Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1073: Love Quotes

The **** directly held Murong Xuefei back to the Blue House. Actually, she didn't want to go back to the Blue House again. In the end, Blue House is more secure.

"What the **** is going on?" After the **** settled on Murong Xuefei, Lan Yanyu finally spoke.

"Dizzy." Baitan explained, and then she took out an elixir from her arms and fed it to Murong Xuefei.

Lan Yanyu rolled her eyes and went to the bed and said, "I know she's dizzy. I asked her why she's dizzy?"

Baitan raised his eyes and glanced at Lan Yanyu and pulled him out of the room: "Can you tell me now, what happened between them?"

"What's the matter?" Lan Yanyu's eyes blinked.

The **** moved directly over Lan Yuyu's head and just glared at him, "Don't tell me, you don't know why I should hit him?"

They had such a good relationship that she didn't believe he didn't tell him anything.

Seeing Bai Jie being so persistent, Lan Yuyu sighed and waved her hand: "That's what you guessed, he did, but he only did it to help her untie her."

"This beast." The **** grinds his teeth furiously, squeezing his fist tightly, anxious to tear Leng Yihan.

Lan Yanyu swallowed her mouth with guilty guts: "Actually, he didn't do it for himself. You should also know that her relationship has reached the limit. He was also trying to save her ..."

"This is not a reason at all. If he really loves her, he shouldn't hurt him that much." Lan Yuyu was interrupted angrily before he finished his explanation.

Lan Yanyu pursed her lips, "He is also desperate. He can't do that anymore, but if there is a way, he won't do it. The person in the world who doesn't want to hurt her is him."

If he really hurt her, he won't wait until now, he could have been three years ago ...

In the past three years, he has been waiting for her to change his mind. Like the enemies of the previous life, these two people are clearly together and love each other, but in the end they go further and further.

Just half a year ago, Murong Xuefei's condition began to worsen, and he vomited blood every day. Leng Yihan searched all the doctors of God, but no one could solve the problem. He forced her to force her.

The **** frowned, took a deep breath, and pressed down the anger in her heart, "Since he did, why is the emotion in her body still alive?"

According to previous assumptions, if the two had a relationship, they could reintroduce the emotions in Murong Xuefei's body to Leng Yihan's body, so that the emotions in Murong Xuefei's body would be lifted.

Lan Yanyu glanced quietly into the interior and sighed, "I don't know, maybe ... she doesn't love him anymore."

Lan Yanyu's tone was somewhat sad, but also a little distressed and cold.

At the beginning, the method they envisioned would only be useful if they loved each other. Now it fails, except for that explanation, he couldn't think of anything else.

Unexpectedly, the final result turned out to be such a result. He loved her so much and took her as his life, but she was unwilling to forgive him.

Does Xue Fei love cold and cold?

The **** frowned, unwilling to believe Lan Yuyu's words. She knew Murong Xuefei so well. Her heart had given Leng Yihan a long time ago, how could she not love her.

Even if they had tortured each other ever since, she could not have loved him.

"That cold and cold ..." Baitan looked at Lan Yuyu in doubt, did the cold and cold guy have any sequelae?

"He draws in love." Lan Yanyu frowned, sadly.

Originally, he thought he would extradite all her feelings, and thought that if her feelings were removed, she would be sent back to Yunjing. However, only half of them were eventually cited.

When he told him that Murong Xuefei might no longer love him, he still remembers his painful expression at that time.

For him, there is no punishment, heavier than this.

The **** was a little stunned, obviously it was also unexpected that the final result would be like this.

Originally there was only one person in love, but now they are two people in love together. These two people are really the enemies of previous lives.

"However, after Leng Yihan's sentimental affection, her condition was much better than before, and she was in a rush." ​​Thinking that the **** was worried, Lan Yanyu comforted immediately.

The **** raised his eyebrows and took a deep breath. "It's a blessing in misfortune. The two have attracted love, but they will never have to worry about their lives any more. It just becomes two people suffering together."

However, according to their entanglement, even if they don't have this feeling, fear is still painful.

"Go back to sleep, I'll take care of her." Without saying a few words, the white raccoon drove Lan Yuyu directly.

Lan Yanyu stared blankly at the closed door. The woman hadn't changed at all, or she was so unconscience.

Lan Yanyu turned around and saw Leng Yihan standing in the yard.

Lan Yanyu knew that he would come when he had a black line, but the woman's temperament would definitely not let him see anyone.

"how is she?"

Leng Yihan looked worriedly at the closed door.


Lan Yanyu shrugged and dragged Leng Yihan back to her room. "Reassure you, the beaver's woman is so clever in medical skills, she will definitely cure her."

"I don't know how she turned out like that?" Thinking of Murong Xuefei's skinny appearance just now, Leng Yihan covered her face and burst into tears.

Since that time, he has not dared to face her, not because she was afraid of her, or because she hated him, but because of her cold, unemotional eyes.

He was afraid she didn't really love him anymore, so he kept running away from seeing her so much that she was so thin that he didn't know that he was really damned.

Looking at Leng Yihan, Lan Yuyu was uncomfortable. "Don't do this, in fact, you are right."

In fact, he was also a victim. Everything he did was a last resort. He was a kid, he was framed, he was passed on to Murong Xuefei, and even now he was relieved for her. All these things he couldn't control. After all, he is also a poor man.

Leng Yihan vented for a long time, and there was no way Lan Lanyu could comfort him, so he had to give up the room to him.

Here Baiye rushed into Lengfu at night and brought Murong Xuefei back to the blue father's ear soon.

Mr. Lan called him to ask for a while, and then put him back.

The Chu and Mo families also received the news that Baijue broke into Lengfu Night.

The old lady Chu raised her eyebrows with interest. The Lan family robbed their relatives, and the Leng family robbed them. This girl doll had good courage.

At the same time, Mojia Dongyuan.

When the silver face saw the message on the note, they couldn't help but hang their lips, "Wait for three years, and finally you are here."

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