Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1051: Nangong Sakura and Snow Aya

After a three-day storm, Xue Yuen Long finally broke through Mindu's garrison and went straight to Shengjing.

Chiyan Hall.

"Report, the army of Zixiao has arrived outside the city of Shengjing."

Shangguan Xiao's face was suddenly pale, and now the eyes full of calculations were now confused and helpless.

The **** smiled, he directly picked up Shangguan Xiao and flew out.

The soldier outside the screen saw Shang Guanxiao being taken away, and he was dumbfounded. It took him a while to return to God and hurried out: "The emperor has been robbed, please **** him!"

The **** ignored the guards in the palace, took Shangguanxiao as a shield, and went all the way to the holy capital.

"Your emperor is here, open the gate to me!" Bai Tan directly trembled against Shangguanxiao's neck with a trench, yelling at the dumb-eyed defenders.

"Don't drive!" Shang Guanxiao shouted before the defenders returned to God.

The **** had a black line, and it was unreliable to catch an emperor who was not afraid of death. If she could not carry him, she would definitely not give him a solution. After all, an emperor who was unable to speak was much more adorable than a talker.

"Open the gates fast, otherwise your emperor's head will open."

The **** snarled again. This time the trenches were inserted directly into Shangguanxiao's throat. The blood of Yin Hong was running down his neck. For the first time, Shangguanxiao felt that death was so close to himself.

He didn't speak again this time. He knew that this woman would really kill him. He was in a high position all his life, but he was still afraid of death.

Those defenders had no choice but to open the gates.

Shang Guanxiao closed her eyes in pain, and it was over, Chi Lie was over.

Xue Yuen Long led the Xiaoxiao Army into the Shengjing City, and besieged the Red Guards.

The beaver, against Shangguanxiao, swept at the helpless soldiers and said with a smile: "What else to watch, surrender. You don't want your emperor to die."

"No surrender!" Shang Guanxiao blushed, suddenly yelling without fear of death.

Now that he has fallen into the hands of this woman, I am afraid that even if they surrender, he will not be able to live. In this case, it is better to fight for it, even if he dies, there is still Shangguan Ming, Chi Lie always has hope .

"White City Lord!"

Yan Hongtian and Hubbark sang Shangguan Ming from left to right and flew to the city wall.


Seeing Shang Guanming, who was also held hostage on the city wall, Shang Guanxiao was completely in despair.

It ’s over, it ’s really over.

"It's just the time!"

The **** raised his lips with excitement and glanced gratefully at Yan Hongtian and Hubbark.

Sure enough, they were desperate and wanted to come to the holy heaven to be safe.

The soldiers guarding the city of Chilie saw that their emperor and prince were all abducted, and they all dropped their arms in despair.

Soon, the Zixiao Army controlled all the descendants of Chilie.


At the same time, Huaiyi battlefield.

The General Office of General Chilie received an urgent report from the change of the capital of Sheng Jing. Where can there be any conflict of thoughts, he will immediately withdraw his troops and return to China.

But before they started to retreat, a group of soldiers and horses rushed over to the front.

"Who is coming?"

He couldn't see who was on the line, and asked Zhong Ting tremblingly.

After all, he just got such an urgent report, fearing that no matter which side of the soldiers and horses, it is unlikely that they will be red soldiers.

The visitor didn't answer, a silver light flashed in the dust and mist, and before the Zhong Ting had time to see anything, he was pierced with an arrow.

Zhong Ting stared at him, and he fell off immediately, until he died, who did not understand who killed him?

When the general general died, the stubborn Ma immediately panicked.

Even the people over Qingyu were panicked by the soldiers and horses who suddenly came over.

On the city wall, Xue Qingyu and Guan Chao stared at the flying dust momentarily.

Are they Prince Edward and General Bai?

The dust continued to advance, and soon the one who rushed to the front appeared in front of everyone.

is her!

The moment she saw Nangong Sakura, Xue Qingyu's restless heart calmed down instantly.

"Mother Qing Qing!"

"It is Her Royal Highness!"

At the moment of seeing Nangong Sakura, the red soldiers and the blue soldiers were shocked. Of course, the red soldiers were more flustered than the green soldiers. After all, their general was just killed. Women are afraid that the visitor is not good, at least for Chi Lie.

Nangong Sakura rushed down to Huaiyi City, first glanced at Xue Qingyu on the city wall and saw that he seemed okay. Then he breathed a sigh of relief before sweeping to the young soldiers. "All the young soldiers stop orders! "

Nangong Sakura's scream of applause made the young soldiers fighting at the battle a little hesitant.

The three emperor girls, Nangong Qu, heard the order of Nangong Ying, and immediately dissatisfied. "What does the emperor mean? The mother emperor asked us to attack the city, not to stop us."

Nangong Sakura's eyes lighted, and she raised her hand and threw a slap against Nangong Qu's face, "When is Your Highness speaking, is it your turn to intervene?"

When Nangong Qu was crooked, he almost fell off immediately.

"Nangong Sakura, you defy the imperial edict, dare to do it, believe it or not, I can chop you now." With this great shame, where can Nangong Qu can stand, if you take out the sword from your waist, you will have to cut Nangong Sakura. Before her shot, Nangong Sakura's sword reached her neck.

"His Royal Highness is not up to you, it's not up to you." Nangong Ying glanced at her coldly, and she immediately stunned.

Soon, Nangong Qu was captured by Nangong Ying.

Seeing Nangong Qu captured, those soldiers who dared to disobey, stopped and stood aside.

Seeing that Qingye stopped fighting, Zixiao soldiers also collected weapons with interest.

Guan Chao on the city wall looked at everything that happened underneath, and suddenly felt a little puzzled.

How is this going? Why does the green maiden help them?

Just when Guan Chao was unknown, Nangong Ying pointed a little toe and flew up the wall.

Zixiao soldier immediately raised his bow and arrow alertly, Xue Qingyu immediately raised his hand to stop.

Nangong Ying flew in front of Xue Qingyu, pulling him nervously to check, "Are you all right, aren't you hurt?"

Xue Qing smiled and shook her head, lovingly stroked her face and said, "Did she not embarrass you?"

Feeling the concern of Xue Qingyu, Nangong Ying had a sour nose, shook her head silently, and flung him into his arms, "worrying me."

Since she knew he was pregnant, she hadn't slept peacefully for a day.

Xue Qingxi also hugged Nangong Sakura tightly, and nodded lightly in her forehead.

This really feels like holding people in your arms.

The sudden intimacy of the two people instantly made all the soldiers up and down dumbfounded.

The soldiers of Qingying were aggressive: What's going on? How could Her Royal Highness be with the other's general?

The soldiers in Zixiao were in joy: It was great. It turned out that this young lady was the man of their general Snow. Where would this battle be fought?

The Red Soldiers were all ashamed: this time it was settled, Zixiao and Qingyu were united, and they had no life at all.

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