Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1004: Arrogant Tianxian Sister

After receiving the gifts, the **** sat down for a meal, saying that it was a birthday feast, in fact, some flower tea and medicated meal.

The **** looked at the dark soup and the unknown scented tea in front of him, and immediately lost his appetite.

Why do they love medicated food so much? She seriously doubts that they are so young because they all took medicated food.

"Eat this, this one tastes good." Hua Yan handed the bowl of medicated food in front of him to the beaver.

The **** glanced at the medicinal food with a distaste, and tasted silently.

After seeing the **** drinking, Hua Yan immediately excitedly saw the other medicated food piled up in front of her. "This big supplement, you can have a baby earlier after eating these."

"Oh!" Baitan was stunned by the word "doll" for a moment, "keke ..."

"Oh, waste, waste." Looking at the medicinal juice sprayed by the beaver, Hua Yan called out immediately.

"Drink some tea." Mo Beichen quickly picked up the tea and fed her.

Li Yue glanced at the **** that was taken care of by Huayan and Mo Beichen, and her heart became even more upset.

Obviously today is her birthday feast, but all the limelight was snatched by that stinky girl.

Ming Lanqi and Wen Yun'er both stared at the **** with jealous faces.

"Rare disciples are here, it is better to let a few of them learn from each other." Liyue put down the tea bowl, and suddenly looked at the **** meaningfully.

As soon as Gu Qun's eyes lighted up, he immediately said: "Good idea, just to check and test their practice."

"Huh, you sure want them to fight with Xiaochener." Hua Yan snorted coldly and glanced at Yang Jingfeng and Minglan seven disdainfully.

As mentioned by Huayan, Gu Qun and Liyue instantly thought of Mo Beichen's superb force value. Not to mention Jingfeng and Lanqi, I am afraid that neither of them is his opponent.

Yang Jingfeng and Ming Lan Qi are also black lines. Master, they are fully fed. Let them fight with Brother Mo's pervert, aren't they trying to kill themselves?

"Heck ..." Li Yue coughed quietly and glanced at Baitan quietly. "Isn't there this girl? Let her fight for Mo."

"Yes, yes, let Yuner accompany this girl to learn from each other." Gu Qun nodded quickly.

The beaver's eyes twitched unconsciously, did she agree? Learn from each other.

"Be assured, they won't hurt this girl." Gu Qun smiled again, afraid of Hua Yan.

Looking at Gu Qun's generous smile, Hua narrowed his eyes and said, "Girl, go with them for two tricks."

"Why should I go?" Beaver pouted and glanced unhappyly.

Hua Yan came to the **** and whispered, "Don't you want to teach them?"

The **** glanced across the jealous face of Ming Lanqi and Wen Yuner, and raised his eyebrows. It is not impossible to learn from each other.

"Ah ..." Bai Tan coughed slightly, stood up and said, "Since everyone is so interested, then I will accompany you."

"Yuner, go and accompany this girl for two tricks." Gu Qun smiled and immediately looked at Wen Yuner behind him.

As soon as Wen Yuner was about to agree, the **** laughed evilly: "Don't bother, the two sisters should go together."

"So arrogant?" Wen Yuner opened her mouth in surprise, apparently not expecting that the **** would be so mad.

Yang Jingfeng also glanced at the **** in surprise. This sister of Tianxian is crazy. Master Wen's cultivation is not low. Coupled with Master Ming, how could she win?

"How? Dare you come?" Baitan raised her eyebrows provocatively at Wen Yuner.

Wen Yuner was instantly stimulated, and he threw the sword in his hand: "I'm afraid you will lose your crying nose by then."

"Sister Ming. Together." Wen Yuner finished, and looked at Ming Lanqi again.

Ming Lanqi didn't say anything, just glanced at the beaver, and went out first.

Everyone followed the three to go outside to watch the game.

"Come on." Bai Tan glanced across Wen Yun'er and Ming Lan Qi across the eyes, summoning the Heartburn Sword.

"Since you want to lose so much, I'll do it for you." When Wen Baier was so arrogant, Wen Yuner suddenly lifted his sword and stabbed at it.

The beaver's eyes narrowed slightly, and he raised his hands at random, Wen Yuner was immediately repelled a few steps.

Wen Yun's eyes widened slyly, and she did not expect that Beaver could stop her attack so easily.

Standing on the side to watch the game of the valley and the moon, were also surprised.

Just when Wen Yuner was in a daze, Baijue had already attacked with a sword.

Wen Yuner was taken aback, and quickly turned around, but still scratched his right shoulder.

Wen Yuner quickly held up her sword to block, and wanted to fight back, but no matter how she changed her moves, she was still beaten by the beaver.

Wen Yuner gritted her teeth and stared at the **** resentfully. Obviously her moves were very simple, but why she could restrain her to death.

"Sister Ming!" It was another sharp offensive early in the morning, and Wen Yuner finally couldn't help but shouted at Ming Lan Qi who was watching the drama over there.

Ming Lan Qi disdainfully looked at Wen Yun'er, and directly transported Xuan Li to attack the white beaver. Pure black Xuan Li was not very strong, apparently it was just recently promoted.

The **** raised his eyebrows, and did not expect Ming Lanqi to have promoted Mo Ling. The talent was not bad, but even if she was promoted to Mo Ling, it would be useless.

The raccoon squinted and waved Wen Yun'er with one palm, and at the same time, wielded mysterious power and hit back at that pure black power.

The transparent white light beam blinded everyone's eyes instantly.

"How could that be?" Ming Lan stared blankly at the extremely white beam, his face dying.

She turned out to be Bai Ling. When she was red, she was already Zi Ling. When she got to Zi Ling, she was still Zi Ling. Even when she came to Mo Ling, she was still Zi Ling. Now she is having a hard time. Cultivation reached Mo Ling, originally thought that she could finally compete with her, but did not expect that she had reached Bai Ling.

Why, why did God play with her like this? Obviously she is equally talented and hard working. Why can't she compare with her?

"Bai Ling?" Gu Qun stared at the strong white mystery with wide eyes, his face incredible.

Li Yue next to him looked like he had eaten a fly, and his face turned blue.

Yang Jingfeng, who was waiting to see the beaver's uncle, was so shocked that his eyes fell out, didn't he? This Tianxian sister turned out to be so powerful.

Wen Yuner, who was pushed out by the **** over there, was also shocked by the white beam. It turned out to be Bai Ling. She was playing with her just now, otherwise she would be scrapped by one move.

In the eyes of everyone's astonishment, the dazzling white mysterious power swallowed up all the black mysterious powers like a python, and then shot towards Ming Lan Qifei.

That lightning-fast speed gave Ming Lanqi no chance to dodge.

"Boom" for a moment, the white light flashed, Ming Lan Qi was directly hit and flew out.

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