Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1047: Nangong Phoenix committed suicide

"Miscellaneous accounts!" Nangong Ruihe looked at Nangong Huang's panicked face and suddenly became furious. "You have learned all the" internal training "and" men's commandments "your father and you taught you."

The Taiyi told her before that she didn't believe it, and he did not expect that he would dare to do such a deed.

Nangong Huang's face was so pale that he did not refute a word.

He was wrong. He was sorry for his father, but he did not regret it.

Nangong Huang didn't speak, and Nangong Ruihe scolded and was boring, and was unwilling to fight, and could only sullen in secret.

For a long while, Nangong Ruihe stared at Nangong Huang and said, "It's a good day today, you're ready to prepare, I have let Ling's family come to pick up a relative."

Nangong Huang was shocked and looked up and shouted, "I don't want to marry someone."

Nangong Ruihe's face sank again. "You think you have any choice now, and it's not bad for a body like you that Ling family wants you."

"I don't want to," Nangong Huang suddenly cried. He grabbed Nangong Ruihe's clothes and shouted, "I don't want to marry Ling Yuchun."

Nangong Ruihe frowned and looked at Nangong Huang who was crying like a child somewhat soft-hearted, but she couldn't answer him.

Not wanting to hear him cry again, Nangong Ruihe directly clicked on his sleeping spot.

Nangong Huang was unguarded and fainted with tears.

Looking at the face exactly the same as the old queen phoenix, Nangong Ruihe could not bear to wipe out the tears in the corner of his eyes.

Both children looked like him, both dead and dead. She shouldn't have let him go to the heavens at first, maybe there wasn't so much.

The waiter was asked to change the wedding gown for Nangong Huang. Nangong Ruihe personally sent him to the Ling family's sedan.

When Nangong Sakura knew, Huajiao had already left the imperial city.

Thinking of Nangong Huang's stubborn face, Nangong Ying whispered a low curse, and couldn't care less about it, and quickly turned to chase.

The mother queen was getting more and more confused, knowing that he had such a temper, even dare to send him to the sedan.

Outside the imperial city, a gorgeous flower sedan was rushing towards the southeast.

Nangong Huang woke up and found herself in the sedan chair, suddenly panicked, and quickly wanted to go out, but found that the car door was locked.

"Let me out, let me out ..." Nangong Huang didn't know where he was, and patted the car door anxiously, but no matter how he shouted, people outside didn't seem to hear it, and he didn't react at all. .

The door was useless, and Nangong Huang began to hit the car again, but he knelt for a few days without dripping water. It was a bit of strength now, let alone hit the car door, not even the car shake.

After a while of frustration, Nangong Huang was completely desperate. He stared blankly at the front, thinking about Bai Ruyue's appearance.

He couldn't wait for her, what's a pity is that he couldn't help her.

The tears in his eyes slipped unknowingly, and Nangong Huang silently pumped out the golden silk jade.

No matter it is his heart or his people, it is her, and it can only be her.

Nangong Huang closed her eyes and inserted the jade pupa into her heart.

The tear-like pain struck, and Nangong Huang suddenly felt that his heart was relaxed.

He is finally free, he can go to her, he will stay by her and protect her for life.

The sedan car slammed to the ground, with a bang, the car door was split.

Nangong Sakura saw that crooked inside, with Nangong Huang in jade in her chest, her face turned pale.

The people around the palace carrying the sedan chair were all scared and terrified. The five princes committed suicide by themselves, and they must all be buried.

Even the Ling family was all embarrassed, and Ling Yuchun, wearing a bridal attire, was at a loss.

She knew he was unwilling. She thought that as long as they worshiped and entered the cave, everything would be fine, but he did not expect him to be so determined.

She really likes him. Why is he not willing to give her a chance?

"Huanger!" Nangong Ying shook her hands and held up Nangong Huang.

Nangong Huang had completely lost consciousness, Nangong Ying slaps his face in shock immediately, "Huanger, can't sleep, Ru Yue is still waiting for you."

It seemed that when he heard Bai Ruyue's name, Nangong Huang frowned, but failed to open his eyes.

Nangong Ying frowned and continued to pat his face and shouted, "Wake up soon, Ru Yue is pregnant. She is waiting for you. Do you have the heart to see that she has children all her life?"

Ling Yuchun on the side heard this, and she suddenly took a step forward.

It turned out that ...

"Ruyue ..." Nangong Sakura's words worked, Nangong Huang opened her eyes and looked at Nangong Sakura incredibly.

Nangong Ying was crying with joy, and hugged Nangong Huang, "Phoenix, you must insist, the emperor will save you."

As if motivated to live, Nangong Huang held Nangong Ying's hand and murmured, "Child ..."

Nangong Ying nodded with tears. "The child is okay. It is said that it is twins or Ruyue, so you must hold on. You will meet."

Nangong Ying said, while holding him on the horse, he flew back towards the imperial city.

Hearing that Bai Ruyue had a child or twins, Nangong Huang's eyes slipped into tears again.

He was sorry for her, he was almost, he almost lost them forever.

Nangong Sakura dashed all the way and rushed directly into the Royal Palace Hospital.

"Come, come and see him."

A dozen or so doctors gathered around and saw the five princes immediately. He immediately healed, checked the veins, and checked the wounds.

"How's it going?" Seeing Nangong Huang's consciousness became increasingly unclear, Nangong Ying was anxious.

Yizheng Mu Su immediately bowed, "Yu Zhen penetrated into the heart veins, and the position is extremely accurate. If he pulls out the jade lotus heart, he may hurt his heart veins, if not, it is also very dangerous.

Nangong Ying frowned and squeezed her fist tightly.

He is a medical student. If he wants to die, it must be extremely accurate. This is bad, no matter if he pulls or does not pull, there is a danger of life.

"Protect ... heart ..."

Nangong Huang murmured silently when the crowd was at a loss.

"What?" Nangong Sakura leaned over and pressed his ears to his lips.

"Protect ... heart ..."

Heart protection?

What Nangong Ying thought of flashed brightly, "You said Xinxin Dan!"

"Protect ... heart ... dan ..." Nangong Huang muttered again.

The surrounding doctors heard the words "Huoxindan", and all of them had bright eyes.

"If you have a heart protector, you can really ensure that you won't break your heart."

"But a life-saving panacea like Huxindan, I'm afraid it won't be found for a while."

Nangong Ying frowned. At this time she thought of the beaver. Now if she is here, she will be able to cure Huanger.

However, now that Xiaoxiao is in chaos, and Zixiao is far away from the barley, even if she is willing to come over, she is afraid that the distant water cannot save the near fire.

"Wood ... Ke ..."

Nangong Huang finally said two words, and then completely fainted.

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