Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1056: Mo Beichen's life and death are unknown

Zuo Yutao frowned. "What should I do?"

Murong shook his head silently, and he didn't know what to do now. If cousin Taner knew, how worried should be that something happened to Mo Beichen.

The two stayed for a while, Zuo Yutao tried, but the end result was still the same.

The two waited from dark to dawn on the peak, and no one came up below, until the soldiers came to search, and the two returned to the large army.

"How about? Mo Beichen?" Liyang Bingwei wrapped in a big salamander and hugged the child to greet him.

Zuo Yutao shook his head calmly.

Murong Ye also turned dark and didn't say a word.

Liyang Bingwei was suddenly surprised, what happened? Is something wrong with Mo Beichen? What can I do now?

A group of people were so stiff, only to find that Mr. Zuo had run away.

Zuo Yutao's face was awkward and embarrassed. Murong Yu didn't hold much of it. According to the cultivation of the old man, I am afraid that they will run with him. Unless Mo Beichen is always there, they must not look his.

Thinking of Mo Beichen, Murong Xu was worried again.

There is no bottom in the bottom. He looks like that again. I wonder if it will happen?

On the same day, Murong Yu asked Vice Admiral Beiyang to lead a large army out of the snowy ice field, and he continued to search Mo Beichen with a group of soldiers in the snow mountain.

He wanted to find a way to the bottom of the peak, but went the wrong way and entered the snowy maze, so not only did they not find the way to the bottom of the peak, they got lost.

"What can we do? It's going to be dark again, and if we can't find a way out, we will all freeze to death here." A soldier rubbed his arms and said bitterly.

Murong Yu also frowned, and it wasn't so cold at first, but it seemed to get colder as she walked away, and now it was getting dark, it was even colder.

"Look again and see if there is a way to go out."

Murong Yan said he was the first to pull the stable to find his way, but before the horse took a few steps, he heard a sound of horseshoes.

Listening to a sound that wasn't too far away, Murong Xuan was instantly overjoyed, and immediately rushed towards the sound of the horse's hoof with a horse's belly, "Follow me, and follow the horse's hoof."

Everyone heard the words and immediately followed them.

The horse's hoof sound was getting closer, and suddenly the horse's hoof sound stopped abruptly, but Murong Yu didn't stop, and continued to run forward in that direction.

Bypassing the Xuefeng, Murong Yu finally led a team of soldiers out of the snowy maze.

The front entrance seemed as if someone was waiting for them on a horse.

"Who is it?" Murong Yue slowed down and yelled at the other party.

"My cousin?" The opposite soon answered, but Murong Yan was very familiar.

"Cousin Tanuki!"

Murong Xi was overjoyed and hurried out.

"It's really you, how did you run into the maze?" Seeing Murong Ye's look, Baitan raised her eyebrows in amazement. She heard the noise of the hoofed horseshoes before, and she stopped, not expecting it to be them.

Murong Yu's face was stiff, and she looked at Baijue with guilt, but she didn't know how to talk to her about Mo Beichen.

"Is there something wrong with Mo?" How smart was Baitan, she had a bad hunch originally, and now she was more anxious to see the expression of Murong Yu.

"You know?" Murong looked at Baiju in surprise, but she didn't expect to know so soon.

The **** immediately panicked when he heard, "He really has something wrong? What's wrong with him?"

Murong frowned and told the **** carefully what had happened before.

Hearing that Mo Beichen was seriously injured and fell on the cliff, Bai Tan suddenly turned white, and immediately rushed to the top of the mountain like a horse.

"Cousin Tanuki!"

Murong Yu immediately followed him, but when he reached the summit, all he saw was the red shadow jumping off the cliff.

"Cousin Tanuki!"

Murong Yu was so horrified that he rushed to the edge of the cliff, but only saw the white snow.

Murong Yan fell to the ground with a look of defeat, and when it was over, even his cousin had an accident. What a good thing to do now.

Murong Yu tangled for a while, and leapt down with a gritted tooth.

You can't climb this, you can always fall.

In front of it, Baijue kept running Xuanli, accelerating his falling speed.

The cliff was nowhere near the bottom, and after a full cup of tea fell, Baiju finally saw the bottom of the peak.

On the white snow, the two bodies were unusually noticeable.

The **** suffocated and his heart trembled uncontrollably.

"Boom", the **** slammed into the snowdrift, she climbed up suddenly, and fixedly looked at the two corpses not far away.

After a while, it was a snorting sound again. Murong Xu fell to the snowdrift, only to feel that his whole body's bones had fallen apart.

He got up hard and saw the corpse on the snow in front of him, and immediately hesitated.

Is Mo Beichen and that silver face?

Murong Yi stood up and hurried over to check.

The corpse was incomplete, and it was all torn apart. Mo Beichen's head was still missing.

Murong looked at Mo Beichen's body blankly and regretted it. If he jumped down at the time, it would be different.

The **** with red eyes, stepped to the corpse step by step, and began to examine the corpse seriously. She wasn't shy, took off the clothes of the corpse, and examined them little by little.

Murong Yan looked at the **** who was calm on his face, but his fingers trembled, her heart pounding.

She is also afraid, but she still has a glimmer of hope, but this person may not be Mo Beichen or maybe, after all, the body's head is gone.

Murong Yu thought, and went to inspect the body of the silver-faced man.

Compared to Mo Beichen, the silver-faced man's body is relatively complete, but he still lacks a left arm and a right foot. Looking at the marks on the wound, it looks like he was bitten by some beast.

Murong Yan's silver mask on those silver-faced people's faces, a black face suddenly appeared in front of him.

Murong Yan frowned gently, but never expected that this person's face would be destroyed like this, let alone the overall appearance, which burned so much that it couldn't even see where the eyes and nose were.

Not seeing any useful information, Murong Yan raised his eyes, and saw Baitan staring blankly, holding the corpse's hand.

Looking at the insignificant mole at the corpse's tiger's mouth, the **** shed tears, and couldn't help sliding down.

Murong Su stayed at the sight, was the corpse real ...

For a moment, Murong Yu also wanted to cry sadly.

Bai Tan glanced at Murong Yan's corpse that was burned to the face, and her heart was even more sad.

She stood up stupidly and shouted at the soaring snow-capped mountains, "Mo Beichen, where are you?"

After hearing the **** shouting "Mo Beichen", Murong Su stayed for a second, and now he couldn't figure it out.

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