Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 104: Murong Jinhong

Chapter 104 Murong Jinhong

Mo Beichen's kiss was overbearing without losing tenderness.

The cold refreshing sensation in the mouth awakened the beaver's memory.

She remembered that last night she felt as if she was going to die, and then she kissed him like she was crazy, and then she remembered nothing.

Thinking of his crazy kiss last night, the **** couldn't help but blush.

"Miss, miss ..."

Just when the two kissed inextricably, the anxious knock on the door rang out.

Mo Beichen moved quickly, letting go of the **** and taking a bite at the corner of her lips.

"Perform yourself today, I'm waiting to see the show."

The hoarse voice made the **** hot again.

When Baitan raised his eyes again, Mo Beichen had disappeared.

With a bang, the door was pushed open, and Qiwen anxiously broke in. "Miss ..."

"I'm fine. Go get some water. I want to take a bath." Baitan ordered through the bead curtain.

Qi Wen frowned, although still confused, but still obediently exited the room.

After preparing the hot water, Qiwen bowed back.

Outside the house, Yunzhi and Qingye have also woken up.

"What happened last night, why did we all feel dizzy?" Yunori felt his head confusedly.

Qing Yan shook her head. She seemed to hear the cry of the lady last night, and then she remembered nothing.

Seeing Qiwen coming out, Yunzhi immediately greeted him, "Sister Qiwen, is it all right, Miss?"

Qiwen shook her head. "It's okay. I'm bathing in the room."

Yunzhi heard the words lightly, "I'm fine. Last night I seemed to hear the screams of the lady. I was scared to death. I thought the lady had an accident."

Qi Wen's eyes flashed lightly, she heard the voice last night, what happened last night?

After a scent of incense, the door of the room squeaked open.

The three looked up together and saw the **** standing in the doorway, all of a sudden.

At the door, the **** was wrapped in a solid color tube top, covered with white snow forging, and the soft blue silk was scattered around his waist.

"Little, miss ..."

Cloud weaving looked at Bai Tan's delicately like porcelain doll's face, and shouted uncertainly.

Qiwen and Qingying both stared blankly at the beaver. Why does today's lady look different?

Looking at the dull expressions on the three faces, Beaver's lips slightly twitched, "Come in and dress for me."

After hearing the familiar voice, the three finally returned to their hearts.

"Yes." The three responded, and followed the **** into the room.

Yun Zhi combed her hair for the beaver, while peeking at the **** from the ivory hollow round mirror.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Yunzhi peeping at himself, Baitan raised an eyebrow.

Yunzhi Qiao blushed and blinked stupidly, "Miss, how did you become like this?"

"What happened?" The Beaver smiled evilly.

"That's ..." Yunzhi tilted his head for a while and thought for a while, and finally came up with a word, "beautiful."

Beaver lip, "I wasn't beautiful before?"

The evil voice was full of jokes.

Yun Zhi immediately replied, "Of course beautiful, but now it's too beautiful."

She was so beautiful that she felt like seeing a fairy.

The **** raised his lips in a good mood, "OK, don't be poor, comb your hair carefully."

"Yes, what kind of hair bun does the lady want?" Yunzhi responded, carefully combing her hair for the beaver.

The **** raised his eyebrows indifferently, "simple."

Yunzhi nodded with a smile. "Well, Miss is like this now, no matter how well she combs."

At the request of the beaver, Yunzhi combed a simple flying cloud.

After combing her hair, Yunzhi brought another jewellery box. "These are newly purchased by the princess for the lady. Which one will the lady use?"

The **** glanced at the box full of beads and shook, and finally stopped his eyes on a blood jade.

Bright red like blood, glowing in the sun, is very beautiful.

"Just this."

"Yes." Yunzhi picked up the blood jade and put it on the beaver.

The blood-red jade was inlaid in the black hair, glowing red, very dazzling.

Yunzhi glared at him for a moment, and murmured, "This **** is so beautiful."

Looking at Yunzhi's obsessive eyes, Qiwen deliberately joked, "Is the lady good-looking, or the **** good-looking."

Yun Zhi Qiao blushed and scratched her head with a scumming, "all look good."

"Hmm ..." Qiwen lowered her head and chuckled, holding a few new clothes in front of Baiju, "These are just the embroidered mothers.

The white raccoon glanced at the various red clothes in Qiwen's hand and picked one casually.

"Just this one."

"Yes." Qiwen picked out the one selected by Baiju and put the rest in the closet.

"Miss, slavery is waiting for you to change." Yunzhi stood behind Beaver obediently.

The **** looked at the aunt who was a little helpless, and his eyes flashed, "Let the aunt."

Yunzhi froze slightly, thinking of Qingluo, and frowned immediately.

Oops, I have forgotten the barley.

Qiwen also frowns with blame. Qing Qing has just arrived, and they should take more care of her feelings.

Qing Yan's eyes lighted up, and there was a touch of gratitude in her eyes. She immediately came forward to change clothes for the beaver.

Taking off the pure white snow forging, the beaver's incense-like shoulders and the white jade arms were exposed.

"Miss, your hand ..."

Yunori stared in shock at Bai Tan's smooth arm without gauze.

Beaver raised his arm and flipped up and down, "It's all right."

This pill-washing pill is really magical. Not only did she pill-wash her veins, she even recovered all the trauma she had suffered before.

Qiwen and Qingying heard the words, and looked at Baiju's arm together, and both eyes widened in surprise.

It was wonderful overnight, it was amazing.

Looking at the beaver's delicate skin like a newborn baby, Yunzhi admired in surprise, "Miss, not only did you hurt, but you became beautiful, even your skin became tender, even ..."

Yunzhi looked at the pair of bulging towers on Bai's chest, his eyes full of doubt.

Overnight, it has grown so much. How did this happen?

Seeing Yunzhi staring at her chest all the time, Beaver's eyes drew, and she stretched out her delicate fingers and flicked her forehead.

The girls, who were quite pure, were all blackened by them.

Hearing the name of "Songyan", Yun Zhi Qiao blushed and touched her forehead with a sullen expression. "Miss, did you eat any elixir?"

Baici rolled his eyes when he heard the words, "What elixir is that pill?"

Washing pill? The three eyes widened at the same time.

Qiwen reacted for the first time, with a surprised expression, "Miss, you took Xishui Dan, so you have repaired your meridians."

"Well." The **** raised his lips gently.

"That's great." Qiwen's nose was sore and she almost burst into tears.

The lady's natural meridian is occluded. For this reason, I don't know how much pain I have suffered, how much bullying and grievances I have suffered.

Yunzhi and Qingying returned to God, and both were happy for the beaver.

Miss meridian repair, this is a great thing.

Three people changed their dress for the **** in excitement.

Looking at the beavers who are beautiful like fairies, the three of them stayed for a long while before returning to God.

"Miss, you are more beautiful than the fairies in the sky."

Yunzhi bit his finger and stared at the **** stupidly.

The **** raised his eyes and stared at Yunzhi with a gaze, "You're poor, have you seen it again?"

Yunzhi grinned, "I've seen it in a dream, and there is no Miss Mei."

The **** lip lip, "Okay, don't be poor, get ready early."

"Yes." Yunzhi bowed and ran out.

As soon as the **** ran out of breakfast, Qiwen came in and reported, "Miss, Princess and Yuxi County Lord."

The **** heard the words and immediately got up and greeted.

"Aunt, my son."

In the courtyard, Bai Qingyan looked at the **** running out of the house and froze instantly.

Murong Yusao also looked at the **** dumbly, and it took a long while to murmur, "You are, cousin beaver?"

The white **** chuckled his lips and reached out and squeezed Murong Yuxi's small face lovingly.

"Why, you can't recognize cousin Tanzi just a day away?"

Murong Yubi blinked stupidly, "Yeah, I remember seeing him all day."

It was only one day that he hadn't seen him, so how did cousin Taner change.

"Beaver, you ..."

Bai Qingyan turned back and looked at Baiju's beautiful face in surprise.

Bai Tan's eyes flashed lightly, "Aunt, let's go in and talk."

Bai Qingyan nodded, and entered the room with Baiju and Murong Yuxi.

"You ate the pill."

After listening to Baitan's speech, Bai Qingyan stood up in excitement. "So your meridian is repaired."

"Well." Baitan nodded, and stood up.


For a moment, Bai Qingyan shed tears of excitement.

"Taci, great."

Reaching for the **** into his arms, Bai Qingyan kept crying.

The beaver's meridian was repaired, Dad's wish was completed, and his brother was able to rest under Jiuquan.

"Aunt ..."

Bai Tan's nose was sour, his eyes were red, and he nestled in Bai Qingyan's arms.

No matter to the old **** or to her now, her aunt is like a mother, and she has given her motherly love she has never felt before. She thought that in this life she would never forget this feeling of being loved.

Murong Yuxi looked at the two embracing each other, eyes full of emotion.

Secretly dry the tears in the corners of the eyes, Baitan raised his eyes.

"Aunt, don't cry, if your uncle knows I'm making you cry, he won't kill me."

While Baizi said delicately, she held a papa to wipe tears for Bai Qingyan.

"He dares."

Bai Qingyan heard the words, and immediately stared.

Bai Jue and Murong Yuyi glanced at each other and chuckled together.

"Ah, Ah, Ah ..."

Murong Jinhong sneezed several times in Su Wangfu's study.

Murong Xu glanced strangely at Murong Jinhong, "Father Wang, is this sick?"

Murong Jinhong rubbed her nose and said cheerfully, "Where am I sick? Your mother-in-law must have missed me."

... Murong Yan's eyes twitched unconsciously.

Where did the father and the self-confidence come from, the mother-in-law and the son-in-law went to the cousin, who would miss him at this time.

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