Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1009: Old man's meeting

The two of you fight for me, and all the plates are wiped out by the storm, not to mention the dishes, and the soup does not leave a bite for the beaver.

The **** was very angry and funny, watching the two men fighting for the last piece of bergamot, silently got up to clean the dinner plate and went to the side of the stream to clean the plate.

"White girl." As soon as Baitan finished brushing the dinner plate and was about to return to the bamboo house, Yang Jingfeng burst out suddenly.

"Brother Yang is okay?" Bai Jue didn't have any feelings about Yang Jingfeng, who looks like a woman.

"White girl, that ..." Yang Jingfeng looked at the raccoon flushedly, trying to say something more difficult to read.

"If it's okay, I'll go back first." Where is Beaver waiting patiently for him, he will just go around him.

"Wait a minute." When Yang Baifeng was about to leave, Yang Jingfeng was anxious, and he quickly caught up, nervously flushed. "White girl, I know Brother Mo ... he can't ..."

When he heard the word "No", Baitan squinted his eyes narrowly and finally stopped.

Yang Jingfeng was pleased, thinking that he had a chance, and immediately flickered at Baijue: "I can replace Brother Mo, as long as you are willing to follow me, I must ..."

Yang Jingfeng said, and he reached out his claws to catch Baiju's hand.

Bai Tan's eyes were cold, and the winking eyes raised against him was a punch.

"Oh!" Yang Jingfeng was in pain, covered his eyes, and stared angrily at the beaver: "White girl, why are you hitting me?"

"The old lady hit you." Baici gave a cold cry, and he was not polite to him. He threw the dinner plate and hit him.

Yang Jingfeng originally wanted to resist, but where was his point of repair for Baiju's opponent, after the resistance was invalid, he could only flee.

"White girl, I was wrong, I will never dare, please let me go." Yang Jingfeng shouted in horror as he ran.

Where is the **** to care about him, punching and kicking is not enough, and he takes out the trenches, chasing him through a chaotic stab.

Damn, dare to say that A Mo can't do it, see if she doesn't stab him a hundred holes today.

The **** uses silver fox steps, and Yang Jingfeng runs as fast as he can't avoid being stabbed.

"Ah ... Ah ..." After being stabbed several times, Yang Jingfeng immediately screamed in horror. "White girl, white girl, white sister, white grandmother ... please spare me this time."

Yang Jingfeng shouted tearfully while running.

Not far away, Hua Yan and Mo Beichen watched the show leisurely.

"The girl's weapon was all made by you?" Hua Yan frowned, looking at the trenches in Bai Jue's hand.

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows indiscriminately.

"Refining when you have time, your refining device is not yet home." Hua Yan glanced at Beichen, a bit disgusted.

Mo Beichen drew his eyes in a black line. The trenches were made when he first learned to refine. What technical skills were there? He did n’t know that this thing would come into the hands of the beaver. He hasn't worked hard.

In front of the beaver, he felt that it was not enough to cut, and took out the heart-burning sword, and stabbed at Yang Jingfeng.

"It's on fire! It's on fire!" Martian drew on his clothes, and Yang Jingfeng screamed in horror.

"The sword is a good sword, but it is worse." Hua Yan looked at the heart-burning sword in Baiju's hand and commented.

Mo Beichen frowned. He also knew that it was worse. Isn't it difficult to find fire weapon materials? He stole all this material.

"You are still missing her greetings." Mo Beichen looked at Huayu quietly.

Hua Xun's evil lips, "I know your kid is not so easy to come back this time."

The purpose was revealed, and Mo Beichen didn't blush. He returned to the mountain for this purpose.

The two teachers and apprentices talked from the trenches to the heart-burning sword, and Yang Jingfeng was going crazy over there.

"Oh, Master, come and save me." Yang Jingfeng shouted in tears, raised his eyes to Mo Beichen and Hua Yan, and suddenly rushed towards them as if they were seeing loved ones. Uncle, Brother Mo is going to save me, this woman is crazy. "

"Who made you offend our girl? It's light to chop you." Hua Yan snorted coldly, and before Yang Jingfeng approached, he kicked him into the nearby stream.

"Tongtong!" After a burst of water, he screamed in horror again. "Uncle Flower, oh ... I can't swim!"

Hua Yan smiled badly: "I can't swim, just sober and awake, I washed my eyes, and next time I see who can touch and who can't touch."

"Why save him?" Baitan chased after him, watching Yang Jingfeng who was tossing in the shallow water, and immediately grunted with dissatisfaction.

Hua Yan's eyes twitched. "Okay, the lessons will be learned. You really want to hack him."

This girl has offended people for two days. It seems that he will have to stay here on the mountain afterwards.

The **** narrowed her eyes angrily, if there was no old man, she really wanted to chop them all.

"Let's go, I'll take you to a good place." Seeing the killing in the beaver's eyes, Hua Yan immediately took her away with coaxing.

"Where do you want to take us?" Bai Tan thought Hua Hua just coaxed her, but he didn't expect him to actually take them to the deep forest.

"Xiao Chener said that I owe you a meeting gift. The old man doesn't like to owe anyone, so he takes you to get a meeting gift." Hua Yan walked in front and said half-truth.

Meeting ceremony?

The **** raised his eyebrows, expecting instantly.

What kind of greeting will the old man give her?

The three walked down the mountain forest to the depths of the forest.

Looking at the enchantment in front of him, the expectation in Baijue's eyes became stronger. What kind of meeting ceremony was so mysterious?

With a wave of the flower robe sleeve, the enchantment in front of him disappeared immediately, and two completely different temperatures hit the face instantly.

The **** frowned, only to find this feeling very familiar.

Mo Beichen also frowned, and squeezed his hands unconsciously.

Hua Yan took the two men into the enchantment, and a half-ice and half-fire, a pool of ice and fire appeared in front of the three.

Feeling this familiar atmosphere, Mo Beichen's heart was suddenly hurt. Even if he knew that the ice and fire pool in front of him was not the eye of the demon, the almost same breath still made him unbearable.

The past life seems to be right in front of him. The demon red coat that took him off the ice and fire pond is not only reflected in his eyes, but also deeply in his mind. Just thinking, he feels like his heart is being The man pinched and choked with pain.

The **** on the side also buzzed his head, and Yao Ye's eyes looked unbelievably at the Binghuo Pool in front of him.

This pond that once appeared in the dream turned out to be here, sad, painful, helpless, sad, resentful, angry, and her emotions were spinning in her mind like a wheel, making her feel breathless.

"Do you know what's in the middle of the fire pond?" Hua Zheng ignored the two's anomaly and pointed directly at the central fire pond halfway.

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