Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1007: The person in question is me

Everyone looked dumbfounded at this sudden scene.

Wen Yun'er looked at Ming Lanqi's embarrassing look, and a flash of pleasure flashed in his eyes.

Ming Lan Qi, you also have today.

Huayan and Gu Qun are all blushing with old faces, this girl is too cruel.

"Yuyu!" Yang Jingfeng stared at Ming Lanqi's chest with wide eyes, and drool was coming out.

"Smelly boy!" Gu Qun's face was red, and he suddenly raised his hand and slaped Yang Jingfeng's head.

"Oh!" Yang Jingfeng called out in pain, but his eyes were still sticking to Ming Lanqi's chest. I didn't expect Ming Shimei's figure to be so good.

"Lan Qi!" Li Yue was so frightened that he flew away Mo Beichen, flew to Ming Lan Qi, took off her coat and covered her.

"Master!" Ming Lan was so ashamed that she wanted to die. Originally, she wanted to dedicate to Brother Mo tonight, but she was stripped of clothes in the large court.

Liyue patted Ming Lan Qi's back comfortably, then raised his eyes and stared angrily at the beaver, "You are so vicious at a young age, I don't think I can teach you well today."

When Li Yue said, she had to do something to the beaver.

Mo Beichen and Hua Yan flew forward at the same time, one was guarded by Baiju, and one was in front of Liyue.

"Sister Mei, have something to say." Huayu blocked Liyue and persuaded.

"What did you say? Didn't you see how Lan Qi was bullied by this woman?" Where would Li Yue be willing to listen, and she would start again with a push of flowers.

Mo Beichen guarded the **** behind him, and looked at Liyue coldly, "She is my wife. I want to do it, and I will be with you."

Seeing Mo Beichen guarding the beaver, Ming Lan Qi immediately looked at Mo Beichen with red eyes, but unfortunately, he didn't get any response.

Mo Beichen's toughness made Li Yue so angry that she could get the upper hand with him, but she couldn't say anything.

"Look at the good apprentice you received. Where does this uncle look at me?" There was no way Lili could take Mo Beichen, so he turned to the trouble of looking for Huayan.

"I'm not in his eyes, where can he put you in his eyes." Hua Yan touched his nose and muttered softly.

"What are you talking about?" Li Yue stared at him.

"Cough ..." Hua Yan gave a cough, and looked at the **** behind Mo Beichen. "Say, what's going on?"

The **** looked at Ming Lanqi with a black face, without any intention to explain.

"Xiao Chener, you say." Looking at Bai Tan's face, Hua Yan had to turn to Mo Beichen, Mo Beichen did not even raise his eyelids.

"Mr. Ming, talk about it." Huayao lost his way and turned to Minglan Qi, another party.

For a moment, everyone looked at Ming Lan Qi.

Ming Lan Qi bowed his head slightly, and did not speak.

This made her say, did she want to say that she knew they didn't have a round house, so she planned to come and give her up?

"I know what's going on?" Just when everyone was puzzled, Wen Yuner suddenly stood up.

"Then what's going on?" Hua Yan looked at Wen Yuner with a look of surprise and raised his chin.

Ming Lan frowned frantically, looking up at Wen Yun'er with warning.

However, Wen Yuner ignored the warning eyes of Ming Lanqi, and said, "I have n’t yet learned that Brother Mo and Brother Bai haven't had a round room, so I want to seduce Brother Brother Mo. I didn't expect to be hit by Brother Bai. , This will not fight. "

Wen Yun'er said lightly, but the others were shocked.

"You explain that Sister Mei came to seduce Brother Mo?" Yang Jingfeng opened his mouth in surprise, and did not believe it.

How could someone like Ming Shimei be so cold?

Wen Yuner raised her eyebrows and looked at Ming Lanqi's Tieqing's face with a smile, "Otherwise, what is she doing here wearing a tube top so late?"

"You bullshit, watch me don't rip your mouth!" The central thought said, Ming Lanqi immediately moved to Wen Yuner in shame and anger.

"Not enough!" Li Yue suddenly yelled angrily, and Ming Lan didn't dare to move any more.

"Master ..." She blushed and looked at Li Yue aggrievedly.

Liyue stared at Ming Lanqi with a steel hate, and others did n’t know her mind, but she knew everything about it tonight, and that ’s what Wen ’s girl said. If it ’s true, then she ’s still What kind of face to go to others to settle accounts, not only her own, but even her master's face was lost to her.

Looking at Li Yue's disappointed and disgusted eyes, Ming Lan was anxious for seven moments, and she raised her finger slyly to the beaver, "It's her, obviously she's sick, and she's going to occupy Achen."

There was a hint of killing in Baiju's eyes, and Silver Fox stepped up, moved to Ming Lanqi in an instant, grabbed her throat and squeezed it tightly, "Do n’t dare to shout Achen, I abolish you."

There was no warm voice cold, full of murderous intentions.

Ming Lan's face rose with iron, and there was no air in her lungs. She wanted to speak for help, but she couldn't make a sound.

Yang Jingfeng and Wen Yun'er looked at the fierceness of the beaver, and they couldn't help shivering.

"Stop!" Liyue came back to her, and hurried forward, but was slammed by the beaver.

"Why are you still doing this? You can't pull this woman away anymore." Liyue covered her chest and glanced at everyone with a hate.

Yang Jingfeng and Wen Yun'er both lowered their heads and took a step back in silence.

This woman is just like crazy, a crazy white spirit, they don't want to go to death.

Gu Qun glanced at Hua Hua, and did not step forward.

He is the one who is the least qualified to be involved in this matter. No matter whether it is Mo Xiaozi, this white girl, or that Ming girl, it is not easy to mess with him.

Hua Yan didn't want to worry about this gossip, but when he saw Ming Lanqi's breathlessness, he could only come forward.

"Okay." Huatuo patted Baiju's shoulder, and gently took her hand around Minglan's seven necks.

The **** did not resist, but those murderous eyes still stared at Ming Lanqi for a moment, like a cheetah watching. If the other party moves, she will step forward and bite each other. Neck.

Ming Lan fell to the ground in seven strokes and breathed the hard-won air almost greedily.

"It's okay." Mo Beichen stepped forward and patted Bai Ju's back gently, and then took her back to the house.

Ming Lan Qi looked at the back of the two and shouted unwillingly at once: "I won't give up."

The **** hated his teeth, clenched his fists and wanted to turn around to stab him.

Mo Beichen pulled the beaver, turned and looked at Ming Lan seven coldly: "The person in question is not her, it is me."

All of them instantly stared in shock.

Even the **** looked at him in amazement.

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