Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1040: There are too many to let go

"Long live my lord, long live, long live!"

Yu Yue was the first to kneel and shout long live.

Immediately after Fu Yan, Zhou Xinji and others also knelt down.

The officials who were watching were all undecided, neither kneeling nor kneeling, neither knew how to look good.

Murong Yan glanced coldly at the standing officials, and said Yin Yin: "Why, do you have any opinions about you or your father's imperial edict?"

"Wei Chen didn't dare."

A big hat was buttoned down, and those ministers who were watching did not dare to kneel.

As a result, few people were standing.

All those officials who originally supported Murong Yu were arrested by Murong Yu, and there were only a few who could not be easily shaken like Xue Yuen Long, Yun Zhiyu, Tang Shizhou, and Su Shangshu.

There are also those neutral officials who are hesitant to hear Murong Yu's whereabouts at this moment.

Murong Yun's eyes flickered, and he suddenly stood out and said, "Brother Three Emperors, my brother has found a divine doctor to see his father, and he asked his brother to allow his brother to bring his divine doctor to his father for treatment."

Murong frowned frantically, saying impatiently: "Father Emperor is seriously ill and has been lethargic for many days. There is no way for the Royal Medical Staff at Taitai Hospital, what can the sacred doctor do?"

Guaranting that Murong Yun would not agree, Murong Yun suddenly knelt down. "My brother is willing to guarantee with his head. If God does not heal the Emperor's illness, the brother is willing to die."

When other neutral officials heard this, they followed their knees.

"Please ask the three princes to allow the doctor to treat the emperor."

Murong sank his face, his eyes staring at Murong Yun.

What **** heals? But just want to see the father, the best thing about Yunjing medicine is Bai Juer, but now the father has returned, and I am afraid that even Bai Juer could not save his life.

Xu Lingyang secretly glanced at Yuen Long Xue, and there was a gleam of light in his deep eyes.

This must be Xue Yuenlang's idea again. He is clever. Now Murong Yu is afraid that it is difficult to ride a tiger. If the five princes are not allowed to see the emperor, I am afraid that the civil and military officials in the hall will start to doubt.

As Xu Lingyang thought, Murong Min's unusual persistence quickly aroused suspicion from the ministers.

"Why don't the three princes let the five princes see the emperor? Is it true that the three princes are under house arrest?"

Murong Yan turned black for a moment, but he didn't have a solution, he could only look at Xu Lingyang.

Xu Lingyang frowned, he really didn't want to care about the kid's breaking things, but now how much worse is he with Murong? It is also difficult to ride a tiger.

Xu Lingyang stood up arrogantly and said, "The emperor is seriously ill and is most afraid of being disturbed. The five princes should not disturb the emperor for recuperation. If they are really disturbed, no one can afford this responsibility."

Mu Rongyun raised his eyes and suddenly sadly said, "Xu Xiang has no idea. The prince recently dreamed about his father saying that someone had tortured him. If the prince could not see his father, it would be difficult to sleep and eat."

Mu Rongyun's words instantly set off a stormy sea above Chaotang.

"Is there such a thing?"

"Someone tortured the emperor?"

"Maybe the five princes and the emperor are close to each other. Maybe it is true."

Listening to the surprise speech of the crowd, Murong Biao slammed the dragon chair in an instant, "It's a nonsense, how can an illusion such as dream be taken seriously."

Here Xue Yuen Long and Murong Yun rubbed Murong Yu and Xu Lingyang, and Murong Lingshan had summoned everyone in the harem to the Purple Feather Hall.

Seeing a mighty group of people approaching here, several guards stepped forward and stopped, "The three princes have orders ..."

"Give way to this palace!"

Before the guard's words were finished, they were pushed away by several women.

Other guards wanted to step forward to stop people, but these crazy women can be stopped by ordinary people, not to mention these are the emperor women who dare to touch.

Murong Lingshan took all the concubines in the harem and rushed into the Purple Feather Hall.

"Father Emperor!"


Seeing Murong Shuofeng lying there awake and awake, everyone was anxious instantly.

Seeing Murong Lingshan and Xue Guifei both came, the queen finally passed out and fainted.


Murong Lingshan was shocked and rushed forward to support the queen.

"A lot of blood!" Murong Lingshan was even more frightened when she saw a large pool of blood flowing from the queen.

Xue Guifei frowned frantically. "The queen seems to be giving birth. Quickly pass Wen Po and Tai Yi!"

The crowd immediately acted with all their mights, lifting people up, looking for a stable woman, a stable woman called Taiyi.

Soon, both the Taiyi and Wenpo came over and determined that the queen had premature delivery.

The doctors gathered in front of Murong Shuofeng's dragon bed. After several doctors took turns to explore the pulse of Murong Shuofeng, they shook their heads helplessly.

"Emperor ..."

Xue Guifei looked at Murong Shuofeng on the dragon bed with red eyes, her face was incredible.

"The minister has done his best."

The doctors knelt down in shame.

"Father Emperor!"

Murong Lingshan rushed to Murong Shuofeng's bed and burst into tears.

Murong Shuofeng was confused, as if he heard Murong Lingshan's voice again, he held his eyes open.

"Little Eight." Murong Shuofeng stretched out his hand, trying to wipe tears for Murong Lingshan.

"Father Emperor!" Murong Lingshan grabbed Murong Shuofeng's hand.

Murong Shuofeng turned his neck, as if looking for something.

Guessing what he meant, Murong Lingshan hurriedly said, "After the mother, she's going to have a baby, and Wen's mother is giving her a baby."

As Murong Lingshan said, Murong Shuofeng finally heard the shout of the compartment, and suddenly anxious again.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Wen said that the mother is in good condition, and her brother and sister will soon be born." Although Murong Lingshan was also worried about the queen, she did not want to worry Murong Shuofeng.

Murong Shuofeng nodded silently, anxiously thinking of something, "Yier ..."

"Brother Huang is also very good. Brother Six Emperor has gone to him, and he will definitely return." Murong Lingshan cried silently while comforting Murong Shuofeng.

Murong Shuo was relieved and said, "Yuner ..."

Snow Princess stepped forward with red eyes immediately, "You can rest assured, his body is much better now."

"Little Seven ..."

Murong Shuofeng reads one by one, there are too many people he can't let go.

When Murong Shuofeng thought of Murong Xuefei, Snow Concubine was crying.

"Rest assured, the emperors will find the Seven Sisters back." Murong Lingshan comforted while crying.

"Mr .... Tang girl ... together ..."

Murong Shuofeng's consciousness became increasingly unclear, but he persisted in not letting himself fall asleep.

Murong Lingshan nodded with tears. "I will speak to Brother Six Emperor."

"Little Eight ..."

Looking at Murong Shuofeng's uneasy eyes, Murong Ling suddenly cried, "I ... I don't want to be sloppy ... I will marry whoever I want to marry ...

"Little nine ..."

"I'm here ... Father Emperor ..." Murong Yu heard his name and immediately ran out of Lan Fei's arms, crying, and kneeled to the bed.

Murong Shuo looked at Murong Yu with a guilty face, "I'm sorry ... Father Emperor can't ... stay with you ..."

"Father Emperor ... don't go ..."

Murong suddenly burst into tears, and the concubines kneeling behind them all sobbed.

At this moment, the stable lady in the cubicle suddenly ran out and hurriedly said, "Not good, the queen is bleeding a lot!"

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