Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1060: Three years of change

Bu Yangzi smiled with relief: "This is the result of your own efforts."

It is also the talent of this girl. If you change to another person, let alone stay for three years, even for thirty years, you may not be able to reach the **** level.

Elder Yuan aside laughed and said, "I didn't expect that the first **** step of our Fengshen Academy turned out to be your girl. You can compare us old guys."

Beaver scratched his head suddenly, embarrassingly, "Whereever Uncle Yuan said, I just got the benefit of this fabulous fairyland. Without this fabulous fairyland, I would be nothing but Bailing."

Elder Tu also laughed, "Do n’t be humble, Bai Girl, you go to the **** stage earlier than your master. I'm afraid this old guy will be dazzling."

Bu Yangzi heard his words and immediately raised his eyebrows proudly, "That is, my apprentice has become the first **** of this cloudscape continent, and it must be shining on my old face."

"What's going on with this Suzaku divine bird?" Elder Su watched with interest the fire phoenix beside Baiju.

The **** smiled and touched Suzaku's fire feather, "I don't know too well, just got it."

Many people know about the Suzaku mark on her back, but no one should associate this Suzaku with the mark on her back.

In fact, A Mo was interested in the pattern on her back, she already suspected that the pattern should be related to her mother's family. There is also a blue dragon totem on A Mo's shoulder. It should be able to be unblocked just like her Suzaku pattern.

All these secrets, she will go to find out that place.

"Wow, this is the ancient animal Suzaku. You girl is so lucky." Elder Yuan said enviously, and he wanted to reach out to touch it, but before he touched Suzaku's feathers, a ball of fire turned towards him. He sprayed over.

Elder Yuan was frightened and quickly took a step back.

The **** also quickly reached out to **** back the fireball, and stared at Suzaku with a warning eye, "No mischief."

Suzaku turned his head proudly, and snorted hotly at Elder Yuan, but never sprayed him with fire again.

Elder Yuan smiled and said that the tiger's buttocks could not be touched. He couldn't touch the fur of Suzaku's beast.

Bu Yangzi took a meaningful look at the Suzaku demon beast, and immediately thought of something.


"City Lord!"

Xie Kun, Yu Chongjin and Qin Tian all came forward to salute.

Immediately afterwards, the holy people and college disciples returned to God, and they all bowed down to salute.

"See the Lord!"

"See Master Sister!"

No matter what the identity of the **** is at this moment, it is enough for her to worship on her own. This is also the respect of Yunjing mainland to the supreme martial artist.

"Let's get up." Baitan picked up two people nearby and looked at the crowd. "Let's go down and talk."

The crowd stood side by side, letting the **** come forward.

The **** was sweating coldly, and the master was in front of her.

She immediately bowed down and asked Bu Yangzi and Rui to go. Elder Yuan walked forward, but she was one step behind, and they came together with Xie Kun and Huo Bin.

"Is everything all right in the city?"

Beaver asked, looking at the people following him.

Xie Kun smiled at each other and said, "It's all right. We in Yufu are quite capable."

The **** raised his eyebrows and looked at Yu Zhongjin admiringly, "Thanks to you for so many years."

Yu Chongjin immediately arched his hand, "Everywhere the Lord of the City speaks, it should be."

The party went down to the top of the mountain, and the **** first returned to Fengshen College.

"Master is out!"

"Master Sister is back!"

When the disciples of the college saw the beavers, they all crowded like crazy.

The **** looked at the unfamiliar faces, seemed a little overwhelmed, smiled and nodded at the disciples, and followed Bu Yangzi to the Tianji Peak.

"Those are new disciples?"

The **** habitually poured cups of tea for Bu Yangzi and Rui.

Bu Yangzi nodded. "Just one year after that, those disciples who came with you before have all graduated."

The **** lowered his eyes in a stunned way. I didn't expect that in just three years, it was a misunderstanding.

I remember when she first arrived in the yellow character class, she still remembers it very well. I didn't expect that she didn't even say hello to them, so she just disappeared.

Seeing her mind, Bu Yangzi laughed: "The disciples who followed you were all promoted to Lan Chenfeng. Although they all graduated a year ago, I heard that they all stayed in Shengtian City."

The white raccoon's eyes lightened, "So it is."

"I heard that he disappeared. Are you looking for him?" Rui and his party, who had not spoken, said suddenly.

As the smile on the beaver's lips stiffened, his bright eyes instantly darkened.

Bu Yangzi frowned. "What happened that year?"

She suddenly ran back to retreat three years ago, and he knew that something must have happened. Later, he went to check it and realized that Mo was missing.

In the past three years, the Moxue Kingdom, the Zixiao Kingdom, and the Qingying Kingdom, including the Holy City and their Fengshen Academy, were all looking for him, but he disappeared out of thin air without any news.

The **** was silent for a moment, and then told what happened three years ago to Bu Yangzi and Rui and his party.

The two thought about the place at the same time.

After the three were silent for a while, Bu Yangzi frowned. "Where are you going?"

"Amo is there, I must go and get him back." Baitan said firmly.

Bu Yangzi and Rui looked at each other and nodded in silence.

Fortunately, this girl has reached the **** level, where she is obviously more suitable for her now than Yunjing.

Farewell to Bu Yangzi and Rui and his party, the **** returned to Shengtian City.

"City Lord!"

Xie Kun, Huo Bin, Yu Chongjin and Qin Tian all waited at the gate of the city.

Compared with three years ago, today's Shengtian City is obviously more prosperous and has more people. Everyone lives and works in peace, and everyone's face is filled with happy smiles.

"Citylord, come back!"

"Citylord, you're finally out!"

"Master, we miss you so much!"

Everyone flocked to the beaver, and the **** was also very friendly to people who knew him, and greeted people they didn't know.

"Citylord, this is our own pumpkin!"

"City lord, this basket of eggs is for you."

The people are still so enthusiastic, Xie Kun and they have n’t been able to get anything in their hands before they reach the city's main house. Fortunately, Cao Yue even brought someone to the rescue.

"Thank you!"

"thank you all!"

The **** nodded his thanks to the people all the way.

"Citylord, do you have to retreat in the future?"

"Citylord, don't go back this time."

The expectations of the people directly made the beaver's forehead sweat.

"It's all gone, the city owner is tired and needs to rest."

Looking at the embarrassed beaver, Xie Kun and they immediately embraced her into the city's main mansion.

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