lin Chujiu. Mrs. Lin and Lin Yuting didn't dare to say that they were self-identified. The Prince was disdainful. Instead, Wen Wang took a straightforward temper and asked carefully. : "Zi An, is your relationship with Huangfu very good?"

"Oh..." Lin Chujiu put down the cup and showed a cool color. Xiao Zian glanced at the traces. He saw a slight sour heart, but the face was indifferent. "The Emperor Wen, the uncle and the emperor saved. my life."

"Oh..." Wen Wang nodded, and the smart one stopped.

Wen Wang, a big man, really didn’t think about it. When he saw Xiao Zi’an, he thought it was, but the Princess Fu Shou is different...

As a master of mixed feelings, she admits that she will not be wrong. Xiao Zi'an looks at Lin Chujiu's eyes very wrong, even if it is not a lover, it is not a respect for elders or saviors.

Seeing Xiao Zi'an intentionally revealing, Fu Shouchang Princess pretending to be awkward: "Zi'an is a heart, the first nine things to save you have been separated for so long, you still remember in your heart. I have not seen you so considerate before, Tianyao is not in Beijing. During this time, I saw you have a positive and considerate approach to the Nine Years."

"Auntie, please be cautious." Xiao Zi'an face slightly condensed, a look of anger.

Princess Fushou was not afraid, so he was surprised: "How? I said wrong? You have recently been very close to the Ninth, and you are not an aunt to say you, although the early nine is your imperial concubine. You are close to the age of the first nine years. You must know that men and women are different. You should also pay attention to it. If you want to let outsiders see it, you may want to marry."

Xiao Zi'an's face changed greatly, and he wanted to say something. He saw Lin Chujiu's unwarranted way: "The long princess thinks too much, An Wang is in the palace, I am in Xiao Wangfu, why come near? Besides, although I was young, I was the elder of An Wang. After the long princess, I was not to say that the uninformed person thought that the princess was too old for you to be worthy of me."

"No..." Princess Fushou sees her own words and is explained by Lin Chujiu. It will be explained immediately, but I don’t want Lin Yujiu’s pause, but no one said: "When it comes to intimate things, Prince is to you, Princess." It’s really intimate. I remember that the Prince had spent the night in another hospital. After that, did you stay in the Prince’s House for a night? The long princess and the prince are really close, they live. One piece."

Lin Chujiu said the facts. It is also a very common thing to change to normal. But at this time, how to listen to how to feel strange, especially the last sentence, Wen Wang was almost stunned after hearing it.

Live to a piece?

In this case, this is really... it is easy to misunderstand.

Wen Wang didn't dare to say anything. He only looked at the Prince. The Prince didn't think there was anything. It was very uncomfortable for Wen Wang to look at it. Instead, Princess Fu Shou was taken for granted. "The Prince is my nephew, I live with him." What happened to the government?"

"Not very good, but some people are benevolent, wise see wisdom. Oh, there is another sentence - the prostitute is kinky." At the end, Lin Chujiu laughed out, a look of no heart.

"Cough and cough..." This is the prince who was picked up. The prince coughed and his face turned red. Lin Yuting sat on his side and was busy giving him water. "His Royal Highness, are you okay?"

"No, sinking." The Prince took a sip of water and it calmed down.

Lin Yuting sat down in a clever way, but did not say anything but looked at Lin Chujiu with a blaming look.

Lin Chujiu ignored her, and her eyes were gone, and she was not hurting.

Princess Fushou also asked the Prince about a few words, and determined that the Prince had nothing to do. This was the case for Lin Chujiu. Seeing Lin’s ninety-one face apologized, there was no such thing as an unpleasant one: “If you are in a mess, you are also Dare to say that I am not afraid of tainting the ears."

Xu is a guilty conscience, Xu is a sly, and the Princess Fu Shou is very loud and has some bluffing meaning.

Lin Chujiu smiled and smiled as if he smiled and looked at Fushou Chang’s princess. He said in an understatement: “The appearance of words is for people to read, good words, smug-speakers and listeners think, but Is it a joke, isn’t the princess really serious?”

Lin Chujiu sat up straight, his hands folded in front of the lower abdomen, a dignified look.

Wen Wang glanced at it and silently turned his head and pretended that he had not heard anything. Xiao Zi’an was very supportive. “Huang’s remarks are so good. The words are used to give people’s minds, just like knives are used. Only someone uses it to save people, some people use it to kill people, the fault is not in the knife itself, but in the people who use it."

Xiao Zi'an's lips were lightly swayed, and he also smiled with a three-pointed smile when he spoke. He looked at Fushou's princess without a trace. She saw her anger but didn't dare to speak out, and she became more and more interesting.

After losing money, the face of the prince was very unsightly. When she saw Mrs. Lin sitting on her side, she gave her a wink and asked her to talk about Lin Chujiu, but...

When Mrs. Lin touched the eyes of the Prince, she hurriedly left, and she did not see it.

She did have the heart to put her mother's money, and took the opportunity to teach Lin Chujiu a few words, so that she had no face, but...

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