Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1071: Big trouble

Inside the **** was exploring Murong Xuefei, but the more she looked, the more ugly she was.

"Xueer!" Leng Yihan rushed into the room without notice, and rushed to the bed. He just wanted to see Murong Xuefei's situation, and was punched hard.

Leng Yihan bounced subconsciously and was about to have an attack, but when he saw the beaver, he suddenly felt guilty and said, "Why are you here?"

The **** was glaring at Leng Yihan, and he punched again without saying a word, slamming it in the past.

Leng Yihan shivered, fell directly to the ground, and did not resist, so he was stung by the beaver.

Hearing the house movement, several maids ran in.

"Master?" Everyone was taken aback when they looked at the cold and cold Han who was savagely beaten.

"Who are you? Let go of our young master." A pretty maid yelled at the **** and went to help cold and cold, but before she got closer, they were pushed out.

"Master?" The maid looked at Leng Yihan incredulously, unable to understand his behavior.

"Go out!"

Leng Yihan was expressionless and ordered without raising his head.

The maid in the room looked at each other and hesitated for a while and then retreated together.

When Lan Yuyu ran in, the two stopped playing.

Lan Yanyu looked at Leng Yihan's unrecognizable face, and couldn't help but swallow.

Bai Shimei really is not a vegetarian, he knows that there will be such a day sooner or later, the key is to meet Murong Yan later, I am afraid it will be even worse.

"That's all friends. You calm down and sit down for a cup of tea first." Lan Yanyu looked at the **** charmingly and pulled her to the table.

"Who is a friend with him?" Baitan shakes off Lan Yanyu's hand, and her angry eyes stare at Leng Yihan from beginning to end.

Leng Yihan calmed his face without saying a word.

Lan Yanyu was embarrassed. He glanced sympathetically at the cold and cold, and wanted to explain two sentences for him, but he couldn't say a word after all.

The three stood in silence, and no one spoke.

For a long while, Leng Yihan looked at Murong Xuefei who was unconscious on the bed and said, "What happened to her?"

Why do you feel faint?

"Is she dizzy?" Jing Leng Yihan reminded Lan Lanyu that she noticed Murong Xuefei's situation and she was going to take her pulse immediately.

"Don't touch her!" The raccoon pushed him away before Lan Yuyu approached.

"I just look at her." Lan Yanyu blinked aggrievedly, and he was not malicious, what was she doing?

The **** ignored the aggrieved eyes of Lan Yanyu, and directly held Murong Xuefei and left.

"What do you want to do?" Leng Yihan, who had been standing by the side, immediately stepped forward to stop the beaver.

The **** stared coldly and coldly, "Give me away!"

"Don't think about it, don't want anyone to take her away." Leng Yihan squinted his eyes narrowly and didn't let it go.

He could let her hit and slap casually, but it was impossible to take her away.

The beaver's anger rose instantly, and her eyes were red and glaring at cold and cold, and she was about to erupt.

Looking at the two black and red flames on both of them, Lan Yanyu swallowed saliva immediately and came forward and said, "Do n’t do this, you are all friends, everyone has something to say."

"If you are a friend, please show me her favor." The white raccoon sent Murong Xuefei directly to Lan Yanyu's arms, and then hit Leng Yihan.

Receiving Leng Yihan's murderous look, Lan Yuyu immediately seemed to be hot potato, neither holding nor putting.

The **** was really angry, she was not polite, she just pulled out Fengming Sword and cut it towards Leng Yihan.

Before Baili started, Leng Yihan didn't fight back, but this time she was going to take Murong Xuefei. Where can he bear it, he drew a sword and greeted him.

Both men went all out and left nothing behind.

Lan Yanyu looked frightened and anxious, but she couldn't help it.

The **** is usually quite reasonable. Is it cold and cold and what did she do that just made her ignore it?

But now she wants to take Murong Xuefei, it is impossible. You must know that Murong Xuefei is cold and cold, how could he let her be taken away.

The two hit from outside the house without using mystery, as if they were fighting with swords.

Lan Yanyu immediately held Murong Xuefei and followed the house, watching the two people who were inextricably separated, and they were in a hurry.

It's over, such a big move will definitely alarm others.

Lan Yuyu had just finished thinking, and a sound of surprise sounded behind him.

"Oh, what's wrong?"

Wen Xin frowned, and looked at the two men in the yard with great interest, very gloating.

Lan Yanyu glanced at her, and frowned even more.

"Yu Yu? Why are you here?"

Leng Yuchun, who followed him, looked at Lan Yanyu and Murong Xuefei, who was faint in his arms, eyes full of doubt.

"Uncle." Lan Yanyu called, but didn't explain anything.

Leng Yuchun frowned and looked at Bai Tan and Leng Yihan. When he wanted to ask something, he saw that Mr. Leng was in a hurry.

Seeing Father Leng coming, Lan Yuyu was even more disturbed.

It was over, and Grandpa Leng was also recruited.

Father Leng looked at the **** against Leng Yihan, his eyes flashed with surprise.

It's this girl, but she has a good skill. No wonder Lan Yetian wants to keep her, but what's going on when she runs into Lengfu this night?

"So lively!"

Leng Zhuoyu gasping, Dang Erlang came in from outside.

Followed by a very dissatisfied Leng Yuewu, "This night, it was so noisy that it didn't let people sleep."

Father Leng immediately said unpleasantly, "No one asked you to come out, and rolled back if you were too noisy."

Leng Yuewu's face froze, and suddenly it was ugly to the extreme, and she was so annoyed, but she didn't dare to talk back, and could only look at Leng Yuchun and Wen Xin with an aggrieved look.

Leng Yuchun frowned at Leng Lewu, not only was he not comforted, he also had a warning in his eyes.

However, Wen Xin's face was distressed and aggrieved. Although she was a successor, she was also a legitimate wife. This old man wouldn't even consider her a wife-in-law. . The same are all bitches, why is the old man so eccentric.

In the middle of the courtyard, the two have reached a feverish level. Although the two's sword moves are not from one door, they are both first-class, but they are somewhat difficult to distinguish.

Father Leng looked carefully at Baiju's sword moves for a while, only to find her sword count very familiar.


Seeing the two had no intention of stopping, Father Leng finally sang.

The two looked at each other, and Leng Yihan closed the sword first.

Beaver then stowed Feng Mingjian, walked to Father Leng, and bowed: "Fei Shen disciple, Beaver, meet Dean Leng!"

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