Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1062: Children of Bai Family

"Your kid is fast."

The **** laughed and joked about Nangong Huang. They were the youngest of them, but it was the first result of the two of them. It was one child after another. Depending on the size of this belly, it should be that the twins did not run. Already.

Nangong Huang was flushed with shame. In fact, when she saw how hard she was born, he didn't want her to have a second child, but she couldn't hold back her mother and mother's begging. Ru Yue himself was willing, so he ...

It turned out that after the Empress Dowager Qing became the Emperor, she ignored the affairs of the government, and all day long Han Han got grandchildren, but their royal son was young, Nangong Huang married to Baifu, and the children followed the Bai surname.

The Queen of Qingyi originally wanted to grasp that Yu would change her family name to Nangong, but Niu Yu was the first lady of the Bai family, and the second wife and Bai Tingan did not agree with her life or death. One child, both male and female, is from her Nangong house.

"Come, Master Hug!"

Beaver picked up two small buns in one hand.

Listening to Bai Jue's self-proclaimed master, Bai Ru suddenly dropped a row of black lines on his monthly amount.

"Look at this little face, it's exactly like your father." Baitan took a sip on the side of both buns with a smile.

No wonder that the queen mother-in-law has to have a baby again and again, who doesn't like such a cute little bun.

"Did your father regret it?" Bai Tan held two buns and looked at Bai Ruyue proudly, looking like a successful plan.

Bai Ruyue also smiled proudly, "No, chasing Huai Jin all day and holding Yu, even Chang doesn't care much."

When Nangong Huang came to Baifu three years ago, she seemed to be dreaming.

People in the government learned of his identity and finally believed what the elder sister said. The identity of the child's father was indeed extremely honorable.

After Nangong Ying became the Empress of the Qing Dynasty, she personally went to Zixiao to host the wedding. The younger brother of the Empress of the Qing Dynasty married to Baifu, and the Baifu became more powerful. People in the imperial city were envious. Before, The people who laughed at her and said nothing to her stopped talking, and some even came to Baifu to apologize to her.

The father also regretted it, but it was too late. She was already a long-room man. She and Nangong Huang were also married in Xifu. Even after the birth of the two buns, they only called him the second grandfather. The words were harsh, reminding him at all times how stupid he was.

"Changer belongs to the eldest brother's family?" Bai Tan asked, raising her eyebrows. She remembered that Xunzi was pregnant three years ago.

Bai Ruyue smiled and nodded, "Well, Changer is only four months younger than Huai Jin."

Several people were talking, the second lady here, Bai Yihan, Qi Ziling, Bai Ruxuan, and they all ran over when they got the news.

"The raccoon is back!"


When the second lady came over, the **** immediately put down the child and bowed.

The second lady kindly dragged the **** to look around and saw that she was a lot thinner, and she was distressed and said, "Look, it's all thin."

"Where is it?" Baitan raised her arm with a smile. "I'm solid."

"Big brother, big sister." Beaver smiled and looked at Bai Yihan and Qi Ziling again.

Compared with Bai Ruyue and Nangong Huang, the two are more mature, especially the older brother, who also have a mustache and have a stable homeownership.

Bai Yihan looked at Bai Tan's different temperament, and suddenly his eyes brightened, "You are promoted to the **** level."

Beaver smiled embarrassedly: "Coincidentally broke the order of heaven."

"This is a good thing from heaven." Bai Yihan was immediately excited. Grandfather hadn't been promoted for so long. The girl Tanci was really talented. This cloudscape continent estimates that she is the first person to truly enter the **** stage.

Bai Ruyue stared blankly at Baiju, "The older sister has been promoted to the rank of God, and you happened to be too great."

Everyone laughed when they heard everything, and Baiju poked her head politely. This girl was a mother, and she was so funny.

Looking at the little boy beside Qi Ziling, Baitan immediately crouched down and squeezed his small face with joy. "This is Changer, it's so cute."

This child looks exactly like the older brother. Although he is actually a few months younger than Huai Jin, he looks older than Huai Jin in terms of face shape and height.

Without waiting for Qi Ziling, Chang'er respectfully made a slap at the beaver, "Good aunt."

Watching the little bun doing the action of an adult, the **** immediately laughed.

She finally knew why the second uncle would rather chase Huai Jin and hold Yu than chase the child. This child not only looks like the elder brother, but even his temperament follows the elder brother. I am afraid that it is not the second uncle who chased the child, it is Changer Not on the second uncle.

After Baili said hello one by one, he noticed Bai Ruxuan standing beside.

Counting her age, she should be stubborn. A girl of the same age and a beautiful flower, though she is still childish, has a bright appearance, which is even more beautiful than the three ladies of that year.

"big sister!"

Bai Ruxuan wasn't unfamiliar, she had been courteous to the beavers, more quiet and tender than when she was a child.

"Yueer come!" After the ceremony, Bai Ruxuan beckoned to the timid little boy.

The **** blinked blankly and looked at the boy who was about the same age as Changer as if silly.

what's the situation? Isn't Xiao Xuan'er giving birth to a child? This is impossible.

Bai Ruxuan gently caressed the child's head and introduced to Baiju: "This is Yueer, it is left by the second sister."

The **** suddenly froze.

Is it Bai Ruoyu? Isn't that the blue prince?

Baitan carefully looked at the child's eyebrows, and dimly saw Bai Ruoyu's shadow. The child looked like her, but rarely could she see Pu Yangxu.

The **** squatted down and squeezed the child's flesh. "Your name is Yueer?"


The child acknowledged something, but nodded.

"Auntie." Baitan chuckled, and continued to coax him.


"Good!" Bai Tan rubbed his head softly, "Your aunt teaches you very well. When the aunt is busy, will you come back and teach you martial arts?"

Yue Er's eyes brightened, and the chicken nodded like a peck of rice.

"I want to learn too!"

"I also want!"

Huai Jin grasped Yu and hugged his thigh immediately.

Even Chang'er looked at the **** eagerly, as if waiting for the **** to let him learn together.

"Okay, learn!" Baitan quickly patted their heads and said, "Wait your teacher is busy, will you come back and start a pediatric class?"

"Good!" Huai Jin immediately raised his hand.

She also ran to touch Bai Ruyue's belly and said, "Both my brother and sister learn!"

Beaver immediately responded with a smile, "Let's learn from the children of the Bai family!"

"This villain is fine." Everyone laughed.

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